To Those Believing They Can Intellectually Inherit The Earth

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By 31st Arrival
2 Dec 2023 5:24 am in The Water Cooler Chat Room
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31st Arrival
3 Dec 2023 9:36 am
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Nostradamus' omh » 03 Dec 2023, 10:29 am » wrote: You wonder why your avatar got changed and you can't correct it.

Trust me when I'm tell you, this isn't yout site you are allowed to use for free.

There are punishments for not staying within limits to staying on topic.

Corrupt realities won't tolerate describing actual evolving in plain sight as it disrupts reasonable doubt governing anything is possible believing humanity serves a higher evolution than simple adapting in space ancestral ally here one at a time since inception to life never the same outcome twice evolving forward now.
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31st Arrival
3 Dec 2023 9:38 am
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Nostradamus' omh » 03 Dec 2023, 10:29 am » wrote: You wonder why your avatar got changed and you can't correct it.

Trust me when I'm tell you, this isn't yout site you are allowed to use for free.

There are punishments for not staying within limits to staying on topic.

Corrupt realities won't tolerate describing actual evolving in plain sight as it disrupts reasonable doubt governing anything is possible believing humanity serves a higher evolution than simple adapting in space ancestral ally here one at a time since inception to life never the same outcome twice evolving forward now.
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3 Dec 2023 11:50 am
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Nostradamus' omh » 03 Dec 2023, 10:29 am » wrote: You wonder why your avatar got changed and you can't correct it.

Trust me when I'm tell you, this isn't yout site you are allowed to use for free.

There are punishments for not staying within limits to staying on topic.

Corrupt realities won't tolerate describing actual evolving in plain sight as it dt isrupts reasonable doubt governing anything is possible believing humanity serves a higher evolution than simple adapting in space ancestral ally here one at a time since inception to life never the same outcome twice evolving forward now.
No, I don't wonder why. It was done because the mods are spineless little impotent bitches. Like children only more pathetic. A lot like you are, ya babbling idiot.
He's dead Jim!
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4 Dec 2023 8:16 pm
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The Earth is my Oyster and I will rip its pearl from inside that shell protecting living flesh.  Just because its there and I can.Image  
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31st Arrival
5 Dec 2023 2:22 am
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Skans » 04 Dec 2023, 9:16 pm » wrote: The Earth is my Oyster and I will rip its pearl from inside that shell protecting living flesh.  Just because its there and I can.Image  
Philosophy of a madman drunk from wheeling corrupted power of suggestion protected by laws that rule human reaction to ideas now isn't eternity by rewarding the faithful with symbolic values punishing the non complaint for insubordination to social consensus, questioning chain of command's authority, defamation of typecast people defending their intellectual soul, social identity, reality manifested ancestrally forward, promising better tomorrows to those keeping the faithful loyal to traditional beliefs each generation added forward here now.

The intellectual disease of self deception between ancestors and their ancestral lineage every generation gap lived to living forward occupying space in mutual time adapting to the moment here in series parallel relativity living doesn't exceed spontaneously alive simultaneously here since conceived to replace one;s previous generation gaps since inception of the form of life population exists here now.

Genetics eternally separates the ancestors to each species ancestral lineages native to their atmosphere or any other universal position with a working atmosphere eternally separating the inhabitants to that specific location unique to that location due to isolation in the vacuum of series parallel energy between locations, local, located geographically inorganically/ancestrally here, geologically displaced, geometrically numbered reproductions of combined molecular mass and compounding chromosomes never same details twice forward from here now.

You cannot do it without fooling everyone you did it by yourself. Realities only exist because of a united effort by all involved ignoring the self evident way evolving changes everything mutually evolving between original and doesn't exist again, geometry, geology, geographical point of displacement, individually displaced specifically here in an ever changing total sum past, current, future additions individually here now.

Self extermination comes from a species believing their own hypothetical values to death of those not complying to mob rules and dictatorships misleading hearts, minds, bodies, and contextual souls ignoring their own sole time displaced forward in plain sight.
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