Harris is done. I knew Trump would spank her, but....

By *Vegas
10 Sep 2024 9:02 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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11 Sep 2024 11:10 am
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Zeets2 » 11 Sep 2024, 11:05 am » wrote: Seriously?
Kamaltoe couldn't crush a grape!

How is it she couldn't win ONE SINGLE DELEGATE when she ran for president in 2020?
EVERYBODY crushed her then, didn't they dickhead?
Even your favorite gay boy Buttiplug!
Chris Wallace said she pitched a shutout.

11 Sep 2024 11:12 am
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Blackvegetable » 11 Sep 2024, 10:56 am » wrote: what impressed you most about Grifty's performance?
  • He caught every lie from Kamala. He got under her skin.
  • He spoke in specifics. Kamala spoke in generalities by appealing to emotion.
  • He came across more confident. Kamala came across like a typical sorority girl. All giggly.
  • I can see the passion from Trump about the border. It was justified anger, not impulsive anger. Kamala didn't appear to give a ****. She did what you do, evade. 
  • Trump made an the excellent point that Putin waited until Trump was out of office before invading because he knew how weak Biden/Harris were. Putin was right. 
And **** your safe space. We both know its coming. 
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11 Sep 2024 11:22 am
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Blackvegetable » 11 Sep 2024, 11:10 am » wrote: Chris Wallace said she pitched a shutout.
I hope the Republicans use signal jammers at the next debate, or better yet, play some David Allen Coe while she's trying to hear  the instructions coming thru her Bushman Ear Rings.
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11 Sep 2024 11:28 am
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RebelGator » 11 Sep 2024, 11:22 am » wrote: I hope the Republicans use signal jammers at the next debate, or better yet, play some David Allen Coe while she's trying to hear her the instructions coming thru her Bushman Ear Rings.
Why don't you figure out how to train your galoot...
11 Sep 2024 11:29 am
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Blackvegetable » 11 Sep 2024, 11:28 am » wrote: Why don't you figure out how to train your galoot...

Asks a question without the question mark. Everyday you prove how stupid you can be. 

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11 Sep 2024 11:53 am
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Blackvegetable » 11 Sep 2024, 11:10 am » wrote: Chris Wallace said she pitched a shutout.
Yeah, now THERE'S an unbiased opinion from a far-left liberal idiot alright!
He's nothing but a liberal nut that's fallen from a lying, phony, worm-infected tree coming from a father named Mike.

Would you have expected anything different coming from that jackass?
If you did, you're far dumber than anyone has ever given you credit for!
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11 Sep 2024 12:11 pm
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Zeets2 » 11 Sep 2024, 11:53 am » wrote: Yeah, now THERE'S an unbiased opinion from a far-left liberal idiot alright!
He's nothing but a liberal nut that's fallen from a lying, phony, worm-infected tree coming from a father named Mike.

Would you have expected anything different coming from that jackass?
If you did, you're far dumber than anyone has ever given you credit for!
He once toiled for FOX.
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11 Sep 2024 12:15 pm
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Yeah, till they wised up and fired his lying liberal ***!
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11 Sep 2024 12:26 pm
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Blackvegetable » 11 Sep 2024, 11:10 am » wrote: Chris Wallace said she pitched a shutout.

wasn't a baseball game. Didn't Chris Wallace lose credibility in 2017 anyway?
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11 Sep 2024 12:27 pm
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Zeets2 » 11 Sep 2024, 12:15 pm » wrote: Yeah, till they wised up and fired his lying liberal ***!
You sound like a Jesse Watters guy...
11 Sep 2024 12:28 pm
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Blackvegetable » 11 Sep 2024, 12:27 pm » wrote: You sound like a Jesse Watters guy...

Sheep to CNN  ^^^
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11 Sep 2024 12:34 pm
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Blackvegetable » 11 Sep 2024, 12:27 pm » wrote: You sound like a Jesse Watters guy...
He sounds and you perform as one.
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11 Sep 2024 12:35 pm
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*Vegas » 10 Sep 2024, 9:02 pm » wrote: I never predicted that he would spank her this bad. He got under her skin after calling out her usual lies and gas lighting. 

This is a blowout.
:rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:  

what color is the sky in your world?
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11 Sep 2024 12:36 pm
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Zeets2 » 11 Sep 2024, 12:15 pm » wrote: Yeah, till they wised up and fired his lying liberal ***!

actually, he quit.
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11 Sep 2024 12:45 pm
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Yeah, that's what they all say when they're not offered a new contract!   :die:  

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11 Sep 2024 1:04 pm
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BuckNaked » 10 Sep 2024, 9:31 pm » wrote: Kamalahaha is a gun owner?

She claims they have it for protection, but keep it locked away like a responsible gun owner should. Now we know that locked up guns are no match for a hammer. Who woulda thunk it......
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11 Sep 2024 1:37 pm
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Zeets2 » 11 Sep 2024, 12:45 pm » wrote: Yeah, that's what they all say when they're not offered a new contract!   Image

And you KNOW he wasn't offered a new contract?

Do tell.
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11 Sep 2024 1:43 pm
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*Vegas » 11 Sep 2024, 12:28 pm » wrote: Sheep to CNN  ^^^
Harris’s margin was bigger than 20 other polls CNN has conducted after debates, dating back to 1984. Harris was also deemed the winner of the debate by 31 percent of Trump supporters

https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics ... nce-polls/

11 Sep 2024 1:52 pm
Giant Slayer
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Blackvegetable » 11 Sep 2024, 1:43 pm » wrote: Harris’s margin was bigger than 20 other polls CNN has conducted after debates, dating back to 1984. Harris was also deemed the winner of the debate by 31 percent of Trump supporters

https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics ... nce-polls/

This is evidence that Americans are stupid. I have always said that we have one ignorant society. Anyone with an IQ over 100 would be able to see that Kamala was lying all through the debate...which maybe that appeals to Americans. I wouldn't be surprised. Americans are easily fooled by emotionally charged rhetoric. That's what she did. 

1. Instead of refuting this, you will treat it like my media comment. No rebuttal, just reposting it 500k times. 
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11 Sep 2024 2:09 pm
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maineman » 11 Sep 2024, 1:37 pm » wrote: And you KNOW he wasn't offered a new contract?

Do tell.
What I do know is that he was hated by the other hosts at Fox News.
And businesses rarely speak badly of an outgoing employee and risk being sued.
Chris Wallace Receives Support From Rivals — But Gets Trashed By Some Hosts at His Own NetworkCharlie Nash Sep 30th, 2020
https://www.mediaite.com/tv/chris-walla ... n-network/
I say good riddance!  Now he can tell us about how great it is when your network comes in third after being in first place for years with Fox News!   :die:   :rofl:  
Let him live with the puny ratings that CNN gets and see how he likes getting crushed in the ratings even by far left MSNBC!

Hope you enjoy his show since you and the rest of his family are probably the only ones watching him!
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