Where is Biden, any proof of life?

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By Jantje_Smit
23 Jul 2024 6:55 am in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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16 Aug 2024 6:42 am
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october surprise: biden will die. all attention will be on harris taking over....... trump, who?
Buck Naked
16 Aug 2024 8:33 am
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Wow she hasn’t received one vote from any voter astonishing
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17 Aug 2024 5:00 am
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Since this is the only thread about Biden, there be one, he is still the president after all, and it shows something that's missing from all the proganda clips.. at 0:09, an overview of the raucous crowd.. for @maineman  


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5 Sep 2024 10:52 am
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It took a while but there is still proof of life... it isn't a double, that one wouldn't be able to act so convincingly stoopid.. seems I was wrong, the coup is a done deal but they are still hiding him in the basement..


Buck Naked
5 Sep 2024 4:21 pm
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He will prove he is alive when he pardons hunter.
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5 Sep 2024 4:46 pm
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BuckNaked » 16 Aug 2024, 8:33 am » wrote: Wow she hasn’t received one vote from any voter astonishing
oh no
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5 Sep 2024 4:53 pm
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Here is how TRANNY DC spends money...

John Dead Cancer *** McCain.... :LOL:  

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5 Sep 2024 5:23 pm
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Buck Naked
5 Sep 2024 7:48 pm
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oh no is right.   How did she go from last place in 2020 to presidential nominee in 4 years?
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5 Sep 2024 7:52 pm
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BuckNaked » 05 Sep 2024, 7:48 pm » wrote: oh no is right.   How did she go from last place in 2020 to presidential nominee in 4 years?
Buck Naked
5 Sep 2024 8:28 pm
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We are **** 
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5 Sep 2024 8:38 pm
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so ****
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Today 3:47 am
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I was looking for a thread about Biden and then I remembered this one, not that anyone gives a **** about Biden anymore but in case people were wondering, he is still alive and they let him out of the basement again.. it is a good question, wtf is running the country.. or even better, who has been running the country?


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Jantje_Smit » 23 Jul 2024, 6:55 am » wrote: It has been almost a week, it is getting suspicious, questions are being asked..

Did he really quit, that letter and signature is obviously a cheap fake
Same with endorsing the Ho, there's no proof he did
Why announce it on X/Twitter, why not a speech or a press conference
According to the propaganda he is recovering well, why are there no pictures or videos
And where is Dr Jill?????

Did I miss anything, thoughts?


seems to be in the wind...or he's busy finalizing the rigging of the election... :ninja:  
Image “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime” LAVRENTIY BERIA
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double ****...
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Buck Naked
Today 7:26 am
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Plugs is in over his head
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