Trillion$ LOOTED by (((OUR FRIENDS))) over past 5 CENTURIE$

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By LowIQTrash
24 Dec 2022 11:56 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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24 Dec 2022 11:56 pm
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Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Please enjoy your Xmas/holidays.

Anyway, I ran across this interesting article a week or so ago.

I will warn you it is very long, as is typical of articles as the majority of the readership is 120+ and a significant minority are 135+ (some are likely in the 145-155 camp) so no (((Bennie Shapiro)))/Kyle Kulinski/Tomi Lahren/(((Rubin Report)))/Trevor Noah/[insert your favorite YT commentator] levels of midwittery.

Link posted below for those of you willing to bravely scour the entire article. I will be posting snippets that I deem critical.

The Richest Man in the World, by Larry Romanoff - The Unz Review

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25 Dec 2022 12:12 am
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The wealth being hoarded by these banking dynasties could alleviate the problems of mankind, that’s how vast it is.

The act of withholding that much of natures bounty from humans, the dominant species on this planet, is a crime greater than any of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc. The heads of totalitarian regimes are like lambs and their sins are minor next to the centuries of global misery and death caused by these Jewish families.
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25 Dec 2022 12:14 am
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Much of this essay is primarily dependent on only one simple thesis: that those with enormous wealth do not leave it idle but put it to a constant good use; the money is always at work.

It is lent out to finance wars and colonisation, to purchase legitimate businesses, to establish control of governments and national economies, and more.
As to interest rates for long-term accumulation, we tend to think of historical interest rates as being very low, perhaps only 1% or 2%, but that was seldom the case.

The reason Abraham Lincoln resorted to printing his “Greenbacks” as currency was because Rothschild demanded a 24% interest rate to fund the Union in the US civil war.

There are many other such examples, as war financing in particular carried high interest rates.

Dutch perpetual bonds issued by Jews were at rates of 10% and 12% in the 1500s and 1600s; Genoa issued much of its debt at 9% in the 1600s. I have used a rate of 5% for the compound interest calculations in this essay, a selection that is admittedly arbitrary but that appears reasonable and conservative in the overall context.
There are international companies worth in total many trillions of dollars that are entirely Jewish; Nestle, Sanofi, Monsanto, being a few among hundreds such. We cannot easily know what part of this reverts to our handful of Jewish bankers in the City of London, how much of that was financed by, and is controlled from, that center, but it isn’t negligible.
It isn’t a secret although apparently not widely-known, that one of the Rothschilds financed Rockefeller’s creation of Standard Oil, and did the same with Andrew Carnegie’s steel empire and the Harriman railroad fortune in the US, among others.
 Today, Google, Facebook, Tesla, Amazon, Starbucks, and many others are in this category, firms that could not possibly have attained their extent of market control without both heavy financing and intense planning originating elsewhere.
Something something Horatio Alger...something something work hard...

"you will beComE uh billYeNaiRe suM dAe!"
A number of studies have been done on interlocking corporate ownership and control, with consistent conclusions that as few as 400 companies, and perhaps even as few as 250 companies, own outright or at least have control of, more than 40% of all the value listed on all stock exchanges everywhere.
Many European banks fall into this category, most of these Jewish-owned and tightly-held. The few dozens of Europe’s largest banks like HSBC, BNP Paribas, Lloyd’s, have a market cap in the trillions and an asset base of over €30 trillion. The major North American banks, like Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, again owned by Jews, have a market cap of well over $1.5 trillion and assets to match. Plus, we have literally hundreds of Jewish-owned banks in Switzerland and other countries that appear on no list anywhere.
(Autism/Tourette's sufferer) Peepee: We need to get rid of the banksters! 

*Refuses to identify their ethnicity*


To be continued...
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25 Dec 2022 12:27 am
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Part 2 of ?
The world’s largest pharmaceutical companies are all Jewish-owned, with a combined market cap of around $4 trillion.
Nate: Dude, what does "JJ" mean?
Flynn: "Jew Jab" oops soz, that's too inappropriate. IDK. 
When we read of a Bill Gates or Warren Buffett, we tend to think in simple terms of someone starting a company with a good idea and over a lifetime building a huge enterprise that today is worth many billions. But this reasoning is simplistic because we are confining our thoughts to only one generation.

