Intellectual Rights Aren't Correct Genetic Results...

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5 May 2024 4:15 am
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31st Arrival » 05 May 2024, 4:01 am » wrote: Understanding Self Evident Evolving or U.S.E.E.

What keeps you uniquely you each rotation of the planet your body is never the same total sum as previous rotation off the planet? Evolving since a fertilized cell within the principles of adapting since displaced as a replacement of your specific ancestry by the exact numbers occupying space each rotation of the planet lasted in this kinetic universe balancing every outcome of anything specifically here relative to universal location, galactic location, solar system located, planet located, species location, ancestral lineage located, ancestor occupying time this rotation uniquely here as DNA specificity among over 8 billion living in series parallel positions adapting by choices practiced since birth, brains minding social consensus believing life isn't self evident.

Aren't you tired of screwing yourself because nobody wants living completely understood by each ancestor living uniquely here in plain sight just to emotionally feel like you are exempt, exceptional, superior, among lifetimes being equally part of the food chain this rotation of the planet people believe life is too difficult to navigate time uniquely one of a kind this rotation of the planet?

Go ahead and list 3 sets of 10 human rights used in western civilization existing on the pm side of 12 hours a rotation of the planet's 24/7 time each rotation here in this unique universal location defining why character ranks hire than the characteristics of each person's time adapting as eternally separated "this rotation of the planet.

Remember pm ide of the planet is longitudes 180 to 360 per rotation. Am is international dateline in the western pacific from north pole to south pole to Greenwich prime meridian north pole to south pole European through Africa.

All intellectually designed from within this species used every generation gap of each vernacular tribalism since dawn of civilization to this rotation here.

I stopped denying how evolving worked after 32 years of pretending now isn't eternity since birth that my own ancestry still honors in this rotation of the planet.

This is why for the last 17 years I have identified myself intellectually as Nostradamus' "one male" or 31st parallel arrival added after my 16 great great grandparents were added to the rotations they evolved in, the rotations my 8 great grandparents occupied conceived to decomposed that added my 4 grandparents, brought my two parents into evolving results, adding my siblings and myself, that evolved into myself only reaching grandparent status as my siblings are already great great grandparents evolving same rotations I have so far.

Self evident existing until ancestor demand everyone pretend life exceeds adapting as displaced this rotation.

"Absolute power corrupts absolutely.". Humanity is the intellectual great Satan promising each ancestor life exceeds time adapting to the moment here factually.".

Evil live.
Babbling bastard. I hope someone beats your sorry yapping ***!
He's dead Jim!
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31st Arrival
5 May 2024 4:34 am
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murdock » 05 May 2024, 4:15 am » wrote: Babbling bastard. I hope someone beats your sorry yapping ***!
I can die today, but you won't ever be honest about why you are unique each rotation forward from here as you have denied what you been since conceived, birth, changing shape since arrived each rotation of the planet never same form as your fertilized cell.

I corrected my nurtured social mind and soul that everyone else alive won't accept all each has been since conceived. Redemption, salvation from organized reasonable doubt, orchestrated chaos, defying self evident time inhabiting space uniquely here.

Doing the same routines every generation since dawn of inventing realities to corrupt everyone else living forward this rotation covers hope, faith, charity, opportunity, power, wealth, fame sustaining reasonable doubt each added generation gap tomorrow bring down mayhem, madness, misery to any reproduction not complying with consensus created by previous 4 generations put upon 5th generation arrivals to follow the rule of laws placed to maintain reasonable doubt institutionally governing every franchise of humanity this rotation of the planet through vernacular tribalism separating ancestries by race, creed, color, national origin, gender biases, ideologies, economic status, whom controls the lines of communications globally through one medium of instant communication between each ancestor alive this rotation.
I understand what eternity has always been and how I exist living eternally separated now as occupying time here. You keep ignoring it as everyone else does trying to isolate me into feeling insignificant to your mantra of self deception.
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5 May 2024 5:06 am
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Good, do so. While you're dying rotate harder.
He's dead Jim!
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31st Arrival
5 May 2024 5:15 am
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murdock » 05 May 2024, 5:06 am » wrote: Good, do so. While you're dying rotate harder.
Your mind is devoid of exercising your own brain navigating space in the time evolving forward this rotation of the planet you believe isn't eternity where your body isn't evolving as eternally separated living uniquely here you occupying time each rotation of the planet you aren't same total sum here, now.

