THE CONSERVATIVE COURTS - A Republican Assault Upon the Judiciary

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By B.See
3 Oct 2022 8:09 am in Liberals Only Political Chat Room
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7 Apr 2023 4:47 pm
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Justice Thomas Crushes Left's 'Billionaire-Funded-Trips' Impeachment Dreams

Justice Thomas Crushes Left's 'Billionaire-Funded-Trips' Impeachment Dreams | ZeroHedge
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8 Apr 2023 5:51 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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  That's O.K.
Word is Joe is set to stack the Supreme Court in the next couple of months.
Rendering Thomas ineffective.

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8 Apr 2023 8:16 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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.... aw   And just when I was about to compliment him for posting an on topic reply.
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14 Apr 2023 7:31 am
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Column: How right-wing judges in Texas are erasing Americans' rights everywhere - Yahoo

Term limits for the Supreme Court? Yes — it's constitutional, and it's high time - Salon

The greatest irony: Columnist says right-wing judges are killing MAGA movement - Raw Story

Supreme Court likely will allow states to restrict abortion drugs - Washington Times

Watchdog accuses right-wing Supreme Court takeover architect of funneling $73M in non-profit funds - Salon    
Campaign for Accountability complaint calls for IRS investigation into tax-exempt groups linked to Leonard Leo

Biden judicial push hits roadblocks with GOP veto-power and Democratic absences - CNN

Democrats increasingly frustrated as Judiciary chairman lets GOP minority veto Biden judges - Salon

Republicans corrupted the federal judiciary, and now they're being forced to own it - Dailykos


Clarence Thomas’ benefactor collects Hitler memorabilia - Salon

Clarence Thomas' defense of receiving billionaire's gifts collapses under scrutiny: fact checker - Raw Story

Billionaire Benefactor Bought Properties From Clarence Thomas - Raw Story

Chief Justice Must Investigate Clarence Thomas, Say Lawmakers — ProPublica

"It is your duty": Lawmakers demand chief justice probe Clarence Thomas secret trips - Salon

Senate Judiciary chair vows committee "will act" over report revealing Clarence Thomas "corruption" - Salon  
The highest court in the land shouldn't have the lowest ethical standards," Senate Judiciary chairman says

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22 Apr 2023 5:46 am
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Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been reporting income from defunct real estate company, report says - MSN

Amy Klobuchar, who sits on the Senate judiciary committee, says Clarence Thomas' undisclosed lavish gifts from billionaire GOP donor is serious and calls for stronger ethics rules - Yahoo

More Questionable Financial Revelations for Justice Clarence Thomas – Mother Jones

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas moves to reverse the legacy of his predecessor, Thurgood Marshall - Yahoo

Clarence Thomas has always hated disclosure. Just look at his jurisprudence. - Slate

Clarence Thomas should be subpoenaed’ says top Democrat as Senate plans hearing - Raw Story

RI-Sen: Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D) Says It's Time For The DOJ To Investigate Clarence Thomas - Dailykos
(who?? meek Merrick? puh-leeese)

Clarence Thomas claimed up to $750k from defunct real estate firm: report - MSN

Judge Ho Blows Off Clarence Thomas Taking $500K In Vacations Because Some Other Judges Own Stocks So... You Know... Something Something. - Above the Law


Chief Justice John Roberts’ Mockery of Stalking Victims Points to a Deeper Problem - Slate  The justices take their own safety very, very seriously. Everybody else’s? Not so much.

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6 May 2023 6:20 am
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Bills to create new Texas courts would likely reverse Democratic gains, restore GOP dominance - Salon (dot com)

Sotomayor slams SCOTUS majority’s ‘indefensible’ move to uphold death sentence, chastising justices for a decision that was the last for Kevin Burns - LawAndCrime (dot com)   
Justice Sonia Sotomayor lamented the U.S. Supreme Court majority’s refusal to correct an “egregious error” that now means a murder defendant will be executed “despite a very robust possibility” that he did not actually shoot the victims as the jury believed he had.

