Why is Trump so scared to debate in the primary.

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3 Jan 2024 12:37 pm
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R.Suave » 03 Jan 2024, 8:59 am » wrote: What have "libs" "screwed up", and who says so?
Geez. it would be easier to list what the libs have got right ..... nothing .... lol 

Lib left US Citizens in harm's way in Afghanistan and had to send troops back into Afghanistan... Libs had to get out of Afghanistan so quick because war is bad ... that they screwed up the Afghanistan withdrawal ... 

In the 2020 campaign, libs said Trump was going to get us into a war in the Middle East ... Trump did not do so ...Today the libs who said war is bad ... is now funding 2 wars (Ukraine and Israel).

After Covid and Supply problems, the libs passed the Recovery Act, pumping Trillions of $$$ into a supply challenged economy ... causing too many $$$ chasing too few goods ... Inflation ... libs directly caused inflation for 3 consecutive years in the US... Today the inflation rate for food (which the average wage earner buys on a weekly basis) is really around 9% higher than a year ago.

Border, Energy, Transportation, Education, Crime, Environment, Immigration, Inequity, Terrorism ...   you name it ... the libs have screwed it up ... 
R. Suave
3 Jan 2024 12:49 pm
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NEILCAR » 03 Jan 2024, 1:37 pm » wrote: Geez. it would be easier to list what the libs have got right ..... nothing .... lol 

Lib left US Citizens in harm's way in Afghanistan and had to send troops back into Afghanistan... Libs had to get out of Afghanistan so quick because war is bad ... that they screwed up the Afghanistan withdrawal ... 

In the 2020 campaign, libs said Trump was going to get us into a war in the Middle East ... Trump did not do so ...Today the libs who said war is bad ... is now funding 2 wars (Ukraine and Israel).

After Covid and Supply problems, the libs passed the Recovery Act, pumping Trillions of $$$ into a supply challenged economy ... causing too many $$$ chasing too few goods ... Inflation ... libs directly caused inflation for 3 consecutive years in the US... Today the inflation rate for food (which the average wage earner buys on a weekly basis) is really around 9% higher than a year ago.

Border, Energy, Transportation, Education, Crime, Environment, Immigration, Inequity, Terrorism ...   you name it ... the libs have screwed it up ...
Why don't you whittle this turd of Incoherence down to 3 or 4 discreet bullet points, with citations confirming each.....
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3 Jan 2024 12:50 pm
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Trump wants his hoochie groupies rape fan rallies.
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3 Jan 2024 12:52 pm
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R.Suave » 03 Jan 2024, 10:58 am » wrote: Do you know how social scientists estimate the number of guns in private hands in a state?

Democrats pull stuff out of their ***.....so that would be my guess.
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3 Jan 2024 1:05 pm
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If I was Trump.. I would not debate either. He is 40 to 50 points up on the next candidate. A debate is not going to change that.
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3 Jan 2024 1:09 pm
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impartialobserver » 03 Jan 2024, 2:05 pm » wrote: If I was Trump.. I would not debate either. He is 40 to 50 points up on the next candidate. A debate is not going to change that.


THat's true.  ANd the way he speaks can only hurt him. 
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3 Jan 2024 1:15 pm
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R.Suave » 03 Jan 2024, 1:49 pm » wrote: Why don't you whittle this turd of Incoherence down to 3 or 4 discreet bullet points, with citations confirming each.....

1st you ask for a list, one is provided ... I called biden the "village idiot" ... I was incorrect ... it is you who is the "village idiot." 

You want citations or references to the "pull out of Afghanistan, 3 years of inflation within the US, the boarder problems, have you even tried to travel during the holidays in the last three years... I guess in your world none of these things happened ... You once used the word "cretin."
... I would suggest you are the foolish one ... 

R. Suave
3 Jan 2024 1:22 pm
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NEILCAR » 03 Jan 2024, 2:15 pm » wrote: 1st you ask for a list, one is provided ... I called biden the "village idiot" ... I was incorrect ... it is you who is the "village idiot." 

