Not that I doubt the accuracy of your ancestral algorithms but the pictures are missing so it's hard to prove you wrong...Nostradamus'omh » 02 Dec 2023, 6:24 am » wrote: ↑ You don't own me. I know how you corrupt every great great grandchild ever born since dawn of civilization.
I want to be left alone without 6 degrees of separation mentalities creating chaos all around my time mutually evolving in plain sight. I am so civil I can stay out of the way of people in need to be in charge of life for everyone else to pay them to believe nobody knew why living is self evidently happening in series parallel time adapting in space existing in one's own skin when spontaneously here since conceived to simultaneously departing randomly at death but still as specific leaving as conceived to occupying time here now.
Since birth I was raised in Christianity. By 10 years old I couldn't completely believe in my family's traditional ways. Since then, I began to always feel out of place in family, friendships, social situations, regardless the "reality" is, I was navigating in and around.
Anyway, I got this idea about geometry between ancestral progression and ideologies misleading ancestries since dawn of civilization. And my brain came up with these and a few more. 24/7 relative time facts that cover up actual evolving in real time. Intellectual's 12 outside edges vs 24 inside angles creating 6 degrees of separating the individual from their genetic time adapting as displaced eternally separated when adapting to the moment here.
Ancestral lineages is the center of the three figured photo on the right. left side with the alternating black and white shows the xy of male results and the right side is xx side has black on the one side with white on the other. the male female separation of each reproduction added.
All my algorithms are set by these universal constants.
this is how my brain discovered time is immovable and evolving results never duplicate what arrives next now. I discovered Eternity eternally separating life universally present now.
rule of 72 in yields created by compounding results. Accountability for each conceived ancestor regardless plant, animal, predator, prey, asexual, male, female ancestor body type inception to extinction of any ancestral lineage ever occupying time in the moment here.
the forces of God and Satan all wrapped into power of suggesting now isn't eternity.
Image Image
thank you for the heads up the images didn't transfer.Jantje_Smit » 02 Dec 2023, 6:47 am » wrote: ↑ Not that I doubt the accuracy of your ancestral algorithms but the pictures are missing so it's hard to prove you wrong...
Ah, I see why, you already reached the character limit with the intellectual armagaddon, maybe you should shorten that a bit..
I can see them now, but when I read again I'm wondering about the rule of 72, is that the intellectual 12 outside edges times 6 degrees of separation? Your origami has 72 sides I think.. lol.. I tried to count them but that made my head hurt..Nostradamus'omh » 02 Dec 2023, 6:55 am » wrote: ↑ thank you for the heads up the images didn't transfer.
let me explain the optics on the 24/7 figure again. It is simple compounding geometry within the one figureJantje_Smit » 02 Dec 2023, 7:07 am » wrote: ↑ I can see them now, but when I read again I'm wondering about the rule of 72, is that the intellectual 12 outside edges times 6 degrees of separation? Your origami has 72 sides I think.. lol.. I tried to count them but that made my head hurt..
Your social mind resisting your brain becoming aware of all you have done believing humans are exempt from the natural evolving process and never were.Jantje_Smit » 02 Dec 2023, 7:07 am » wrote: ↑ I can see them now, but when I read again I'm wondering about the rule of 72, is that the intellectual 12 outside edges times 6 degrees of separation? Your origami has 72 sides I think.. lol.. I tried to count them but that made my head hurt..
Thanks.. I think.. but that doesn't really answer the question, does the origami have 72 sides?Nostradamus'omh » 02 Dec 2023, 7:24 am » wrote: ↑ let me explain the optics on the 24/7 figure again. It is simple compounding geometry within the one figure
There are 6 points to the outside of the 7th point of balance in the center representing immovable time. those 6 poles of 3 axises are vertical is gaseous and the two intersecting are liquid and mineral molecular characteristics to a rotating planet, orbited by a moon 3rd position from a star in a solar system revolving around the star in the center. Dawn is when the earth is rotating from facing away from center to the daylight of facing the core of existing as displaced perpetually balancing in this galaxy, universal moment.
Realities are configured on 8 ways to confuse everyone alive with one track narratives playing two sides against center balancing life in any angle diagonally contracting results from perpendicular expanding details. this is how I developed the idea of 8 hemispheres in this one atmosphere accounting for combinations of inorganic displacement and ancestral placement of lifetimes being the entire food chain native to this universal position.
Simple instinctively navigating space at the same time everything else is never the same universally timed apart now in its perpetual balancing shape never same form since conceived. Thermodynamic principles.
That is how I came up with time is stationary and evolving doesn't duplicate anything currently here in the cycles each became always changing the outcome of everything arriving next, now.
The kinetics of inversion conversion between inorganic and ancestral results. Now was always eternal separation point of ancestries never same forms adapting to space here now.
That takes care of the left photo. the right photo is combined total sums left and right with how it works in plain sight in the middle. I added 5 generation gaps to 6 degrees of ancestors being separated ancestrally here now. I displace the xx and xy factors in the 4 parallel vertical axises to center mom and dad conceiving the last generation gap occupying time, never same ancestors as previously here. That is eternal separation of numbers present.
each of those 4 parallel are half way between 4 horizontal corners grandparents sit between parents and children and great great grandparents delivery 8 great grandparents part of the DNA of each great great grandchild arriving in the center with the possibilities of becoming what ancestry does after birth. Evolvings into past generation gaps or not.