You are so wrapped into staying in character defending your franchised social narrative of we say so that the tyranny of your ancestral behavior between ruling elites and fellowships of social narratives you just won't look at all you have done in life never lived beyond adapting to space each this rotation you've been in so far life is a unique series parallel position adapting as displaced any rotation your alive is this one you are in as an every changing from existing in space where you do not create or destroy perpetual balancing coming together as the whole universe nothing is stationary but event horizons of your time changing form from fertilized cell to decomposing corpse left to endure each rotation forward.
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5 May 2024 10:38 pm
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^^retarded cocksucker, babble on loon.
He's dead Jim!
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sooted up Cyndi
6 May 2024 1:28 am
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Water Cooler Poleece
Water Cooler Poleece
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murdock » 05 May 2024, 10:38 pm » wrote: ^^retarded cocksucker, babble on loon.
are you speaking pig latin?
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31st Arrival
6 May 2024 5:35 am
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murdock » 05 May 2024, 10:38 pm » wrote: ^^retarded cocksucker, babble on loon.
See you still ignore your brain was the original nucleus of your unique fertilized cell navigating your unique body adapting in space this rotation of the planet.

Specific evolving in the current total sum of evolution. Specific gravity of actual position geographically here every rotation you been alive performing every decision to ignore now is eternity.

guess what the original sin is to serve humanity tomorrow has become every next rotation of the planet evolving like total sum only exists as displaced part off the universe naturally existing as perpetual outcomes never duplicated yet constantly balancing out what occupying space this rotation.

Imperfections between expanding details never duplicated and results never same forms adapting as displaced.

Eternity eternally separating specific positions naturally timed apart exactly here each this rotation of this universal position and everything left present changing forms shaped genetically here.

I understand why the human mind deflects natural time trying to survive reasonable doubt every generation historically arrived.
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11 Aug 2024 10:19 am
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31st Arrival » 28 Apr 2023, 6:26 am » wrote: ...occupying space here now as factually protected by rule of law.

this species population is divided genetically between 5 generation gaps of contracting DNA expanding numbers forward as long as great great grandchildren keep arriving one at a time.

Anyone wish to continue theorizing that isn't a universal constant like civilization does all the time?
**** the **** up you mindless babbling **** stain!
He's dead Jim!
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31st Arrival
11 Aug 2024 10:25 am
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murdock » 11 Aug 2024, 10:19 am » wrote: **** the **** up you mindless babbling **** stain!
Contrasting positions have to exist to have a separating event between the two positions present. 8 billion positions present reproductions pretending life isn't self evident does what all the time?

ancestrally never get along agreeing to never agree why and how each occupying space inheriting time from previous generations to stay alive uniquely living today.

Go ahead and tell me Your we the people are smarter than I have ever been.
I know what the original biblical sin was. It is in this post.
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11 Aug 2024 11:00 am
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31st Arrival » 11 Aug 2024, 10:25 am » wrote: Contrasting positions have to exist to have a separating event between the two positions present. 8 billion positions present reproductions pretending life isn't self evident does what all the time?

ancestrally never get along agreeing to never agree why and how each occupying space inheriting time from previous generations to stay alive uniquely living today.

Go ahead and tell me Your we the people are smarter than I have ever been.
I know what the original biblical sin was. It is in this post.
If only your stupid babbling *** would spontaneously combust...
He's dead Jim!
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31st Arrival
12 Aug 2024 8:35 am
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murdock » 11 Aug 2024, 11:00 am » wrote: If only your stupid babbling *** would spontaneously combust...
If only you would change your mind. You might become a civil ancestor rather than a civic minded bigot you choose to remain in plain sight and planed vernacular tribalism.
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12 Aug 2024 9:07 am
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31st Arrival » 12 Aug 2024, 8:35 am » wrote: If only you would change your mind. You might become a civil ancestor rather than a civic minded bigot you choose to remain in plain sight and planed vernacular tribalism.
**** you ya babbling cocksucker.
He's dead Jim!
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