Be careful what you ask for because when received, regret will be all you have left.
Humanity governs intellectually, philosophically, psychologically, physically creating social narratives to die for all the time each reproduction is alive while instincts navigate personally living uniquely here since conceived to replace their previous generations since arrival of personal ancestral lineage compounding chromosomes each generation of added child or children by the previous generation gap since inception of the species and different ancestral lineages due to geology, geometrical proportion of numbers present, geographically living upto 5 generations overlapping and the population never has same reproductions added twice and each addition never stays same form arriving a fertilized cell into a body that is a combination of all previous generations.
Universe is ever expanding details never the same perpetually balancing the outcomes as a whole, individually here now. Let me translate that to you in thermodynamic principles.
1. series parallel mutually evolving compounding combinations regardless combined periodic elements begin to erode and start biological evolving of combined chromosomes that sustain a food chain that reproduces lifetimes upto dying and decomposing back into periodic elements.
2. this process sustain perpetual changes of cycles mutually timed apart now between 4 dimensions of inorganic results universally here and 4 dimensions of previous generation gaps and adding a 5th to replace previous 4 one at a time.
3. things in motion stay moving.
4. details are never duplicated and results are never same form combined twice.
5. the moral of this post is there is a physical eternity and humanity keeps it a secret from the majority of the population by those in charge of training brains to believe there is such a time as tomorrow when evolving never exceeded the moment here.
Evidently you won't accept my algorithm from reverse engineering compounding chromosomes of my own experience adapting in space living mutually timed apart now since I was conceived to live uniquely here now. See I can account for why I had 2 siblings unique to themselves as I was to myself. I had two parents one parent has 4 step siblings and 4 siblings and the other one had 3 other siblings.
I had 4 grandparents that I never knew any of their siblings because my parents family were always in conflict with one another over whom was mommy's favorite child and daddy's favorite child since the younger 4 were of my grandpa and my grandma was mom to all 8.
So my brain had to think beyond what I was educated to believe, while growing up and that made it next to impossible for me to join ideas that followed why my family didn't get along with previous generation gaps same way societies of separate beliefs won't get along when each of their gods, God, Satan, promised their ideology would inherit the earth. My two previous generations had siblings in about every form of Christianity, and one side of the grandparents had freemasons among them my parents kept me away from without telling me why.
It is how I behave forward that ends my enabling the corruption established within this species ignoring how evolving process actually happens now.
You perform like your mind is superior to any body's brain navigating space uniquely here as you exist. My brain sees perpetual balancing universe changing forms in series parallel time displaced now.
Kinetic evolving vs speculation evolution works any other way that living goes forward now. Power of suggestion became Satan to evolving is God by any franchise of ignoring now is eternity.
You try living with that in your brain since your mind only obeys social consensus.