stop with the misconceptions of life for once in your time living as eternally separated in plain sight navigating space occupied here one at a time since specifically conceived to replace your 62 people of your previous 5 generations donating their chromosomes into 96.875% your unique DNA signature since your fertilized cell appeared.
How did I configure those numbers? you and your siblings and cousins, 2 parents their siblings and cousins, 4 grandparents and their siblings and cousins, 8 great grandparents and their siblings and cousins, your 16 great great grandparent siblings, cousins, 32 great great great grandparents, siblings, cousins.
That sequence of events happened since inception of this species, or any other in the food chain native to this atmosphere isolated by the lack of periodic elements between solar systems and galaxies universally here never same total sum details again perpetually balancing now.
I offer specific accounting of reproductions added to this atmosphere where evolving never leaves anything molecular or cellular the same results twice, yet supports everything here now evolving forward uniquely timed apart here in its own "relative" cycle.