The people with whom we are concerned here, are family dynasties that have been accumulating their fortunes for perhaps ten or even twenty generations. 

With the Rothschilds, Sassoons, and so many others, we are going back to the 1600s and 1700s, with family dynasties that have expanded enormously over the centuries and maintained control over their increasingly vast wealth through avoidance of inheritance taxes, rigid intermarriage, and shared intentions.
The greatest of all family dynasties are hidden from view, expunged from the media, deleted from the history books, and almost never attract public attention. All of these are Jewish – Rothschild, Sassoon, Sebag-Montefiori, Warburg, Lehman, Goldman, and so many names you may have never heard of. Here is a listing of a few of the Jewish bankers, representing perhaps only 25% of them, most having begun banking, financing and industrial operations in the early to mid-1800s, so an average of nearly 200 years, and many resulting in Jewish family dynasties that continue to this day, entirely out of the public eye.
 Rothschild, Sassoon, Warburg, Moses Montefiori, Sebag-Montefiori, Kadoorie, Lehman, Israel Moses Seif, Kuhn Loeb, Goldman Sachs, Salomon, Schiff, Joseph Hambro, J. Henry Schroder, Samuel Montagu, Emile and Isaac Péreire, Lazard Brothers, Speyer brothers, Seligman brothers, Stern brothers, Barnato Brothers, Ernest Oppenheimer, Abraham Oppenheim, Carl Fuerstenberg, Jacob Goldschmidt, Oskar Wassermann, Hirsch, Raphael Jonathan Bischoffsheim, Hambro, Isaac Glückstadt, Levy Martin, Markus Rubin, Goldsmid, Rosenthal, A. Dunkelsbueler, Eugen Gutmann, Herbert Gutman, Wagg and Co, Mèdici family, Speyer, Speyer-Elissen, Emile Erlanger, S. Japhet, Ernest Cassel, Carl Meyer, Achille Fould, Luigi Luzzatti, Wertheimer and Gompertz, Lippman.
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25 Dec 2022 12:50 am
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Part 3 of ?
Sassoon ben Salih was the chief treasurer to the pashas of Baghdad.[10]

 From the early days, they already had the young Queen Victoria firmly in their grasp. She not only supported their efforts to the extent of allocating the British military as the Jews’ enforcers of the opium, giving David Sassoon the exclusive franchise for selling opium in all of China, seizing Hong Kong for his distribution base and giving him the charter to form the HSBC. To say that the British Royal Family profited heavily from this personally, would be an understatement of some magnitude. This is where we will begin our story.
From their wholesale looting of India and the thefts from Iraq, followed by growing and selling of opium in China, Rothschild and Sassoon were reliably estimated to have accumulated wealth of more than $5 billion each, by 1835. Actually, the calculated estimates I have seen were of $6 billion and $7 billion,[12]


I reduced this to $5 billion to be conservative, but the totals are still staggering. $5 billion accumulated at only 5% for the intervening 185 years, accumulates to a total in 2022, of more than $40 trillion each for Rothschild and Sassoon.


That $40 trillion may seem shocking and too fantastic to be real, but reserve your judgment until the end. As you will see, that $40 trillion is almost irrelevant in the overall picture.

Le[d]ger Entry: Rothschild: $40 trillion in today’s dollars

Le[d]ger Entry: Sassoon: $40 trillion in today’s dollars
(Author misspelled "Ledger" throughout although it could simply be a variation of American English)
(2) Diamonds

 It’s not a secret that DeBeers controls the diamond production of South Africa, and also in Zaire, nor that DeBeers is a Rothschild company. Let’s not forget the origin and purpose of the Boer Wars. Diamond production statistics seem scattered, with South Africa claiming around 650 million carats of total production,[14]

 While Statista claims twice this amount. South Africa places a value on this production (at $100 per carat) at about $60 billion, but with no allowance for the compounding an average of $300 million per year over 150 years: (average of 3 million carats per year at $100 per carat). If we allow for compounding at 5%, this accumulates to about $10 trillion. To keep things simple, I have excluded all other countries from this calculation; the addition of these and other Rothschild and Jewish-owned production would at least double the total.

