I already know the answer, but I'll see if there are any honest righties left here.

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Today 9:35 am
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449 posts
No need to prove that an election system is faulty. It's not "innocent until proven guilty". On the contrary, systems are faulty until proven reliable. Just show the data that proves where all those last Minuit 2020 mail-in ballets came from.

They tried to stack the deck for Clinton but they clearly underestimated Trump. Clinton along with all of the media were convinced she had it in the bag. They didn't make that mistake in 2020.

All of a sudden they're finding all these hundreds or thousands of improperly registered voters. Just make then show an ID. Must prove citizenship when registering and show an ID when voting.

Only a very small percentage of voters should be voting by mail...military, people who are clearly too sick to get to the poles and a few people who's job or some other emergency forces them to be out of town on election day. Everybody else needs to show up at the poles and show their face and they're ID.

It's only common sense and until then I call **** on the whole thing!
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Today 11:00 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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michaelf » Today, 9:35 am » wrote: No need to prove that an election system is faulty. It's not "innocent until proven guilty". On the contrary, systems are faulty until proven reliable. Just show the data that proves where all those last Minuit 2020 mail-in ballets came from.

They tried to stack the deck for Clinton but they clearly underestimated Trump. Clinton along with all of the media were convinced she had it in the bag. They didn't make that mistake in 2020.

All of a sudden they're finding all these hundreds or thousands of improperly registered voters. Just make then show an ID. Must prove citizenship when registering and show an ID when voting.

Only a very small percentage of voters should be voting by mail...military, people who are clearly too sick to get to the poles and a few people who's job or some other emergency forces them to be out of town on election day. Everybody else needs to show up at the poles and show their face and they're ID.

It's only common sense and until then I call **** on the whole thing!
Just show the data that proves where all those last Minuit 2020 mail-in ballets came from....

...too sick to get to the poles...

show their face and they're ID.
I'd prefer to see Literacy Requirements.
Today 11:08 am
Giant Slayer
12,759 posts
Blackvegetable » 12 minutes ago » wrote: I'd prefer to see Literacy Requirements.

You first. 
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Today 11:22 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
24,742 posts
*Vegas » 14 minutes ago » wrote: You first.
I'm literate.

You're a moron.

Any other questions?
Today 11:24 am
Giant Slayer
12,765 posts
Blackvegetable » 5 minutes ago » wrote: I'm literate.

You're a moron.

Any other questions?

And again...as always...over and over ...if I am a moron, then you lost to one. 

You are going to pay hard for this redundancy...I mean real hard. **** your dementia. 

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Today 11:36 am
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98% Macho Man
98% Macho Man
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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 12 Sep 2024, 2:37 pm » wrote: If Harris loses the the Election, are you going to say it was rigged and stolen?
Rigged so Trump won  Image
The election is rigged. One candidate never got nominated. Her team wrote the questions for the debate, rehearsed the answers they had written to the questions they chose for the "moderators" to ask, and put a speaker in her ear to communicate with her during a three on one "debate" that prevented Camela from looking stupider than pedo-joe.

Win, lose, or draw, it's a rigged election. At this point, your question may be moot, since the deep state will likely make its third attempt to murder one of the candidates any day now. 

The 2016 election was also rigged - just not well enough to make up for Trump receiving 75% of the vote. In the past, SHAVING has been sufficient. With Trump, they have to make their thefts more obvious, and more people have to be involved to cover it up.

So, yes. If Trump wins, I will still call the election a crooked election. And you will know that I am right - as you know now. You just don't care. You cannot distinguish between a sow and a boar hog, so why would you care about honest elections? If you have an honest bone in your body, it belongs to your husband. 
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

You cannot betray me - only yourself, to me.

Who cuts off your dick is not your friend

An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.

Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.

Only religions declare heresy; only lies require protection.

If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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Today 11:36 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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*Vegas » 13 minutes ago » wrote: And again...as always...over and over ...if I am a moron, then you lost to one. 

You are going to pay hard for this redundancy...I mean real hard. **** your dementia. 

No one disputes that you're a moron. Even you won't read your ****.
Today 11:39 am
Giant Slayer
12,772 posts
Blackvegetable » 6 minutes ago » wrote: No one disputes that you're a moron. Even you won't read your ****.

And again. This was literally one post ago. Your dementia and redundancy proves how **** stuopid you are. 

