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By LowIQTrash
24 Dec 2022 11:56 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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Today 6:41 am
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DeezerShoove » 15 minutes ago » wrote: So ya got nothing ... again.

Trundle off and find some article you can copy. Your opinion is out there somewhere. Image
To demonstrate what, Coozie?

That "Hitler was that bad" or "jews were innocent"?

Be specific.
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Today 6:47 am
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LowIQTrash » 25 Dec 2022, 12:56 am » wrote: Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Please enjoy your Xmas/holidays.

Anyway, I ran across this interesting article a week or so ago.

I will warn you it is very long, as is typical of articles as the majority of the readership is 120+ and a significant minority are 135+ (some are likely in the 145-155 camp) so no (((Bennie Shapiro)))/Kyle Kulinski/Tomi Lahren/(((Rubin Report)))/Trevor Noah/[insert your favorite YT commentator] levels of midwittery.

Link posted below for those of you willing to bravely scour the entire article. I will be posting snippets that I deem critical.

The Richest Man in the World, by Larry Romanoff - The Unz Review
Nestle is a publicly traded company...the largest shareholder is BlackRock, with less than 2%..

Retail investors hold more than 60%...

How can it be "controlled" by jews?
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Deezer Shoove
Today 6:57 am
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Blackvegetable » 18 minutes ago » wrote: To demonstrate what, Coozie?

That "Hitler was that bad" or "jews were innocent"?

Be specific.

Please leave it alone.
The concept of you having an opinion you are brave enough to express would frighten me.

First, I would have to believe there is an actual Hell.
Then I would have to accept that my newly accepted Eternal Fire has gone out.
On top of these amazing events . . . freezing over?!

I can scarcely conjecture the effects on society itself.
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
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Today 7:14 am
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DeezerShoove » 18 minutes ago » wrote: Please leave it alone.
The concept of you having an opinion you are brave enough to express would frighten me.

First, I would have to believe there is an actual Hell.
Then I would have to accept that my newly accepted Eternal Fire has gone out.
On top of these amazing events . . . freezing over?!

I can scarcely conjecture the effects on society itself.
Please leave it alone.
The concept of you having an opinion you are brave enough to express would frighten me
that's a novel excuse to not offer your opinion.

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Deezer Shoove
27 minutes ago
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Blackvegetable » Today, 7:14 am » wrote: that's a novel excuse to not offer your opinion.

Thanks Saul.
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
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22 minutes ago
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I cannot imagine the Rothschild descendants being inept to the extent they would squander some of the trillions stolen by their criminal ancestors over the past 400 years, but maybe there are people dumb enough to think that.  :cw:  
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20 minutes ago
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SJConspirator » 25 Dec 2022, 1:12 am » wrote: The wealth being hoarded by these banking dynasties could alleviate the problems of mankind, that’s how vast it is.

The act of withholding that much of natures bounty from humans, the dominant species on this planet, is a crime greater than any of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc. The heads of totalitarian regimes are like lambs and their sins are minor next to the centuries of global misery and death caused by these Jewish families.
Hmm…wonder where SJC went…
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