Leger Entry: $10 trillion in today’s dollars
(3) Gold

 It is difficult to find comprehensive and reliable statistics on the actual annual production of gold from the Rothschild-controlled mines, but production apparently reached more than 1,000 tonnes per year 50 years ago.

With 32,000 ounces in a tonne of gold, and gold selling at $1,700 an ounce, that represents many billions of dollars per year, compounded at 5% for nearly 150 years, about ten times the value of the diamond production listed above. The picture is clouded by fluctuations in both production amounts and gold prices, so definitive results are impossible to calculate.[15]

 I have assumed what I believe is a conservative estimate of only twice the diamond production and value.

 Leger Entry: $20 trillion in today’s dollars

now we know why the (((Austrian School of Economics))) and grifters/hucksters like (((Peter Schiff))) keep telling you to buy Gold...LMFAO
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25 Dec 2022 1:22 am
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Part 4 of ?
(6) Germany’s Hyperinflation
 Regardless, the inflation rate was so extreme that money became literally worthless, permitting the Jewish bankers to buy up much of Germany for virtually nothing. This was one of the deep resentments harbored by Hitler toward the Jews, knowing they were behind the treaty and other restrictions that could have had only the bankruptcy and subjugation of Germany as the one possible purpose. We needn’t go into details here, but it was Hitler’s eviction of the Jews from Germany’s banking system and taking over the country’s central bank that resulted in the “miracle” of Germany’s economic recovery which, unfortunately, was not to last.
it was Hitler’s eviction of the Jews from Germany’s banking system and taking over the country’s central bank that resulted in the “miracle” of Germany’s economic recovery which, unfortunately, was not to last.
(7) Central Banks
 European Jewish banking families, led by the Rothschilds, own or control the central banks of at least 30 nations, including the FED in the US. There are several very nasty results of this ownership, one of which is that these nations cannot print their own money but must borrow it from the (privately-owned) central banks – and pay interest on it.


Until the late 1970s, Canada owned its own central bank and paid little to no interest to foreigners. But then-Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau (Justin Trudeau’s father) committed an astonishing act of treason – on his own account, without even the knowledge of his own cabinet or Parliament – and committed Canada to foregoing its financial birthright to print its own currency and from then on borrowing from the European Jewish bankers.

The result is that in the past 30 or 40 years little Canada has paid these bankers more than $1.1 trillion in interest for borrowing its own money.


My estimate below makes no allowance for the compounding of interest for even 100 years; to do so would multiply the total to a truly astronomical figure, and yet the real-world situation is that this amount would indeed be compounded, and for more than 100 years, to the many hundreds of trillions.
 Leger Entry: $100 trillion in today’s dollars
One of the nastier advantages of the foreign ownership of a country’s central bank is that the Jews have total control over those economies.[24]

 Since they control both the money supply and the interest rates, they have easily the power to whipsaw economies and profit immensely at every cycle. They do it the same way every time – by lowering interest rates to zero or nearly so, while hugely inflating the money supply, thereby creating large bubbles in debt, in the stock and housing markets, and so on. Then, they severely contract the money supply and all credit while simultaneously raising interest rates, thus bankrupting countless thousands of banks, businesses and families, and buying up for pennies on the dollar every manner of assets when the blood is running in the streets. After accomplishing their task of relieving a nation of a significant portion of its assets, they again expand the money supply and open the credit taps while reducing interest rates to give economies time to recover, then rinse and repeat. It is not a secret that all such recessions have been deliberately inflicted on Western economies by these Jewish bankers for the past 200 years or more.
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25 Dec 2022 1:40 am
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Approaching conclusion