(they sure acted lickity split on behalf of Glossip though, didn't they?)


Subpoena him: Critics blast Chief Justice Roberts hubris over refusal to testify on SCOTUS ethics - Raw Story

Untenable: John Roberts blasted for refusing to testify over Supreme Court ethics scandals - Raw Story

"This is an untenable position": John Roberts refuses to testify despite Supreme Court scandals - Salon

Even more serious omissions uncovered in Grassley's 2018 report on Kavanaugh - Dailykos

Senate Probe That Cleared Brett Kavanaugh Omitted Key Evidence, New Info Shows - TheDailyBeast

First Thing: Senate investigation into Brett Kavanaugh assault claims contained serious omissions - TheGuardian  
The 2018 investigation into the then supreme court nominee claimed there was ‘no evidence’ behind claims of sexual assault.

Supreme Court gets what it deserves as public approval plummets - Raw Story

Why are Sotomayor, Kagan and Brown-Jackson open to destroy their reputations for corrupt brethren? - Dailykos

Latest Supreme Court revelations called foul breach of ethics standards - Yahoo

A Non-Exhaustive List of Supreme Court Justice Scandals Since 1991 - Yahoo

Joy Reid Guest Condemns Supreme Court as ‘an Out of Control Frat House’ After New Revelations - Yahoo


Sen. Ron Wyden asks Harlan Crow for list of Clarence Thomas gifts - NBC News

Billionaire Harlan Crow Bought Citizenship in Island Tax Haven - theIntercept (dot com)

What rubbish! Conservative feuds with Wall Street Journal editor over Clarence Thomas - Raw Story

Clarence Thomas' Wife Ginni Accepted Thousands in Payments from Judicial Activist: Report - Yahoo

Justice Clarence Thomas let GOP donor pay child's tuition - Yahoo

Kellyanne Conway defends reported concealed Ginni Thomas payments - Yahoo

Thomas biographer calls report on megadonor’s tuition payments despicable - Yahoo

Clarence Thomas' wife Ginni was paid nearly $100,000 for 'consulting' by a nonprofit that ended up filing an amicus brief to the Supreme Court: report - Yahoo

Clarence Thomas Is How the Conservative Legal Movement Works – Mother Jones

Ted Cruz: Democrats have 'special hate' for Clarence Thomas 'because he's a Black man' - Raw Story

no... it's because he's a house ----------- who's enabled retrogressive, racist policies that've hurt PEOPLE. There's a BIG difference.

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9 May 2023 10:04 pm
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Surprising no one, GOP makes it more difficult for the Senate to confirm judges - Dailykos (dot com)  McConnell—continuing as the villain no one asked for—wants to block all of President Biden's judicial nominees and grind business to a halt. If Senate Democrats lack a majority on the Judiciary Committee, Republicans can blockade the dozens of qualified nominees who await confirmation—justice be damned.


Secret gifts to GOP Justices could comprise tax evasion by the jurists and their MAGA patrons - Dailykos

The Senate Judiciary Committee just asked GOP megadonor Harlan Crow for a list of any gifts he's given to a Supreme Court justice - (dot com)


Judge Set to Hear Abortion Pill Case Was Sworn in at Billionaire Harlan Crow’s Library - (dot com)

The abortion pill lawsuit is not only still active, but will be heard on May 17 by a group of judges, including James Ho, who has connections to both Justice Clarence Thomas and his Republican megadonor benefactor, Harlan Crow.

Ho is the Federalist Society/MAGA darling of Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals who’s written very aggressive opinions, including one from 2019 in which he said that “abortion is the immoral, tragic, and violent taking of innocent human life.”


Amid String Of Ethics Scandals, Many Are Calling For Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas To Resign - essence (dot com)  From reportedly accepting luxury trips from a Republican donor to new revelations of having his nephew's school tuition paid for and not disclosing it, here's why critics say Thomas must go.

