IkeBana » 30 Sep 2022, 12:18 pm » wrote: ↑ I am a truth telling son of a whore, and you are an asshole.
No idiot.. You are the dumbest thing to ever grace this forum.. FUIQUIT?murdock » 30 Sep 2022, 12:38 pm » wrote: ↑ Right scumbag, all you know us what the media blows up your ***.
They're all going to Europe !
They better stay out of this !walkingstick » 28 Sep 2022, 10:10 am » wrote: ↑ before usa bloody revolution starts, u.n. must send in peacekeeping troops.
And as usual the **** truth comes flowing right out of Neo...the *** are "screaming" and the poor misunderstood white christian supremacists who only want their precious country back...are "crying."Neo » 30 Sep 2022, 9:55 am » wrote: ↑ I think racists from both political stripes deserve one another. Those screaming "black lives matter" and those crying "jews will not replace us" are cut from the same myopic tribalistic cloth. Preoccupation with race rather than individual content of character is a cancer.
Time to put this headcase back in the restraints.JinnMartini » 30 Sep 2022, 1:13 pm » wrote: ↑ They better stay out of this !
They're a bunch of corrupt pedophiles and parasites who will take sides with the Democraps !
100% !
I don't see a qualitative difference between screaming and crying. You race obsessed guilt merchants will do anything to remain victims, even if it's limited to screaming outrage from afar. The kkk thought higher of black folk than many of today's infantilizing progressives.IkeBana » 30 Sep 2022, 1:39 pm » wrote: ↑ And as usual the **** truth comes flowing right out of Neo...the *** are "screaming" and the poor misunderstood white christian supremacists who only want their precious country back...are "crying."![]()
Yeah right Neo, you **** racist, bigot, jew hating, sexist, homophobic, pig ****. You're always flying your true colors.
You are a PUTINISTA 100%! Admit it!Neo » 28 Sep 2022, 7:57 am » wrote: ↑ Funny, Zelensky still had a country under Trump. A corrupt country but still.
Democrats seem to benefit Putin more than Trump. Democrats paid millions to Russian intelligence for dirt on the Donald. Annexed Crimea under Obama. Now they have taken another chunk under Biden. If I were Putin I would be rigging US elections foe Democrats.nuckinfutz » 30 Sep 2022, 11:09 pm » wrote: ↑ You are a PUTINISTA 100%! Admit it!
Senator McCarthy warned us about pinkos like you!
We used to call them TRAITORS! Now they are called Republicans!
"Better Dead Than Red!"
So the Trump-Pootie Bromance means nothing to you?Neo » 30 Sep 2022, 11:31 pm » wrote: ↑ Democrats seem to benefit Putin more than Trump. Democrats paid millions to Russian intelligence for dirt on the Donald. Annexed Crimea under Obama. Now they have taken another chunk under Biden. If I were Putin I would be rigging US elections foe Democrats.
Means as much to me as the notion of anthropogenic climate change or women born with cocks. Pure fantasy that only exists in the minds of liberals.nuckinfutz » 01 Oct 2022, 2:08 pm » wrote: ↑ So the Trump-Pootie Bromance means nothing to you?
Or all the Love letters to Kim?![]()
FOS » 28 Sep 2022, 10:32 am » wrote: ↑ ...i absolutely would support some authoritarian leader rising up and simply executing all you guys. I would even accept a huge loss in my quality of life for such a thing, because at least i would be safe from you. indeed i wouldnt need to be drafted. I would volunteer and serve passionately.
I am extremely confident that if YOU and FOS were to appear on the game show Jeopardy.....peepee » 01 Oct 2022, 3:32 pm » wrote: ↑![]()
...i'm not confident a blonde-haired, blue-eyed hitlertard would consider you white, swarthy julian...
...i can hear the swarthy authoritardian squealing like a stuck pig when the foe is on the other shoot: ...![]()
((((('but but juice newton is my cousin!')))))