Part 5 of ?
Speculation has been brewing for many years that the FED doesn’t actually have much gold, or even any gold, that it has either sold it off, lent it out, or used it as collateral for borrowings.
It's UH CUNSPEARISEE THiree!! ~ progressive "follow duh syunse" retards
We have been treated to about 85 years of non-stop accusations about Germans having looted Jews during two World Wars, but there has almost never been presented any credible evidence of this, and on examination the stories of Germans looting from Jews are in the same category as the tubs full of eyeballs and the melting of Jewish fat to make glycerin for explosives. No doubt some looting takes place by all sides during all wars but, as we shall see, it is the Jews who appear to have done most of the looting, covering their crimes through their control of the mass media.
The Jews decided to punish China for refusing their opium, so Rothschild and Sassoon obtained Queen Victoria’s permission and a commitment for the use of her troops to loot and destroy the entire complex[39] to, in their words, “open a wound that would never heal”.

The complex was so vast (eight times the size of the Vatican City) it required 7,500 soldiers nearly three weeks to loot and burn it. What could not be looted was destroyed, and the entire massive palace burned to the ground. This wanton theft and utter destruction of one of the world’s greatest collections of historical treasure was engineered by the Rothschilds and Sassoons in retaliation for Chinese resistance to their opium.
(((LOOTING)))...and more (((LOOTING)))
It doesn’t seem widely understood or appreciated that Iraq and Libya were literally hijacked by the European Jews using the US military as the enforcer. Both countries have been taken over, with puppet governments installed, with new Jewish privately-owned central banks and, at least in the case of Iraq, virtually all the commercial enterprises featuring “new owners”. In the case of Iraq,

the Jewish bankers allocated to themselves 65% of Iraq’s oil – at no charge, leaving Iraq with the revenue from only 35% of its own oil production.

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25 Dec 2022 1:52 am
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Part 6 of ?

Privatization aka Thatcherism/Reaganism/neoliberalism
There are some who believe that turning over government services or assets to private enterprise is a wise move because, as we are told, governments are bloated and inefficient, and private companies can almost inevitably be far more efficient. In real life, I have not been able to uncover even one instance where this mythical theory has proven true.
There are some [ideologues/retards, mostly "Free market" conservatives/liberTARDians/neolibs] who believe that turning over government services... <- quick correction
In Canada, in the province of Ontario, government officials sold off in a 99-year lease, the busiest highway in North America, for $2 billion. A few years later, the new owners sold off 10% of their investment to some friends for $10 billion, meaning that the government of Ontario sold off a $100-billion asset for $2 billion.
Please read that again.
In Canada, in the province of Ontario, government officials sold off in a 99-year lease, the busiest highway in North America, for $2 billion. A few years later, the new owners sold off 10% of their investment to some friends for $10 billion, meaning that the government of Ontario sold off a $100-billion asset for $2 billion.
In the US, the prison system was costing $20 billion per year. After privatising only a portion of it, the same system is now costing American taxpayers more than $80 billion per year, with some of the prisons so inhuman in their conditions that courts are ordering them closed.
A good current example is Greece.[56]

 The situation was so pitiful, and the bankers’ greed so powerful, that Greece was forced to place the country’s entire stock of infrastructure – everything – into a “privately-owned” Luxembourg trust that was “entirely outside the power or influence” of the Greek government. The value was about $3 trillion, and it is gone at whatever price the bankers choose to pay for its parts – if anything at all.
lol...I remember that retard RichClem claiming that Greece is an example of the failure of


When, in fact, as the author writes, Greece was looted by the (((International Financiers)))...first through predatory loans funneled through corrupt politicians and then through privatization of assets for pennies on the €