Broken moral compass: Twitter slams Mike Pence for Clarence Thomas praise - Alternet (dot org)

Mike Pence Is the Latest Conservative to Carry Water for Clarence Thomas – Mother Jones

Congress needs to send a strong message against Thomas now — before he passes the torch to his cronies: expert - Raw Story

Like laundering money: Court watcher says Clarence Thomas is flouting even the few ethics rules that exist - Raw Story

Clarence Thomas' Tangled Web Gets Worse and Worse: Senator Durbin - Newsweek (dot com)

Clarence Thomas’ billionaire benefactor refuses Democratic Senators’ receipt requests - Alternet (dot org)

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19 May 2023 7:33 am
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Blind to its own corruption: Supreme Court scorched for making political bribery all but legal - Raw Story

Sen. John Fetterman Warns “Unelected” Supreme Court as Crisis Rages - 2paragraphs (dot com)

One very rich billionaire bought Supreme Court and made himself richer - Dailykos


The 5th Circuit is furious that the Supreme Court put it in mifepristone timeout - Slate (dot com)


Clarence Thomas, who accepted lavish gifts from a billionaire, argued that a law prohibiting taking bribes is too vague to be fairly enforced - (dot com)

Clarence Thomas Is What He Wrongly Accuses Black Folks of Being - theNation (dot com)  
Thomas has elevated “personal responsibility” into a prerequisite for citizenship. Yet he fails his own test.

Senate Finance Chief blasts Clarence Thomas' billionaire friend for obstructing gift probe - Salon (dot com)  "Mr. Crow is relying on the same baseless arguments that failed Donald Trump,"
Sen. Ron Wyden said

Ginni Thomas Has Donated More Than $20,000 To Republicans - Forbes (dot com)

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19 May 2023 9:13 am
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B.See » 03 Oct 2022, 8:09 am » wrote: I've spoken about the conservative Supreme Court in other threads and of how their legitimacy, as an unbiased judicial institution has fallen into question, and RIGHTFULLY SO.

However, the Republican assault upon America's judicial branch of government goes way beyond the SCOTUS, beyond McConnell's deliberate blocking of Obama's Supreme Court nominee, beyond his threats to never allow a 9th justice should Hillary Clinton win the presidency, and even beyond Justices Scalia and Thomas sneaking off to Heritage Foundation pow-wows and other right wing, think tank, corroborations.

It is why it's NO coincidence that all SIX of the conservative super majority of the SCOTUS are or were members of the Federalist Society, the organization that has literally orchestrated and dictated the right winged judicial agenda.

From wikipedia:

In January 2019, The Washington Post Magazine wrote that the Federalist Society had reached an "unprecedented peak of power and influence."

wrote that the Federalist Society "has become one of the most influential legal organizations in history—not only shaping law students' thinking but changing American society itself by deliberately, diligently shifting the country's judiciary to the right."

So the PLOT to reshape and mold America's justice system in their OWN image was there from the START..

For those inclined to tell ops what their threads are supposed to be about, YES, this thread is going to talk about the radical FAR-right Supreme Court - I'll talk about them a LOT, and badly. And again rightfully so. Nor am I alone.

In only 5 days I've amassed over TWO DOZEN articles of concern (and COUNTING) written by experts, analysts, and those in the field, TRUMPETING the well founded concerns of many, about the Supreme Court LEGITIMACY as an impartial body of justice.

But there will be other stories of the right's conspiracy to taint the judiciary as well.
Supreme Court Justices are appointed as stipulated by the U.S. Constitution... and THAT process has currently given us a slightly CONSERVATIVE court... WHICH, I believe is exactly where America currently is. 

THOSE who would like to BASTARDIZE the process to get more Liberals on the court, and to DRIVE America and American values to the CRAZY LEFT? 

BEWARE... the Firestorm you are playing with will WILL BURN you BADLY !!
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20 May 2023 8:06 am
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ConservativeWave » 19 May 2023, 9:13 am » wrote: Supreme Court Justices are appointed as stipulated by the U.S. Constitution... and THAT process has currently given us a slightly CONSERVATIVE court... WHICH, I believe is exactly where America currently is. 