You want citations or references to the "pull out of Afghanistan, 3 years of inflation within the US, the boarder problems, have you even tried to travel during the holidays in the last three years... I guess in your world none of these things happened ... You once used the word "cretin."
... I would suggest you are the foolish one ...

You're a simpleton.

The only things you know are what FOX pours into your empty skull.

"Biden caused inflation!"

It's currently at 2%, did Biden go away?

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3 Jan 2024 1:29 pm
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R.Suave » 03 Jan 2024, 2:22 pm » wrote: Neil,

You're a simpleton.

The only things you know are what FOX pours into your empty skull.

"Biden caused inflation!"

It's currently at 2%, did Biden go away?

How are those gas, energy, and grocery bills doing?
R. Suave
3 Jan 2024 1:32 pm
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Huey » 03 Jan 2024, 2:29 pm » wrote: How are those gas, energy, and grocery bills doing?
Stalking, Askholio?

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3 Jan 2024 1:32 pm
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Trump doesn't want to tale hard questions. He would rather hang out with people in rallies that are diluted.
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3 Jan 2024 1:38 pm
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R.Suave » 03 Jan 2024, 2:32 pm » wrote: Stalking, Askholio?

It was rhetorical, anal one.  
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3 Jan 2024 1:39 pm
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Huey » 03 Jan 2024, 2:38 pm » wrote: It was rhetorical, anal one.
It's cause he is scared to get up there and debate. That's why. 
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3 Jan 2024 1:40 pm
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Huey » 03 Jan 2024, 2:38 pm » wrote: It was rhetorical, anal one.

it's mostly because his false narratives would be busted.  He has to keep his followers believing lies. 
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3 Jan 2024 1:42 pm
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R.Suave » 03 Jan 2024, 2:32 pm » wrote: Stalking, Askholio?



Just for the record your rule is, although I am posting to on this topic, responding to one of your posts is "stalking".
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3 Jan 2024 1:42 pm
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Bidencrimefamily » 03 Jan 2024, 2:40 pm » wrote: it's mostly because his false narratives would be busted.  He has to keep his followers believing lies.

Are you talking about Biden's false narratives about the economy?  I suggest you go look and see what was being discussed. 
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3 Jan 2024 1:44 pm
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R.Suave » 03 Jan 2024, 2:22 pm » wrote: Neil,

You're a simpleton.

The only things you know are what FOX pours into your empty skull.

"Biden caused inflation!"

It's currently at 2%, did Biden go away?
Regarding Fox ... I admit I somethings watch "The Five" and "Gutfield" but not anything else.

Yes, the Inflation in the US was directly cause by the Libs American Rescue Plan.  The original bill was a great idea ... but as with all money bills the libs made it into too much and too soon and caused too many $$$ chasing too few goods.  Then they passed the Inflation reduction Act with did nothing to reducing Inflation and in fact pump even more money into an already Inflationary economy ... making things worse. 

You are presently paying around 9% more for groceries than you were a year ago... So, the very thing that the average wage earner buys on a weekly basis keeps going up every week ... and the funny part is you libs can't understand why no one believes you.... You are telling them inflation is over with while their disposal income goes down every week.

.... the average wage earner thinks you are the cretin that you are ... lol 
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3 Jan 2024 1:44 pm
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Huey » 03 Jan 2024, 2:42 pm » wrote: Are you talking about Biden's false narratives about the economy?  I suggest you go look and see what was being discussed.
It's safer for trump to be in front of people that buy his ****. Not challenging his lies. 
R. Suave
3 Jan 2024 1:44 pm
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Huey » 03 Jan 2024, 2:42 pm » wrote: Just for the record your rule is, although I am posting to on this topic, responding to one of your posts is "stalking".
Remember your Rewrite Rule?

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3 Jan 2024 1:51 pm
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Bidencrimefamily » 03 Jan 2024, 2:44 pm » wrote: It's safer for trump to be in front of people that buy his ****. Not challenging his lies. 

I already mentioned that the way he speaks it can only hurt him to debate.  
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