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Today 6:32 am
Today 6:32 am
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Cannonpointer's Internet Barrister
Cannonpointer's Internet Barrister
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How **** is your candidate if they’re in a statistical tie with a felon?

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Today 7:48 am
Today 7:48 am
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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » Today, 5:34 am » wrote: shameless bump  :die:  
par for the course of a ruthless sole pretending to have an immortal soul.
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Today 10:31 am
Today 10:31 am
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Cedar » Today, 6:32 am » wrote: How **** is your candidate if they’re in a statistical tie with a felon?

roughly half you RETHUGLICANs don't care if Trump is a felon, and that speaks volumes of your values
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