THOSE who would like to BASTARDIZE the process to get more Liberals on the court, and to DRIVE America and American values to the CRAZY LEFT? 

BEWARE... the Firestorm you are playing with will WILL BURN you BADLY !!
That process you speak of was already "bastardized" when Moscow Mitch McConnell and company REFUSED to even hold a hearing on President Obama's nominee, Merrick Garland. 

So much so, that McConnell gloated how a Republican controlled Senate was determined to NEVER consider a Supreme Court nominee if Hillary had won, and were planning on leaving it one justice SHORT.  Their actions effective gave Trump a nominee he never should've had. 

That, and the Federalist Societies deep involvement in the nomination of judges at all levels means the "firestorm" has already been started, by REPUBLICANS. 

About time to fight it WITH fire, imo.
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26 Jun 2023 6:20 pm
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US supreme court pursuing rightwing agenda via ‘shadow docket’, book says - The Guardian

Impossible for Supreme Court to exist as it does now if corruption stories keep leaking: analyst - Raw Story


Supreme Court ethics: It took Alito a month to violate the new rules - Slate dot com

After overturning Roe, Alito took a luxury trip to Rome sponsored by anti-abortion activists who filed at Supreme Court - Boing Boing

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s luxury fishing trip underscores the court’s ethics problem - Vox

Justice Samuel Alito Took Luxury Fishing Vacation With GOP Billionaire Who Later Had Cases Before The Court - News.Yahoo dot com


Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas had a secret real estate billionaire benefactor. We just got a look at the other justices’ holdings - Finance.Yahoo dot com

Harlan Crow doesn't see anything wrong with showering Clarence Thomas with gifts - Raw Story

Clarence Thomas' donor tells Congress it doesn't have authority to investigate his gifts - Raw Story

Harlan Crow: Investigating my Clarence Thomas gifts is unconstitutional - Slate dot com

Clarence Thomas delays key financial disclosures amid scrutiny over links to billionaire - MSN

Justice Thomas' billionaire benefactor Harlan Crow donated to Manchin, Sinema, Unbreakable Nine - Dailykos


SCOTUS is waging war on American freedoms and must be reformed: congressman - Raw Story

Supreme Court rules against a man who was given 27 years in prison for having a gun - ABC News

Navajo Nation Just Got Hosed by the Supreme Court... Again - The Daily Beast

Navajo Nation v. Arizona is this term’s most important Supreme Court ruling that you haven’t heard of. But the Navajo have. And they know that the high court has just stripped them of rights that they thought that they have had for more than a century.

The Supreme Court’s latest opinion means innocent people must remain in prison - Vox dot com

Clarence Thomas’s majority opinion ensures that innocent people will spend years behind bars - Slate

Clarence Thomas' latest Supreme Court ruling is an outright tragedy - Slate

Clarence Thomas hints he'd go further to gut the EPA's power after the Supreme Court limited clean-water protections - MSN

Clarence Thomas wrote a scathing, nearly 50-page dissent about why the Supreme Court should have gutted voting rights - News.Yahoo
(silly house ---)


The Movement to Expand the Supreme Court Is Growing – Mother Jones


The Supreme Court Delivered a Big Win to the Biden Administration on Immigration – Mother JonesThe decision comes not only as a significant victory for the Biden administration but also sanctions the broader authority of the executive branch to set immigration policy.


