Two Handed Tyranny And The Iron Fists Of Humanity

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By 31st Arrival
11 Aug 2023 5:35 pm in The Water Cooler Chat Room
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1 Sep 2023 2:25 am
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Nostradamus'omh » 25 Aug 2023, 4:51 am » wrote: ..
1. Be careful what you wish for as the reality people make for tomorrow is their history left behind today each generation gap saving promises of life exceeds evolving here now.
There's a bad motorcycle powered by kinetic energy with the solo in the seat
Going ninety miles an hour down a dead end street
Yes...going ninety miles an hour down a dead end street

ultraliberals are not happy unless they are obsessing about something.
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31st Arrival
1 Sep 2023 5:44 am
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24,388 posts
MackTheFinger » 01 Sep 2023, 2:25 am » wrote: .
There's a bad motorcycle powered by kinetic energy with the solo in the seat
Going ninety miles an hour down a dead end street
Yes...going ninety miles an hour down a dead end street

Your post is pure hyperbole. Rule of law is paved with greater good intentions by those gaining diplomatic immunity from the laws they require everyone else to obey a specific ideology, or else. Pick one and die protecting until extinction arrives living in adapt or become extinct situation for each replacement alive.

Law of the land isn't defined by vocabulary, but time limits placed within each ancestor occupying time here now adapting as displaced geographically living now.

Actions taken and responses given create a total sum left evolving forward here, RIGHT?

Anything expanding in form and function either erodes or decomposes since added to evolving forward here, now. Anything existing is something of form functioning as displaced, even event horizons between total sum present showing time as displaced static possibilities anything else is possible, but didn't occur.

It is your ideology I don't accept, I understand why and how you perform in character rather than adapt in body of all you ever were since conceived. I respect you enough to treat you as my equal, and I explain how I navigate space for the time I am being me here now.

Lead by example doesn't take a we mantra demanding human rights to believe life cannot be understood individually here. I know why and how you work collectively with like minded people compromising your time away to feel larger than equally displaced. Denying actual time doesn't hurt anyone, and yet has corrupted every human occupying space now.

That includes me obeying rule of law because if i don't, society eliminates me from breathing by any means moral, legal, ethical, socially justified by rule of context over content planning of life for each great great grandchild added until extinction happens.

Catch 22 rule of law. Sharia Law. God's Law. Satan's rules. Humanity's soul. Live evil devil lived in details directing tomorrows when living never exceeds evolving as displaced now.

Hope, faith, charity, better tomorrows next generation gap added, power to control last generation cradle to grave by simple suggesting now isn't eternity.

4 generation gaps telling the 5th their duty come Hell or high water to save humanity today each rotation of the planet genetics eternally separates the active reproductions occupying time now.

The irony is cosmic at the instinctive level navigating space here, one of a kind.
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