"War is a Racket" - Smedley Butler...(and we should add...a racket in the TRILLIon$)
It is no longer much of a secret that these same Jewish bankers have typically financed both sides of most, if not all, wars in recent history. The general consensus is that the war in Iraq cost the US around $2 trillion,[60]
 and Forbes claims the cost in Libya at $2 billion per day,[61]
 all of which was borrowed from the FED.
WWII cost Britain the remainder of its empire and left the nation in actual bankruptcy. WWI cost Britain about $7 trillion in today’s dollars, and WWII was much worse. Again, we cannot know precisely how much money was borrowed from the Jewish bankers, nor the amount of interest paid, but the magnitude of both would have been considerable since the estimated cost to all countries was nearly $50 trillion in today’s dollars.
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25 Dec 2022 2:07 am
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As can be deduced from the above, the real wealth in the world has never come from corporate ownership, but from financing wars, from owning the central banks of nations, and from theft and criminal activity on a vast international scale. The large amount of Jewish corporate ownership today is not the beginning of the accumulation of wealth but merely the last step in the process. As is true with all organised crime, the trillions of dollars involved in corporate ownership noted at the beginning are merely from the reinvestment of criminal profits into legitimate enterprises.
It should be obvious from the above that people like Gates, Buffett and Bezos are not contenders for the title of the World’s Richest Man. Elon Musk with his supposed $200 billion barely qualifies as pocket change, with people like George Soros and his paltry billions not even qualifying as pocket lint.
lf you take the time to read Musk’s high-school level treatise on hyperloop transportation[69]

 or listen to his media blurbs, it’s obvious the man hasn’t the intelligence to have attained his position independently. It’s not apparent, at least not to me, that he knows anything about anything, and I would say the same for Zuckerberg and the Google twins.

These people are merely fronts for someone who really does have all the money. And the plans. But we are supposed to believe that Elon “focus-on-my-cute-8-year-old-smile-and-my-adorable-3-year-old-sideways-looking-eyes-so-you-don’t-realise-how-stupid-I-am” Musk, is suddenly The Richest Man in The World from designing cars and satellites and space ships and heaven only knows what all. What rubbish.
Similar arguments are true for Zuckerberg, Bezos, the Google Twins and others. None have the knowledge or ability, nor the enormous financing to do the things they are supposedly doing. Neither their fortunes nor their abilities can possibly be real. It is easier to accept a Bill Gates, starting with a small Microsoft and building over 40 years into a $50 billion prize, but to pretend that an Elon Musk who, out of the clear blue sky, goes from sleeping in his car and eating leaves from trees, suddenly is designing and producing electric autos and military communications satellites and space vehicles and so much more, is too ridiculous a prospect to bother refuting.
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25 Dec 2022 2:17 am
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SJConspirator » 25 Dec 2022, 1:12 am » wrote: The wealth being hoarded by these banking dynasties could alleviate the problems of mankind, that’s how vast it is.

The act of withholding that much of natures bounty from humans, the dominant species on this planet, is a crime greater than any of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc. The heads of totalitarian regimes are like lambs and their sins are minor next to the centuries of global misery and death caused by these Jewish families.
Thank you for recommending my post from earlier. I will be sure to return the favor in the future.

If you tabulate the conservative estimates presented by the author of this article, you should arrive at a figure somewhere in the low 15 digits.

Over $100T in assets now owned by (((Criminals))) by converting stolen wealth into "legitimate enterprises"

The real tragedy is not how much has been (((STOLEN))) and (((LOOTED))) but the billions of human beings utterly ignorant about (((THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN))) doing these heinous acts.

99%+ of them will be DEBT slaves or wage slaves for life, not knowing what COULD have been. Germans had a taste of actual freedom for only a few short years and look at the price they paid.

P.S. I'm willing to forgive any of Hitler's "crimes" seems the only crime he committed is he didn't win and now gets inserted into every conversation referring to political opponents as "Nazis" by NPCs/normies like 80-90% of ppl on this site...and is actually one of the better ones lol
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25 Dec 2022 2:45 am
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Selaphobia » 25 Dec 2022, 2:21 am » wrote: FOS and a bunch of other people here say the Jews have money.
Seems like you got a lot of money

That's what happens when you know (((The money printers))) well...translate this anomaly to real life and you'll see how the world really works. Heh

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25 Dec 2022 3:23 am
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Merry Xmas!