Trump GOP Inspired Racism and Hate - Liberals Only PCR
The Conservative Courts - A Republican Assault - Liberals Only PCR
The Continuous Republican Assault Upon the Rights - Liberals Only PCR
The Republican War on Education - Liberals Only PCR
The Real Fraudsters The Republican Conspiracy - Liberals Only PCR
Death of Democracy - NHB
The Capitol Insurrectionists - NHB
Liz Cheney Says Republican Leaders Have Enabled White Supremacy - NHB
On Being Civil to Incivility - NHB
A Platform of Hate, Intolerance, Intimidation, and Terror - Peanut Gallery

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13 Sep 2023 10:42 pm
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You begin to look over your shoulder: Embattled Supreme Court justices caught in a spiral of distrust - Alternet

Ron DeSantis vows to pick more conservative judges than Trump - NBC News

Opinion: The Supreme Court's hazardous ruling against Biden's student loan forgiveness - Los Angeles Times

Supreme Court rejects voting rights and jury bias appeals, showing GOP justices priorities - MSNBC

Supreme Court opens the door to gut civil rights, fair housing laws - Chicago Sun-Times

Aftermath of Supreme Court session, and the horrors to come - Dailykos

The Supreme Court makes it more difficult to convict someone of making a threat including against the president or other elected officials - AP News

The Right Spent 50 Years Rigging The Courts. It's Not Too Late To Fight Back - Wonkette

The conservative meltdown on Wisconsin's Supreme Court just got worse - Dailykos

Key documents fake in LGBTQ+ rights case before US supreme court - The Guardian

The Supreme Court’s fake praying coach case just got faker - Slate

Ketanji Brown Jackson exposes the Supreme Court’s "colorblind" lie - Slate

Ketanji Brown Jackson accuses Clarence Thomas of having an obsession with race consciousness and relying on many more straw men than can be listed in his affirmative action opinion - Yahoo News

Ketanji Brown Jackson Slams Supreme Court's Obliviousness to Racism - Business Insider

Justice Sotomayor: Excluding military academies highlights the arbitrariness of affirmative action ruling - Alternet

Sotomayor, Jackson slam Thomas in SCOTUS affirmative action case - Law and Crime

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16 Sep 2023 7:19 pm
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The story smells: former prosecutor questions Alito’s claim about Alaska flight with GOP billionaire‬ - Raw Story

Existential threat: Alito’s megadonor to use ruling the justice supported to dispute new rules - Alternet

Alito takes personal jab at Justices Sotomayor, Kagan, and Jackson - Slate

You are not above the law: Lawmakers hit back at Alito's bid to avoid regulation - Raw Story

Justice Alito rejects Senate Democrats' call to step aside from an upcoming Supreme Court case - Yahoo

Senator files ethics complaint against supreme court justice Samuel Alito - The Guardian

Sheldon Whitehouse writes to Chief Justice John Roberts about ‘several’ ethics violations, citing Wall Street Journal interview


Clarence Thomas isn't happy the Supreme Court went out of its way to shoot down a fringe right-wing elections theory - Yahoo News

Clarence Thomas Wants to Demolish Indian Law - The New Republic

Clarence Thomas Just Wrote The Dumbest Paragraph In The History Of Indian Law - Above the Law

Neil Gorsuch is getting sick and tired of the Supreme Court screwing over Indians, but at least the majority ignored Clarence Thomas.

NAACP bashes affirmative action – but for a very different reason than conservatives - Raw Story

"The worst thing about affirmative action is that it created a Clarence Thomas who benefited from the program."

Grubby Rich People F***er Clarence Thomas Even Grubbier Than We Knew - Wonkette

Clarence Thomas Needs to Resign: Report Shines More Light on His Gifts From the Rich - Common Dreams

Unheard of: CNN legal analyst levels Clarence Thomas as new billionaire-funded vacations revealed - Raw Story

Clarence Thomas’ 38 vacations: Other billionaires treated Supreme Court justice to luxury travel - Dailykos

Clarence Thomas’ corrected ethics disclosure form is still wrong - Slate

You want yachts? We got yachts: Hayes blasts kept man Clarence Thomas over billionaire ties - Alternet

‘Corrupt as hell’: Clarence Thomas faces fresh calls to resign after more billionaire gifts revealed - AOL

It's time to investigate Ginni Thomas: here's why - Raw Story

Ginni Thomas has donated tens of thousands of dollars to GOP candidates - Raw Story

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