Why is Trump so scared to debate in the primary.

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3 Jan 2024 1:52 pm
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Huey » 03 Jan 2024, 2:51 pm » wrote: I already mentioned that the way he speaks it can only hurt him to debate.
Trump didn't want his record stung out in front of his die hands.  He didn't want the truth to come out. He wanted to keep the slaves on the plantation. 
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3 Jan 2024 1:59 pm
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Bidencrimefamily » 03 Jan 2024, 2:44 pm » wrote: It's safer for trump to be in front of people that buy his ****. Not challenging his lies.
Perhaps you can name one.....Benson and Onassis could NOT, when pressed.

Let's see if you can.
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3 Jan 2024 2:01 pm
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RebelGator » 03 Jan 2024, 2:59 pm » wrote: Perhaps you can name one.....Benson and Onassis could NOT, when pressed.

Let's see if you can.
Trump wanted to limit the options of his base getting real information truthful information  he is so scared they will learn something that will challenge his falsehoods. 
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3 Jan 2024 2:02 pm
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Bidencrimefamily » 03 Jan 2024, 2:52 pm » wrote: Trump didn't want his record stung out in front of his die hands.  He didn't want the truth to come out. He wanted to keep the slaves on the plantation.
While the actual truth is not one dem voted to free the slaves, the Republican party freed the slaves. 
and it is a fact that the KKK was the enforcement are of the dem party for over 60 years... 

since we are talking "slaves on the plantation" and all .. I thought I'd set the record straight.... 
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3 Jan 2024 2:02 pm
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Bidencrimefamily » 03 Jan 2024, 3:01 pm » wrote: Trump wanted to limit the options of his base getting real information truthful information  he is so scared they will learn something that will challenge his falsehoods.
I didn't think you could name one, fruitcake.
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3 Jan 2024 2:03 pm
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RebelGator » 03 Jan 2024, 3:02 pm » wrote: I didn't think you could name one, fruitcake.
Trump doesn't want to have his base learn anything. Just like the Republicans don't want you to learn the facts on anything. Just like plantation owners didn't want the slaves to learn how to read. 
R. Suave
3 Jan 2024 2:19 pm
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NEILCAR » 03 Jan 2024, 2:44 pm » wrote: Regarding Fox ... I admit I somethings watch "The Five" and "Gutfield" but not anything else.

Yes, the Inflation in the US was directly cause by the Libs American Rescue Plan.  The original bill was a great idea ... but as with all money bills the libs made it into too much and too soon and caused too many $$$ chasing too few goods.  Then they passed the Inflation reduction Act with did nothing to reducing Inflation and in fact pump even more money into an already Inflationary economy ... making things worse. 

You are presently paying around 9% more for groceries than you were a year ago... So, the very thing that the average wage earner buys on a weekly basis keeps going up every week ... and the funny part is you libs can't understand why no one believes you.... You are telling them inflation is over with while their disposal income goes down every week.

.... the average wage earner thinks you are the cretin that you are ... lol
F'n A....where to begin...
Regarding Fox ... I admit I somethings watch "The Five" and "Gutfield" but not anything else
Of course....it's like a broken record around here...

You consume the Angry Housewife Watters & Gutfield Lite, then bed down with....more Gutfield..

A feedback loop....

But you didn't answer the obvious question.
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3 Jan 2024 2:22 pm
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R.Suave » 03 Jan 2024, 3:19 pm » wrote: F'n A....where to begin...

Of course....it's like a broken record around here...

You consume the Angry Housewife Watters & Gutfield Lite, then bed down with....more Gutfield..

A feedback loop....

But you didn't answer the obvious question.
Can't let the truth sink in. They are in the disinformation loop. 
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3 Jan 2024 2:31 pm
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I notice you have not dispute any of my facts ...

I would be ashamed to admit I voted for biden ... lol

We are sorry world .... most of us didn't vote for this idiot!!!
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3 Jan 2024 4:34 pm
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NEILCAR » 03 Jan 2024, 1:37 pm » wrote: Geez. it would be easier to list what the libs have got right ..... nothing .... lol 

Lib left US Citizens in harm's way in Afghanistan and had to send troops back into Afghanistan... Libs had to get out of Afghanistan so quick because war is bad ... that they screwed up the Afghanistan withdrawal ... 

In the 2020 campaign, libs said Trump was going to get us into a war in the Middle East ... Trump did not do so ...Today the libs who said war is bad ... is now funding 2 wars (Ukraine and Israel).

After Covid and Supply problems, the libs passed the Recovery Act, pumping Trillions of $$$ into a supply challenged economy ... causing too many $$$ chasing too few goods ... Inflation ... libs directly caused inflation for 3 consecutive years in the US... Today the inflation rate for food (which the average wage earner buys on a weekly basis) is really around 9% higher than a year ago.

Border, Energy, Transportation, Education, Crime, Environment, Immigration, Inequity, Terrorism ...   you name it ... the libs have screwed it up ... 
Libs never screw up a reality when all they do is **** up natural order of evolving in real time.
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jerra b
3 Jan 2024 4:36 pm
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Bidencrimefamily » 01 Jan 2024, 5:30 pm » wrote: Pretty cowardly. I think he needed to protect himself from hard questions

he should explain why he abandoned the kurds who were american allies.
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jerra b
3 Jan 2024 4:37 pm
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jerrab » 03 Jan 2024, 5:36 pm » wrote: he should explain why he abandoned the kurds who were american allies.

maybe that will be one of the questions and he knows it.
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3 Jan 2024 4:50 pm
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Trump has to control the environment as much as possible as to not let the truth out of the bag.
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4 Jan 2024 1:18 am
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I guess now we know why Trump won't show up he is all over epsteins private jet.
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4 Jan 2024 1:54 am
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Bidencrimefamily » 03 Jan 2024, 2:44 pm » wrote: It's safer for trump to be in front of people that buy his ****. Not challenging his lies.
Give us a complete  list of the hardships you had to deal with when Trump was president.
[Please spare us with mentioning the deliberately created and released CV19 virus that was  released to sabotage Trumps presidency].
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4 Jan 2024 5:35 am
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Bidencrimefamily » 04 Jan 2024, 2:18 am » wrote: I guess now we know why Trump won't show up he is all over epsteins private jet.
Why is his the only name getting bantered about? Not everyone on the list participated in the Epstein lifestyle. You want to play guilt by association, beware the company you keep, defend, protect with reasonable doubt.
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4 Jan 2024 9:31 am
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Bidencrimefamily » 01 Jan 2024, 5:30 pm » wrote: Pretty cowardly. I think he needed to protect himself from hard questions
He's holding out for a better offer.  How much $$$$$$$$ are you going to offer Trump to debate? 
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4 Jan 2024 6:41 pm
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Because he can't take the heat.
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5 Jan 2024 12:06 am
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R.Suave » 02 Jan 2024, 12:23 pm » wrote: The man is a chronic ******.
When is your guy going to debate RFK Jr?
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5 Jan 2024 2:15 am
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Bidencrimefamily » 04 Jan 2024, 7:41 pm » wrote: Because he can't take the heat.
Trump would reduce you to a steaming puddle of **** within 5 minutes of any open debate with such a low IQ and totally brainwashed POS like you  at ANY 50,000 seat venue. ...... :)  
You simple aren't qualified to call that man a coward until you can prove your balls are bigger than his.
We both know that you can't...so please stop pretending ....

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