Ok, ready: If I am a moron, then you lost to one. 
and....I will not entertain your stalking. 

Remember any of this? 

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Today 11:39 am
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1,776 posts
Cannonpointer » 6 minutes ago » wrote: The election is rigged. One candidate never got nominated. Her team wrote the questions for the debate, rehearsed the answer they had written to the questions they chose for the "moderators," and put a speaker in her ear to communicate with her during a three on one "debate" that prevented Camela from looking stupider than pedo-joe.

Win, lose, or draw, it's a rigged election. At this point, your question may be moot, since the deep state will likely make its third attempt to murder one of the candidates any day now. 

The 2016 election was also rigged - just not well enough to make up for Trump receiving 75% of the vote. In the past, SHAVING has been sufficient. With Trump, they have to make their thefts more obvious, and more people have to be involved to cover it up.

So, yes. If Trump wins, I will still call the election a crooked election. And you will know that I am right - as you know now. You just don't care. You cannot distinguish between a sow and a boar hog, so why would you care about honest elections? If you have an honest bone in your body, it belongs to your husband.
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Today 12:03 pm
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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » 12 Sep 2024, 2:37 pm » wrote: If Harris loses the the Election, are you going to say it was rigged and stolen?
Rigged so Trump won  Image  

You never had any proof the previous election was rigged and stolen. 

What will your excuse be?

Explain how Trump beat Hillary if the election was truly "rigged"

What will I say?
  1. She got beat at the ballot box. Just like Trump got beat. 
  2. If she wins the popular vote and loses the Electoral College, oh well "it is what it is"
  3. The Election was fair and square and I know the US Voting system is safe and secure.
I will not riot, or try to stop the transfer of power.
  1. What will your explanation be?
  2. When will you CULTISTS admit the last election was not rigged and stolen?
  3. Will you riot to throw Biden out before January 20, 2025 so Trump can implement Project 2025 in 2024?

You're a Progressive....regardless of what happens you will lie before, during and after....ask yourself that same question about the 2016 election...your party can't be trusted...examples are past rigged elections, Russia hoax, Kavanaugh hoax, Biden's extreme senility and you all replacing him with someone that no one has voted for..........as well as the country being secretly run by unelected people and lying about it.

and look what pedophile progressive do to children....you people are sick and still think you have the credibility to point fingers at other people

there is nothing redeemable about a pedophile progressive
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Deezer Shoove
Today 1:04 pm
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Perfect.  :drool:   :drool:

:rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:  
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
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Deezer Shoove
Today 1:19 pm
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michaelf » Today, 9:35 am » wrote: No need to prove that an election system is faulty. It's not "innocent until proven guilty". On the contrary, systems are faulty until proven reliable. Just show the data that proves where all those last Minute 2020 mail-in ballets came from.

They tried to stack the deck for Clinton but they clearly underestimated Trump. Clinton along with all of the media were convinced she had it in the bag. They didn't make that mistake in 2020.

All of a sudden they're finding all these hundreds or thousands of improperly registered voters. Just make then show an ID. Must prove citizenship when registering and show an ID when voting.

Only a very small percentage of voters should be voting by mail...military, people who are clearly too sick to get to the poles and a few people who's job or some other emergency forces them to be out of town on election day. Everybody else needs to show up at the polls and show their face and they're ID.

It's only common sense and until then I call **** on the whole thing!

I gave you two POTD wins on purpose.
Well said.
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
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Today 1:21 pm
User avatar
1,791 posts
michaelf » Today, 9:35 am » wrote: No need to prove that an election system is faulty. It's not "innocent until proven guilty". On the contrary, systems are faulty until proven reliable. Just show the data that proves where all those last Minute 2020 mail-in ballets came from.

They tried to stack the deck for Clinton but they clearly underestimated Trump. Clinton along with all of the media were convinced she had it in the bag. They didn't make that mistake in 2020.

All of a sudden they're finding all these hundreds or thousands of improperly registered voters. Just make then show an ID. Must prove citizenship when registering and show an ID when voting.

Only a very small percentage of voters should be voting by mail...military, people who are clearly too sick to get to the poles and a few people who's job or some other emergency forces them to be out of town on election day. Everybody else needs to show up at the polls and show their face and they're ID.

It's only common sense and until then I call **** on the whole thing!
take it to court

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