The End or The Night Trump Lost It All

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11 Sep 2024 4:40 am
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11 Sep 2024 4:45 am
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Lying bastard. Perhaps your sorry *** will get hit by a car today. One can only hope....lying bastard.
He's dead Jim!
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31st Arrival
11 Sep 2024 4:49 am
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I could only watch less than 10 minutes of the debate before being completely disgusted with humanity for becoming this bad. Evolving in plain sight is a no win situation and the two candidates argued win or lose propositions.

Win win scenarios are two sides manipulating all other sides involved. Here is the problem, everyone debating one side or the other never discuss total amount of sides to be considered, theirs or ours and anyone resisting both will be eliminated.

However, and instinctive mind can figure out how many sides aren't included by how debates argue talking point selection of issues regarding the idea humans have rights gifted by a higher intellectual power than instincts navigating space one at a time.

Pick any topic and any angle of translation by any ideology trying to win hearts, minds, bodies, and souls to dedicate their entire biological time alive to pretend life isn't self evident.

Tomorrow is such a temptation to believe life isn't what it does evolving in plain sight.
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11 Sep 2024 4:50 am
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11 Sep 2024 4:51 am
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31st Arrival » 11 Sep 2024, 4:49 am » wrote: I could only watch less than 10 minutes of the debate before being completely disgusted with humanity for becoming this bad. Evolving in plain sight is a no win situation and the two candidates argued win or lose propositions.

Win win scenarios are two sides manipulating all other sides involved. Here is the problem, everyone debating one side of the other never discuss total amount of sides to be considered, theirs or ours and anyone resisting both will be eliminated.
As expected, more mindless babbling from this stooge.
He's dead Jim!
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31st Arrival
11 Sep 2024 5:04 am
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murdock » 11 Sep 2024, 4:51 am » wrote: As expected, more mindless babbling from this stooge.
I am an ancestor to a specific set of people that lived within this species since inception genetics eternally separated each generation gap so far. It is why I exist as me in plain sight. I do the algorithm daily as everyone else uses clocks and calendars to justify their facts used against me in three courts, social opinion, civil law, criminal behavior against citizens of reality inventing better tomorrows than genetics sustains population so far.

I choose to be honest about how evolving effects every day in my time living as an ever changing form where you decide character role playing is more significant than I or my ancestry has been since inception of this species native to this atmosphere in a perpetual balancing outcomes left existing now.

See I can use thermodynamic principles that describe how evolving happens better than you can suggest which principals of people wishing life wasn't self evident daily.

People that believe life isn't self evident won't tolerate any ancestor standing their natural time alive. The enemy of our enemies is our ally in keeping everyone loyal to misdirection daily. Anyone resisting any alternate reality will be eliminated by their own people regardless family unit(Shunning), relatives generations(ridicule), community group thinks(exile), national politics or global spiritualism and economics(social justification to eliminate).

I navigate living eternally isolated in my own skin balancing to the moment life is never same total sum so far, again.

You on the other hand practice the notion this species is exempt from universal standards of evolving in plain sight. Delusional at best, insane most likely.
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17 Sep 2024 4:49 am
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murdock » 11 Sep 2024, 4:50 am » wrote: Fake news from a real ****.

The native MAGAs are so grateful to Trump. Trump issued a license to hate on Haitians. Now behaving like racist assholes is patriotic.
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31st Arrival
17 Sep 2024 4:55 am
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Arlene » 7 minutes ago » wrote: The native MAGAs are so grateful to Trump. Trump issued a license to hate on Haitians. Now behaving like racist assholes is patriotic.
Hate is just a polarity of love by a person that cannot stand to be rejected by any other social consensus than their own groupthink.
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17 Sep 2024 4:55 am
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31stArrival » 1 minute ago » wrote: Hate is just a polarity of love by a person that cannot stand to be rejected by any other social consensus than their own groupthink.
Did you always want to grow up to become a crackpot?
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31st Arrival
17 Sep 2024 5:34 am
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Arlene » 42 minutes ago » wrote: Did you always want to grow up to become a crackpot?
I grew up wanting to understand life inside out from my point of origin to why I will never be duplicated twice during my time evolving equally alive as you been since your fertilized cell was materialized when conceived.

Eternity is a balance point between 72 hours of linear time debated as past results, current events, and tomorrow's children living here now, one at a time.
yesterdays children are today's parents that become 4 grandparents when each grandchild arrives.

Now those 4 grandparent are middle class ancestry to 8 great grandparents and 16 great great grandparents that are the combined 93.75% dominate genes of each great great grandchild born daily here today.

If you don't think I covered the specificity of eternal separation since inception of this species, then your reality is absolutely corrupted forward so far.
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17 Sep 2024 6:02 am
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17 Sep 2024 9:40 am
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Arlene » Today, 4:49 am » wrote: The native MAGAs are so grateful to Trump. Trump issued a license to hate on Haitians. Now behaving like racist assholes is patriotic.
Oh lookie, another deranged lying leftist dyke.
He's dead Jim!
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17 Sep 2024 9:48 am
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I don't get it. You liked Trump before then?
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17 Sep 2024 9:55 am
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The adults of the world....
are doing just fine. 

Meanwhile....MuriQUEER is a wreck :rofl:  

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17 Sep 2024 10:05 am
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CNN is more full of **** then you are ya lying cocksucker.
He's dead Jim!
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17 Sep 2024 2:54 pm
FOS » Today, 9:48 am » wrote: I don't get it. You liked Trump before then?
I'm sure you don't  
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17 Sep 2024 3:37 pm
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Sumela » Today, 9:55 am » wrote: The adults of the world....
are doing just fine. 

Meanwhile....MuriQUEER is a wreck :rofl:  

Dang, this little *** bitch dreams of American homosexuals. Probably butt **** him in the mouth! Now spit that dick out so we can understand you!
He's dead Jim!
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17 Sep 2024 4:46 pm
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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » Today, 2:54 pm » wrote: I'm sure you don't  
Die soon you stupid leftist ****.
He's dead Jim!
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17 Sep 2024 4:47 pm
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Sumela » Today, 9:55 am » wrote: The adults of the world....
are doing just fine. 

Meanwhile....MuriQUEER is a wreck :rofl:  

**** you ya *** ****.
He's dead Jim!
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