I channel my rage into understanding why the universe exists in a state of perpetual balancing results left in ever changing form that constantly changes shape since arrival like everything is the total sum of changes left evolving forward uniquely here one at a time.
Your ancestry like mine was trained over the last 350 generation gaps to ignore it and choose to believe life isn't that simple as genetics eternally separates each ancestor alive native to this universal location, location of species, locations of ancestral lineage, each ancestor located in this atmosphere socially accepted or not, each next rotation still alive or not.
Need I remind your brain what longitudes represent and latitudes measure during seasonal shifts each rotation, every revolution total sum never stays the same results this rotation. longitude is relative time zones to which geographical area of a rotating planet's surface is passing through event horizons latitudes of climate change north and south of the equator created by spontaneously separate motions working simultaneously here.
That series parallel flow is also part of evolving between 5 generation gaps changing shape of the food chain's multiple populations of ancestral lineages between categories of plants and animals, predatory or prey nature per ancestor alive, asexual, male, female types of bodies reproduced to population changing every rotation with incoming conceptions and outgoing deaths averaging out to a constant exchange between erosion and decomposition after compounding combinations of periodic elements and genetic chromosomes never same details twice at the same time.
Back to the self evident separation between evolving as displaced and believing anything else is possible where facts support defying the natural process of living eternally separated now.
Original sin and final conflict. Two sides of one event always in play in every alternate reality corrupting every generation forward each great great grandchild born this rotation. All this was done from within this species throughout history each generation gap making sure extinction is the only way to stop it. come Eternal Hell after death or high water while alive drowning in mayhem, madness, misery placed upon anyone defying humanity each rotation of the planet.
Doing the same things over and over expecting different outcomes next rotation of the planet, next generation. Insanity or punishment for not obeying rule of law sustaining social consensus among typecast people making cradle to grave careers pretending now isn't eternity.
live evil devil lived in details pof maybes, could ofs, should haves, would bes, might(possibilities not strength) makes human rights to demand being supplied with context governs content, symbolism defines substance, mind over matter changing forms shaped uniquely here never same total sum twice per ancestor each rotation forward now.
"....lead us not into temptation and deliver us from self deception....." Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death since conceived uniquely here, I understand my time limits occupying space this rotation.