I don't believe you seriously believe ANYTHING that turd tells you, but if you need your face smushed in his lies, I'm happy to oblige!
1) I will bring unity to the country
2) No one making under $200K will see their tax increase
3) Inflation is worse than here everywhere else
4) I'm responsible for the strongest job creation in modern times
5) Families are carrying less debt and savings are up
6) We have a process in place to manage the border
7) I'm doing everything I can to lower the price of gas
8) We won't rest until we bring every American home from Afghanistan
9) The inflation is transitory
10) Inflation only went up an inch last month
11) VP Cheney doesn't know that Article I in the Constitution defines the role of the VP
12) The US spent more money in one month in Iraq than in 6 or 7 years in Afghanistan
13) Putin is to blame for the high price of gas
14) Putin is to blame for high inflation
15) US oil companies are making excess profits
16) All I hear are lies about our excess spending
17) It costs you $12-$14 thousand per month for child care
18) I cut the budget deficit by almost $2 trillion in my first two years
19) We brought down Covid deaths by 90%
20) He promised not to take part in the spread of disinformation over social media
21) My ban on assault weapons saved lives
22) Climate change is the cause of the wildfires in California
23) We're witnessing the effects of climate change every day
24) If Trump acted sooner on Covid, 54,000 lives could have been saved
25) The Trump tax cuts went to top 1/10th of 1% of earners
26) The most lethal terrorist threat comes from white supremacists
27) I didn't tell migrants to come here
28) We didn't have the Covid vaccine when I came into office
29) Jan. 6th was the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War
That's all that fit, but there are PLENTY MORE!