Apathy is unconditional love. Love to be wanted or needed by everyone else is self evident one loathes their own time living as self evidently here demanding a specific social behavior by everyone else getting along without them.
Nobody creates a society alone, but every society is locked into performing as a reality larger than genetics sustains current population with a chain of command directing social outcomes for the last generation arriving one at a time now.
Gee, Physically there are no open circuits to an ever changing population left changing lifetimes here one at a time. Humanity invented a thing called thermodynamic principles to go along with Isaac Newton's universal constants in the 17th century training minds to believe in alternate realities and parallel universes following relative time logistic created with the new arriving Gregoarian calendar to replace the Julian Calendar that was about 19 day inaccurate.
April fools origin.
the actual original sin is when each ancestor gives up being individually alive as eternally separated in plain sight as ancestrally replaced their own 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great grandparents, 16, great great, 32 great great great, 64 great great great great grandparents.
So life never exceeds the moment here as specifically arrived with or without siblings in each generation gaps that don't have great great great great grandchildren here now.
Natural average of lifetime 5 generation gaps here regardless race, creed color, national origin, etc, is the current population living no missing links every happened since genetics eternally separates the numbers currently alive living as typecast people destroying each other over which form of denial rules next 5 generation gaps left alive until extinction ends the species practicing self deception as a greater good..
Don't abuse power of suggestion. everyone does except myself and that makes me the actual anti-christ, second coming of understanding self evident time displaced actually living eternally separated now specifically reproductively here now Nostradamus' "One Male" prophecy that ends time as intellectual minds say it should be.
Good luck keeping humanity destroying the species inside out psychologically reaches a tomorrow that never existed in the first place.