Congrads to Nancy Pelosi....She just made $500,000 in 2 months on stocks.....

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26 Jan 2024 1:04 pm
Giant Slayer
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maineman » 26 Jan 2024, 1:51 pm » wrote: you have never voted for anyone who was elected to congress?

I thought you meant presidents. Yes, I have. I have voted both Repubs and Dems in congressional seats. Why all these questions? Are we going somewhere with this? 
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26 Jan 2024 1:09 pm
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Vegas » 26 Jan 2024, 2:04 pm » wrote: I thought you meant presidents. Yes, I have. I have voted both Repubs and Dems in congressional seats. Why all these questions? Are we going somewhere with this?
You were the one who bitched and said that we didn't make the rules, congress did and that's how they all get rich.  They only get to BE in Congress if folks like you and me vote them in.  If you have a problem with your congressman/woman or either senator, you are free to vote for their opponents in the next election, or, better yet, run for the seat and try to take it away from them.

Nancy Pelosi didn't do anything illegal.  She married a really smart really wealthy guy who knows how to wisely invest the family fortune.
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26 Jan 2024 1:11 pm
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maineman » 26 Jan 2024, 2:04 pm » wrote: Nancy Pelosi's husband didn't get rich because his wife was a congresswoman.  He got rich by being a very savvy investor who has a formidable reputation amongst other investors and venture capitalists. ... net-worth/
Yes, I am aware of that.  I do think some members of congress have made some insider trades, however.   Did the Pelosis?  Perhaps. 

I don't think its ever been seriously investigated since its not illegal.
26 Jan 2024 1:13 pm
Giant Slayer
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maineman » 26 Jan 2024, 2:09 pm » wrote: You were the one who bitched and said that we didn't make the rules, congress did and that's how they all get rich.  They only get to BE in Congress if folks like you and me vote them in.  If you have a problem with your congressman/woman or either senator, you are free to vote for their opponents in the next election, or, better yet, run for the seat and try to take it away from them.

Nancy Pelosi didn't do anything illegal.  She married a really smart really wealthy guy who knows how to wisely invest the family fortune.

Yes, and I do. VG (aka Bidencrimefamily) thinks that we are the ones that change laws. The moron is clueless. I vote for people who I believe will do the right thing. But it's a whole congress involved. I can't be the only one that votes out the lying scum. That has to be a social effort by the majority of Americans. However, most Americans are like you and VG. The dimocrats are always right and the Republicans are always wrong, and then vice-versa with the other half of the voters. You people vote partisan all the way down. 

Pathetic and stupid. 
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26 Jan 2024 1:45 pm
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maineman » 26 Jan 2024, 2:04 pm » wrote: Nancy Pelosi's husband didn't get rich because his wife was a congresswoman.  He got rich by being a very savvy investor who has a formidable reputation amongst other investors and venture capitalists. ... net-worth/
I have my doubts about the veracity of the claims he became wealthy because he is an astute investor.  He married The Pig just four years after graduating from Georgetown with a degree is foreign service. His "venture capital" firm is Financial Leasing Services, Inc.  The founded the company just a few years after they were married, only have three employees (per LinkedIn) and you cannot find any financial information about them. Their own LinkedIn profile states the serve as "intermediaries"...meaning they don't actually make investments, the put your people in touch with other people.

Remember some of his "shrewd" investments includes a $10 million call option purchase of Microsoft just before they were awarded a $22 billion defense and right before it was announced that Microsoft inked an deal to buy an AI firm (something Congress would have know about before awarding them the contract) which saw a 12% increase in Microsoft stock (netting Mr. Nancy a cool $1,2 million off one deal). Also, just weeks before Biden signed an EO (while wifey was Speaker) to replace the entire federal automobile fleet with EVs, he somehow had the foresight to by $1 million in Tesla stock and reap a 22% return on that investment.  The list goes on, and on and on. 
26 Jan 2024 2:05 pm
Giant Slayer
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Z09 » 26 Jan 2024, 2:32 pm » wrote: Well said ..

Have you noticed?
Just about everyone on the "right" admits there's problems on both sides with regard on this stock trading.

But the "left"..
Immediately defends the democrats and say there's nothing illegal going on....

Yep. I have met many people on the right who are willing to call out their own. I have yet to meet one lefty that has the integrity to call out their own. Not one. It's always "But Trump...." or "But the GOP...." blah blah blah...
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26 Jan 2024 2:34 pm
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Vegas » 26 Jan 2024, 2:13 pm » wrote: Yes, and I do. VG (aka Bidencrimefamily) thinks that we are the ones that change laws. The moron is clueless. I vote for people who I believe will do the right thing. But it's a whole congress involved. I can't be the only one that votes out the lying scum. That has to be a social effort by the majority of Americans. However, most Americans are like you and VG. The dimocrats are always right and the Republicans are always wrong, and then vice-versa with the other half of the voters. You people vote partisan all the way down. 

Pathetic and stupid.