Again, there are 24 facets to that object, correct?Jantje_Smit » 02 Dec 2023, 7:43 am » wrote: ↑ Thanks.. I think.. but that doesn't really answer the question, does the origami have 72 sides?
Yes, I see the 24 facets on the right but I'm wondering about the ones on the right, if you add 8 dividers does that create 48 extra facets.. that doesn't sound right, I'm usually pretty good at math but not right now.. lol.. I have a good excuse though..Nostradamus'omh » 02 Dec 2023, 7:55 am » wrote: ↑ Again, there are 24 facets to that object, correct?
1. 24/7 Inorganically 3 types of molecular elements that combine and erode. 6 degrees of existing within their threshold of staying in form shaped since combined atomically here.
2. 24/7 time each reproduction is alive since conceived regardless plant/animal, predator/prey, male/female reproductive means to conceiving another generation gap after inception of its species.
3. 24.7 planet stay in same universal position when perpetually balancing here universally present.
4. 24/7 origin of conception, time evolving to whether or not becoming 1 of 2 parents, whether or not becoming 1 of 4 grandparents, whether or not becoming 1 of 8 great grandparents, whether or not becoming 1 of 16 great grandparents leaving behind 4 added generation gaps since they arrived one at a time.
5. 24/7 Academia, arts, economics, religions/morality, politics.legality, social consensus/ethics to ignore life in plain sight.
6. 24/7 history of human behavior since dawn of civilization ancestries chose to ignore their equal time adapting as displaced here now.
7 the original sin is the final conflict unless humans change their mind over matter lifestyle 24/7.
compounding ancestral lineages in with molecular elements changing forms shaped as universally position perpetually balancing all the changing details between erosion and decomposition cycles of individual forms shaped when universally here now.Jantje_Smit » 02 Dec 2023, 8:13 am » wrote: ↑ Yes, I see the 24 facets on the right but I'm wondering about the ones on the right, if you add 8 dividers does that create 48 extra facets.. that doesn't sound right, I'm usually pretty good at math but not right now.. lol.. I have a good excuse though..
I'm trying to linear interpret how many sides there are, since you refuse to answer the question I made an effort, it's 56 I think.. that's not 72, so how can the rule of 72 inspire your origami..Nostradamus'omh » 02 Dec 2023, 8:26 am » wrote: ↑ compounding ancestral lineages in with molecular elements changing forms shaped as universally position perpetually balancing all the changing details between erosion and decomposition cycles of individual forms shaped when universally here now.
Again, you are discussing time relativity facts and I am describing evolving as eternally separated now. Your planned mind cultivated after birth won't accept what your brain is navigating when spontaneously unique simultaneously with every other unique combination here.
You keep bringing the conversation back to linear interpretation done socially, as ancestrally practiced since dawn of civilization, not origin of ancestral lineages. » 02 Dec 2023, 9:02 am » wrote: ↑ I'm trying to linear interpret how many sides there are, since you refuse to answer the question I made an effort, it's 56 I think.. that's not 72, so how can the rule of 72 inspire your origami..
That makes sense, in a now is eternity kind of way.. so it is 6 times 12, you count some sides twice because it's a different view of perspective.. my social linear mind had some trouble with that but I get it now.. thanks..Nostradamus'omh » 02 Dec 2023, 9:14 am » wrote: ↑
What would it look like with 6 of these ^^^^linked into one object?
one of these
Now with the color, red is northern hemisphere. pink is southern hemisphere, green is daylight, blue is night, yellow and orange are am/pm hemispheres of today and tomorrow changing 24/7.
from each peak looking to center there are 12 sides of the whole from view half of the whole from each position of 6 degrees of separation from the core time that object exists. Say for example this planet and everything in its atmosphere.
I just show the event horizons to evolving never same total sum results twice going forward now. 6 times 12 is 72 combinations of same 24/7 frame of time doesn't do anything while evolving never stays same results again and there has to be a balance point that separates past, current events future results here. and that mutual time regardless universal point of displacement is NOW. WON. OWN.
Eternity has a balance point of things eternally different from before, currently here, arriving next as individually displaced. I revert to thermodynamic principles of motion and combined movements.
Ready for this. that graph is your time since conceived. Your brain is that 7th position between 6 degrees of separation while evolving as displaced replacing your vertical axis two parents and horizontal plane of 4 grandparents eachally lived as your lifetime is about to evolve wth potential of becoming 1 of 2 parents or not, becoming 1 of 4 grandparents or not.Jantje_Smit » 02 Dec 2023, 9:27 am » wrote: ↑ That makes sense, in a now is eternity kind of way.. so it is 6 times 12, you count some sides twice because it's a different view of perspective.. my social linear mind had some trouble with that but I get it now.. thanks..
You are a reproduction that loathes the natural process timing your body equally apart in plain sight revealing what eternity has always done regardless you were ever conceived or not.murdock » 02 Dec 2023, 9:38 am » wrote: ↑ Jane and the OP are huge stinking piles of child molester ****.
murdock » 02 Dec 2023, 9:38 am » wrote: ↑ Jane and the OP are huge stinking piles of child molester ****.
Oh **** off bastard.
You wonder why your avatar got changed and you can't correct it.