You and your fellow ****, liberal dim-0-craps are the goddamn extremists!!!IkeBana » 26 Sep 2022, 3:59 pm » wrote: ↑ Everybody needs to understand that extremists and mainline Republican politicians, who in fear of losing a primary contest, have allowed themselves to become extremists, when faced with the case of a woman, impregnated by an act of rape, would give a rapist standing in civil court, and parental rights if either or both would be necessary to prevent that woman, pregnant by that same rapist, from having an abortion.
Republican politicians, and those who would support them in the voting booth are some sick ****.
Full List of Republicans and Democrats Facing Sexual Misconduct Scandals (Warning: It's Long) ( » 26 Sep 2022, 8:54 pm » wrote: ↑ I can see why some would want to question or obscure the message of your op, Ike. After all, we're talking the Trump "grab em by the p------" GOP, the Kavanaugh drunken frat boy GOP, the Tennessee GOP who had to be forced to include an age limit in a recent marriage bill they wrote, and the same GOP who, about a decade ago, tried to redefine rape to "forcible" rape, thereby excluding rapes of women with mental impairments, statutory rape, and date rapes where women were either drugged or overly intoxicated. So yeah, sick **** indeed.
We can always depend on **** FUZ to provide off the rails responses to legitimate arguments. Yeah sure FUZ, let's execute the politicians I'm all for it, but only the ones who are forcing 12 year old rape victims to carry the product of their rape to term, and who will then support giving full custody to the **** rapist.FOS » 26 Sep 2022, 6:27 pm » wrote: ↑...execute the politicians.IkeBana » 26 Sep 2022, 6:24 pm » wrote: ↑ The penalty for lots of things should be death. But as long as we have a competitive criminal system, where wealth and winning, and not justice determines outcomes, nobody should be executed by the state.
That also goes for law enforcement. Twenty five percent of the people who had their guilty verdicts reversed through the presentation of DNA evidence by The Innocence Project had confessed to a crime they could not have committed, during vicious coercive interrogation by cops.
You are a pack of lying-*** cocksucking wankers. We don't believe anything you say about anything.GHETTOBLASTER » 27 Sep 2022, 8:08 am » wrote: ↑ Go ahead and take a poll of the Republicans at this board to see how many of us support giving a Rapist parental rights..
IkeBana » 27 Sep 2022, 8:15 am » wrote: ↑ You are a pack of lying-*** cocksucking wankers. We don't believe anything you say about anything.
Yeh...sure, you're pro-life Doozer. Yeh...sure...all life is sacred. But apparently some lives are more sacred than other lives, and you conjob cocksuckers seem to think you're the only one's who should be able to decide which lives are which. Yeah...sure, all life is sacred.DeezerShoove » 26 Sep 2022, 6:33 pm » wrote: ↑ Agreed. It's probably as good or better deterrent than capital punishment.
However, prison crowding and expense could be lessened if we cull the herd mercilessly.
My anti-rape accounting gene kicked in.
And bluto returns to the middle school playground "I'm rubber you're glue" defense.GHETTOBLASTER » 27 Sep 2022, 8:22 am » wrote: ↑ LOOK AT THE COWARD RUN AND HIDE ONCE CHALLENGED TO BACK HIS LIES UP.........
GHETTOBLASTER » 12 minutes ago » wrote: ↑IkeBana » 27 Sep 2022, 8:26 am » wrote: ↑ And bluto returns to the middle school playground "I'm rubber you're glue" defense.
Like is said...No, racist, bigot assholes are the liars.
What would you do with the rapist of a 12 year old girl, banana?IkeBana » 27 Sep 2022, 8:12 am » wrote: ↑ We can always depend on **** FUZ to provide off the rails responses to legitimate arguments. Yeah sure FUZ, let's execute the politicians I'm all for it, but only the ones who are forcing 12 year old rape victims to carry the product of their rape to term, and who will then support giving full custody to the **** rapist.
If we're gonna execute any politicians...these are the ones.