I'd like to present another gift XD

Here's some more hidden history coincidentally scrubbed from our US history textbooks. Must have been an accident!
The Rothschilds set up banking system all over the world building their secret world government. They entered the American market early in 19th century. In 1811, the charter of Rothschilds Bank of US run out and Congress voted AGAINST its renewal. Nathan Mayer Rothschild was disappointed and said: “Either the application for renewal of the charter is granted, or the United States will find itself involved in a most disastrous war.”

The US ignored. Andrew Hitchcock in his book “The History of the House of Rothschild” writes: In 1812 a war, backed by Rothschild money, and Nathan Mayer Rothschild’s orders, was declared by the British on United States. The Rothschilds’ plan was to cause US to go into debt by fighting this war that they would have to surrender to the Rothschilds allow the charter for the Rothschild owned First Bank of the United States to be renewed.
In 1832, President Andrew Jackson was running for his second term in office under the slogan, “Jackson And No Bank!” This is in reference to his plan to take the control of the American money system to benefit the American people, not for the profiteering of the Rothschilds. In 1833 President Andrew Jackson starts removing the government’s deposits from the Rothschild controlled Second Bank of the US and instead deposited them into banks directed by democratic bankers.This caused the Rothschilds to panic and so they did what they do best, contract the money supply causing a depression.

President Jackson knew what they were up to and later said: “You are a den of thieves vipers, and I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out.” On January 30, 1835, an assassin tries to shoot President Jackson, but the assassin’s pistols misfired. President Jackson would later claim that he knew the Rothschilds were responsible for that attempted assassination. He was not the only one, the assassin, Richard Lawrence, who was found not guilty by reason of insanity, later said that powerful people in Europe had hired him and promised to protect him if he were caught. 
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26 Dec 2022 4:15 pm
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LowIQTrash » 25 Dec 2022, 1:14 am » wrote:
Autism/Tourette's sufferer) Peepee: We need to get rid of the banksters! 

*Refuses to identify their ethnicity*


To be continued...

...again, you blathering authoriTARDian monetary ignoramus, please copy and paste the actual words i know like i do to/for you gameboy genius peckerheads [and monetary ignoramuses]... wordle...  ;)   :wave: quarterwit, i would never utter 'we need to get rid of the banksters' like your truly lame strawman...although i will state again i believe we do need a transparent, egalitarian system of money issuance...a $ubject about which you gd fool nazi monetary ignoramuses, etc. assorted dense @ssholes,  have never contemplated in your tiny minds... wordle... 

...and i don't want 'ethnicities', you lame fool...what i want is mostly names of individuals and number$ in the form of an honest transparent public audit conducted by an elected public auditor(s) what do (((((((((((((YOU)))))))))))))) want, dummy?...  ;)  [nothing coming from the nazis, etc. monetary ignoramuses except more fascism :drool:  jism...wordle] 

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26 Dec 2022 10:20 pm
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Peepee is STILL suffering from Autism + Tourette's...LOL

Peepee "thinks" people will "vote out" the (((banksters))) and magically implement some kind of monetary reform, after which our perfectly accountable, honorable, incorruptible, and noble leaders will provide the means for oversight of how all this "newly created money" is distributed in an egalitarian fashion.  Image  

Might as well ask for a unicorn that shoots out rainbow farts

Meanwhile, back in reality: 

1) The (((BANKSTERS))) and (((Financiers))) have never been voted out of power in history...ever. They've only been expelled under monarchy, Islamic theocracy, and (one) Nazi state. 

A notable exception to this rule is Ulysses S. Grant but he is currently deemed "one of the worst presidents" by (FAKE/FRAUD/BRAINWASHED) historians...for reasons you can probably guess.  

Contrary to Peepee's idiocy, voting DOES NOT solve this problem. Democracy actually ENTRENCHES (((the Chosen Ones))) into the power structure, and consequently, their ability to (((PRINT THE MONEY))) BECOMES ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO DISLODGE you ****  Image 

The (((CHOSEN ONES))) KNOW this, which is why they constantly push for "FREEDUMB" AND "DEMOCRACY." Because the ******* **** Americans (in the words of the Great George Carlin) will be too busy arguing about trivial matters like Trump's golden shower/pee tapes or Hunter Biden's degeneracy to NOTICE THEY ARE BEING LOOTED BY (((TINY HATS/CROOKED NOSES))) YOU STUPID ****.  :rofl:  

2) Peepee thinks he can EJUKATE (snicker) the "public" on how money works...except the (American) public is full of RETARDS. 

