LOL. Funny you'd mention them. "macho, macho maaaaan... i wanna be, a machoooo man" Or images of their village IDIOT spastically pumping those little fists ("take two...they're small") to "YMCA." Don't the homophobic jackasses even have a clue what those songs are about?Blackvegetable » 24 Sep 2022, 6:53 am » wrote: ↑ If you see it as a fashy gay thing, it makes sense.
Unlike real homosexuals, their passion isn't so much organic/ aesthetic as it is pathological.
Deeply disappointed that their own fathers wouldn't gooseschlepp while bragging about grabbing ******, they have run to the bloated fruit salad for reassurance - that their love for a man in a fake tan and dead rodent atop his empty skull isn't as gay as it appears....
So they march, in lockstep, to The Village People.
I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT YOUR VILLAGE PEOPLE SONG IS ABOUT...WHY DON'T YOU "ENLIGHTEN ME" OH WISE ONE...?B.See » 24 Sep 2022, 8:23 pm » wrote: ↑ LOL. Funny you'd mention them. "macho, macho maaaaan... i wanna be, a machoooo man" Or images of their village IDIOT spastically pumping those little fists ("take two...they're small") to "YMCA." Don't the homophobic jackasses even have a clue what those songs are about?
They are standing in line to get ya!
Oh I "fathom" the sick **** hate filled deluded and deranged twisted MENTALITY of his supporters, bud. As I've said before, there's no low TOO low for THEM.Independent » 24 Sep 2022, 6:46 pm » wrote: ↑ If something seems so hard to fathom, maybe it’s you who is wrong. Has that never crossed your mind?
To be more accurate..what normal, well adjusted people feel for TRUTH HATING LOSERS LIKE YOU is much more PITY and DISGUST than it is HATRED..\B.See » 25 Sep 2022, 4:03 pm » wrote: ↑ Oh I "fathom" the sick **** hate filled deluded and deranged twisted MENTALITY of his supporters, bud. As I've said before, there's no low TOO low for THEM.
The point I'm making is, the fat **** they IDOLIZE is far from WORTHY of it. They'd might as well have pledged their lives to a big heaping bowl of S----------. At least the latter would be of better character.
Even Trump's PRIME ASSKISSER, Lindsey Graham said their lord and master (aka "orange jesus") could kill 50 of them (he's already killed FAR more) and "IT WOULDN'T MATTER."
Lindsey Graham: Trump Could 'Kill 50 on Our Side and It Wouldn't Matter'
No questions, dick sucker.
No questions, dick sucker.Blackvegetable » 24 Sep 2022, 6:07 am » wrote: ↑ Why did all of Grifty's appointees say that the man was a useless lump of ****?
Oh, look - another leftist homophobe.
No questions, dick sucker.
More homophobia. Whooda thunk...
No questions, dick sucker.Blackvegetable » 24 Sep 2022, 6:55 am » wrote: ↑ Do you remember ANY details other than taking ecstacy and dancing til dawn?
No questions, dick sucker.
No questions, dick sucker.
No questions, dick sucker.Blackvegetable » 24 Sep 2022, 7:16 am » wrote: ↑
Why didn't he appoint trusted friends and associates?
No questions, dick sucker.
No questions, dick sucker.