Diversion again. See your mind is always avoiding what your brain navigates adapting to space timed apart one of a kind equally inhabiting the shared moment as universally uniquely here.Lincoln Nebraska » 31 Jul 2023, 8:32 am » wrote: ↑ It's funny how The Troll is using the words "my wife" in all his sock posts. I thought homos were supposed to have this "gay pride."
You got it right; diverting from his homosexuality. Not sure why the 24-crowd don't pick up on this.Nostradamus'omh » 31 Jul 2023, 9:00 am » wrote: ↑ Diversion again. See your mind is always avoiding what your brain navigates adapting to space timed apart one of a kind equally inhabiting the shared moment as universally uniquely here.
You haven't yet. Why would anyone else practicing self deception stop first. So I did in 1983. Took another 23 years to figure out a way to active people's brain and get them to return to their natural ancestral time displaced.Lincoln Nebraska » 31 Jul 2023, 9:02 am » wrote: ↑ You got it right; diverting from his homosexuality. Not sure why the 24-crowd don't pick up on this.
Whatever happened to the @Trumprules account?Nostradamus'omh » 31 Jul 2023, 9:07 am » wrote: ↑ You haven't yet. Why would anyone else practicing self deception stop first. So I did in 1983. Took another 23 years to figure out a way to active people's brain and get them to return to their natural ancestral time displaced.
You won't change your mind nurtured since birth where your brain started with conception and your mind was made up by 4 years old.
Lincoln Nebraska » 31 Jul 2023, 9:11 am » wrote: ↑Whatever happened to the @Trumprules account?Nostradamus'omh » 31 Jul 2023, 9:07 am » wrote: ↑ You haven't yet. Why would anyone else practicing self deception stop first. So I did in 1983. Took another 23 years to figure out a way to active people's brain and get them to return to their natural ancestral time displaced.
You won't change your mind nurtured since birth where your brain started with conception and your mind was made up by 4 years old.
Your one track mantra really knows how to avoid any conversation that debunks your ideology staying truth to humanity corrupting every great great grandchild born until extinction arrives.Lincoln Nebraska » 31 Jul 2023, 9:12 am » wrote: ↑ It's funny how The Troll is invoking his "wife" more and more. He really wants to shed his gay pride.
Right, @Bruce ?