American retards (The whole lot of them) CANNOT be educated. It is IMPOSSIBLE because their IQs are too low. LOL

The average retard has no idea how money is even created, let alone what type of monetary policy is most suitable. 

The average retard does not even know about (((THEIR))) dynasties that have accumulated, collectively, over $100T in wealth over the past 4-5 centuries, and if you attempt to bring up this topic in a conversation, they will call you anti-Semitic like the NPCs they are.

Your average retard adult male cares about horking down chicken wings at the local pub/bar, picking up random sluts to **** on Saturday night, and cheering on his American football/basketball/baseball/etc. team.

Your average retard adult female cares about "girls' night out," swiping right on Tinder, posting narcissistic selfies/videos on IG/TikTok, and shopping sprees.  

The vast majority of the public are RETARDED.

And if said retard CARES about politics, they will almost certainly blame Democraps, Repukes, or some other puppet in the muppet show.

Politics = spectator sport to retards 

Peepee is retarded enough to think sub-130 (or hell, even sub-120) IQ MORONS can "help decide the future of the country's monetary policy."  


3) Peepee never mentions (((the ETHNICITY))) of said bankers...let me give you a hint u dumbdumb

If you get rid of (((OUR FRIENDS))) currently dominating our media, financial system incl. banking, corporations, money management/investment "services," higher education, and more, you've already solved 70%+ of the problem. 

Peepee, you should FIX your Autism/Tourette's first...maybe seek liability damages from whoever forced vaccines into your bloodstream when you were a kid...LOL! Vaccines are responsible for the massive uptick in AUTISM. 

(((Big Pharma))) has wrecked havoc on your mental-physiological welfare and your ability to string together a logical argument.  XDD

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6 Jan 2023 7:49 pm
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Selaphobia » 25 Dec 2022, 2:21 am » wrote: FOS and a bunch of other people here say the Jews have money.
Seems like you got a lot of money

So do you.

Both of you got it from me. :)
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

You cannot betray me - only yourself, to me.

Who cuts off your dick is not your friend

An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.

Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.

Only religions declare heresy; only lies require protection.

If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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6 Jan 2023 7:51 pm
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SJConspirator » 25 Dec 2022, 1:12 am » wrote: The wealth being hoarded by these banking dynasties could alleviate the problems of mankind, that’s how vast it is.

The act of withholding that much of natures bounty from humans, the dominant species on this planet, is a crime greater than any of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc. The heads of totalitarian regimes are like lambs and their sins are minor next to the centuries of global misery and death caused by these Jewish families.
But the corporate class keeps wages low so you have to borrow money to survive. 

Its how this country was built. 

Get the rubes to do the work while you rake in the money. 
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6 Jan 2023 9:02 pm
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Justthetruth » 06 Jan 2023, 8:51 pm » wrote: But the corporate class keeps wages low so you have to borrow money to survive. 

Its how this country was built. 

Get the rubes to do the work while you rake in the money.
I cannot help but admire your incredible courage in calling out the "corporate class." You are a paragon!
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

You cannot betray me - only yourself, to me.

Who cuts off your dick is not your friend

An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.

Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.

Only religions declare heresy; only lies require protection.

If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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7 Jan 2023 1:22 am
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Oh that's not nothing.

Nazis looted trillions from all over Europe.

And gold teeth out of jews mouths.
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13 Dec 2023 3:43 pm
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1,431 posts
(my stupid phone didn’t load reply from peepee properly)

So if you don’t get rid of the (((BANKSTERS))) how will you fix the problems caused by them?  


(Let me guess? You want to VOTE these **** out?  :rofl:  )
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13 Dec 2023 3:58 pm
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1,431 posts
Justthetruth » 07 Jan 2023, 2:22 am » wrote: And gold teeth out of jews mouths.
A small fraction of well warranted “reparations”
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