I have never said that the democrats are always right.  I DO believe that politics is a team sport, however.  The people elect one party to a majority of seats over the other party.  That majority party is on offense.  They try to use their majority to pass legislation that advances their platform.  If they are successful, and the majority of people like the direction they are taking and like the legislation that they pass, they reelect them and they continue on offense.  If the people aren't happy, they boot that party out of power and the other one tries its hand on offense.  Throughout it all, honorable members from both sides routinely (not so much today as earlier in my life) get together to sponsor legislation that they both support.  I fully support collaboration and compromise 
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26 Jan 2024 2:41 pm
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maineman » 26 Jan 2024, 2:04 pm » wrote: Nancy Pelosi's husband didn't get rich because his wife was a congresswoman.  He got rich by being a very savvy investor who has a formidable reputation amongst other investors and venture capitalists. ... net-worth/
Don't let facts stand in their way. 
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26 Jan 2024 3:01 pm
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Z09 » 26 Jan 2024, 3:59 pm » wrote: You're an idiot
And you're an idiots view of an idiot.
Her husband was a Wizz when it came to investing. Maybe he gave her some suggestions. 
26 Jan 2024 3:38 pm
Giant Slayer
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maineman » 26 Jan 2024, 3:34 pm » wrote:   If the people aren't happy, they boot that party out of power and the other one tries its hand on offense.  
This ^^^ is what is supposed to happen. But it rarely does for the reason I stated. Most Americans prefer to point the finger at the other party rather than doing some contemplation of their own party. It's always the same: "Sure , my party has problems...BUT...that other party is worse...blah blah blah..." Meanwhile, the same old people stay in power doing the same old thing over and over....

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26 Jan 2024 3:43 pm
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Vegas » 26 Jan 2024, 4:38 pm » wrote: This ^^^ is what is supposed to happen. But it rarely does for the reason I stated. Most Americans prefer to point the finger at the other party rather than doing some contemplation of their own party. It's always the same: "Sure , my party has problems...BUT...that other party is worse...blah blah blah..." Meanwhile, the same old people stay in power doing the same old thing over and over....
The Trump years in a nut shell. 
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26 Jan 2024 3:47 pm
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maineman » 26 Jan 2024, 1:50 pm » wrote: You think she made that trade all on her own and never consulted with her extremely wealthy venture capitalist husband?

you **** moron.
Is that what you got out of that?

I don't care if the bitch sucked the dick off the Chairman of the SEC.....he's not a man anyways, he's a Chairperson.
You *** are funny.
26 Jan 2024 3:48 pm
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Bidencrimefamily » 26 Jan 2024, 4:43 pm » wrote: The Trump years in a nut shell.

@maineman  my point proved in a nutshell. ^^^
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26 Jan 2024 3:49 pm
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michaelf » 26 Jan 2024, 9:34 am » wrote: Not true. There are lots of us that want to drain the swamp...the swamp is full of "establishment politicians". And don't be fooled. Pelosi and the like are breaking plenty of laws but they are above the law.
No you just want democrats out. I want to drain the swamp of Republicans. So I get yeah. 
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26 Jan 2024 4:01 pm
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Vegas » 26 Jan 2024, 4:38 pm » wrote: This ^^^ is what is supposed to happen. But it rarely does for the reason I stated. Most Americans prefer to point the finger at the other party rather than doing some contemplation of their own party. It's always the same: "Sure , my party has problems...BUT...that other party is worse...blah blah blah..." Meanwhile, the same old people stay in power doing the same old thing over and over....

I think parties have examined themselves and changed over time, and I think they continue to do so.  The democratic party used to be the party of the white racist south.  We used to be the party of Jim Crow.  Later we were the anti-war party and the GOP was all hawks.  We used to be isolationists and the GOP was all about  strong global alliances and standing up the communism.  Lots of role-reversals going on, doncha think?
26 Jan 2024 4:05 pm
Giant Slayer
13,948 posts
maineman » 26 Jan 2024, 5:01 pm » wrote: I think parties have examined themselves and changed over time, and I think they continue to do so.  The democratic party used to be the party of the white racist south.  We used to be the party of Jim Crow.  Later we were the anti-war party and the GOP was all hawks.  We used to be isolationists and the GOP was all about  strong global alliances and standing up the communism.  Lots of role-reversals going on, doncha think?

Role reversals don't mean change, it just means that they took turns believing the same things. That isn't progress. Progress can only happen when Americans smarten up and pull their heads out of their asses. Once they see that the government has never and still doesn't care about our best interest, then you will see and experience change. However, if you are going to continue to look to the government for change, be it supporting the dems or accusing the Repubs, then I don't know what to say. 
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26 Jan 2024 4:07 pm
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maineman » 26 Jan 2024, 5:01 pm » wrote: I think parties have examined themselves and changed over time, and I think they continue to do so.  The democratic party used to be the party of the white racist south.  We used to be the party of Jim Crow.  Later we were the anti-war party and the GOP was all hawks.  We used to be isolationists and the GOP was all about  strong global alliances and standing up the communism.  Lots of role-reversals going on, doncha think?
Currently they are the Party of homosexuals, global warming alarmists, blacks, baby killers, union thugs, tranny ***, and guilt ridden, white, cowardly suburbanites.

If you want to update your list.
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26 Jan 2024 4:09 pm
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ConsRule » 26 Jan 2024, 11:29 am » wrote: Just curious, but honest question; What laws are being broken?  Please provide the cite in the US Code.
Really? You want to depend on a blue collar guy like me to show  how all the filthy rich politicians are cheating? 
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26 Jan 2024 4:12 pm
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michaelf » 26 Jan 2024, 5:09 pm » wrote: Really? You want to depend on a blue collar guy like me to show  how all the filthy rich politicians are cheating?
Nancy Pelosi is a good capitalist. 
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26 Jan 2024 5:12 pm
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RebelGator » 26 Jan 2024, 5:07 pm » wrote: Currently they are the Party of homosexuals, global warming alarmists, blacks, baby killers, union thugs, tranny ***, and guilt ridden, white, cowardly suburbanites.

If you want to update your list.

how thoughtful and mature, Cletis!  [/sarcasm off]
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