Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
4,999 posts
For anyone that has a real interest in seeing the world and its people there are a number of really great inventions. Dependable trail motorcycles that can go almost anywhere, GPS systems that can tell a person where they are anywhere on this planet, with even the dirt roads and forest and jungle trails marked, ATM machines which make it unnecessary for a traveler to carry huge amounts of money, Go Pro cameras and digital recorders that can show the videos made by world travelers where they have gone and what they have seen, and The Internet, where independent world travelers can post their videos with feedback from those who watch them. And all weather clothing and other traveling equipment.
One place, perhaps the best, to look for these is You Tube, and if you do not pay You Tube, there are many fewer ads if you watch these videos on your computer rather than on TV.
MY favorites are Itchy Boots, produced by Noraly Schoenmaker, a cheerful Dutch woman who is presently in Canada on her way to Alaska (she started in Argentina). Charly Sinewan, a Spaniard from Madrid who rides a BMW and I think is presently in Central America, and Soy Tribu. A video series made by Agustín Ostos, who rides another BMW 'Supernova' and investigates different cultures across the world.
Politics is not a major topic of the video of any of these people. But If you want to see what the Carretera de la Muerte (The Highway of Death) is like, or what a miner's life is in Potosi Bolivia, then watch these videos.
It is all more interesting that reading the constant insults of dumbduck and Fox "News" nonsense in this forum.