"If you're preborn, you're fine. If you're preschool, you're ****." - George Carlin
And bluto returns to the middle school playground "I'm rubber you're glue" defense.GHETTOBLASTER » 27 Sep 2022, 8:35 am » wrote: ↑ GHETTOBLASTER » 12 minutes ago » wrote: ↑
12 minutes ago
I'd like to stuff his head up your oozing rectal orifice, Buffy. It would kill him and probably give you the thrill you've been seeking your whole twisted, **** life.Buffalo » 27 Sep 2022, 8:47 am » wrote: ↑ What would you do with the rapist of a 12 year old girl, banana?
Can you show where [or how] granting a Rapist parental rights is a Republican Only Thing...?IkeBana » 27 Sep 2022, 8:26 am » wrote: ↑ And bluto returns to the middle school playground "I'm rubber you're glue" defense.
Like is said...No, racist, bigot assholes are the liars.
What's amusing is that you obviously have no idea what my views are.IkeBana » 27 Sep 2022, 8:23 am » wrote: ↑ Yeh...sure, you're pro-life Doozer. Yeh...sure...all life is sacred. But apparently some lives are more sacred than other lives, and you conjob cocksuckers seem to think you're the only one's who should be able to decide which lives are which. Yeah...sure, all life is sacred.
See...when I examine things, it's always the retarded psychotic who's delusional system makes him unable to determine right from wrong, and who's intellectual age of six leaves him unable to understand the charges against him that you want to give the shot to...when in reality it's the asshole racist, bigot, sexist, jewkilling nazi cocksuckers like you who actually deserve the shot.
Think most Republicans here would give rapists the death penalty or life in prison.GHETTOBLASTER » 27 Sep 2022, 8:59 am » wrote: ↑ Can you show where [or how] granting a Rapist parental rights is a Republican Only Thing...?
Or how rape in general is a Republican Only Thing...?
Go ahead and take a poll of the Republicans at this board to see how many of us support giving a Rapist parental rights..
You voted for Joe Biden. Joe Biden is a retard. And, voting for a retard is stupid. So, no one here takes you seriously.IkeBana » 26 Sep 2022, 3:59 pm » wrote: ↑ Everybody needs to understand that extremists and mainline Republican politicians, who in fear of losing a primary contest, have allowed themselves to become extremists, when faced with the case of a woman, impregnated by an act of rape, would give a rapist standing in civil court, and parental rights if either or both would be necessary to prevent that woman, pregnant by that same rapist, from having an abortion.
Republican politicians, and those who would support them in the voting booth are some sick ****.
HEYIkeBana » 27 Sep 2022, 8:53 am » wrote: ↑ I'd like to stuff his head up your oozing rectal orifice, Buffy. It would kill him and probably give you the thrill you've been seeking your whole twisted, **** life.
A real two birds with one stone thing.
IkeBana » 27 Sep 2022, 8:26 am » wrote: ↑ And bluto returns to the middle school playground "I'm rubber you're glue" defense.
Like is said...No, racist, bigot assholes are the liars.
Quitcher **** whining about coming under fire. You flame with the best of them...sniveling ****.DeezerShoove » 27 Sep 2022, 9:03 am » wrote: ↑ What's amusing is that you obviously have no idea what my views are.
You, as always, lash out assuming stupid things about your target of the moment.
Shirley, you jest.IkeBana » 27 Sep 2022, 8:21 pm » wrote: ↑ Quitcher **** whining about coming under fire. You flame with the best of them...sniveling ****.
You're an election liar. You're a Trumper. You support seditionist anti-democracy Republican politicians who stomp all over women's rightsbto control of their bodies with your votes.
Go ahead and take a poll of all the members on the board and see how many of them think you're a sick cocksucker.GHETTOBLASTER » 27 Sep 2022, 8:08 am » wrote: ↑ Full List of Republicans and Democrats Facing Sexual Misconduct Scandals (Warning: It's Long) (
Can you show where [or how] granting a Rapist parental rights is a Republican Only Thing...?
Or how rape in general is a Republican Only Thing...?
Go ahead and take a poll of the Republicans at this board to see how many of us support giving a Rapist parental rights..