Donald Trump
312 electoral votes
Republican Party
77,303,573 votes (49.9%)
Kamala Harris
226 electoral votes
Democratic Party
75,019,257 votes (48.4%)
49.9% for trump vs 48.4 isn't a majority of the voting population that voted. that is only Preliminary data shows that about 64% of the voting-eligible population in the U.S. voted in the 2024 election.
36% didn't.
Neither side got 50% of total votes cast. There is no majority here. Things haven't changed other than talking points doing the same thing as usual. Seems everyone spiritual and political sides are comparing electoral college percentages, not popular vote results. So many sides misrepresent living daily. Baselining tomorrow being better or worse is always done by economic theories daily employing symbolism over substance through popular beliefs of current events in each grid of time zones and temperate zones each side of the equator and dawn to dusk separation of night and day practiced noon to midnight each rotation throughout history of people dying to stay in character assumed cradle to grave.
Divide and conquer ancestries with false illusions of tomorrow, today done every rotation so far since dawn of civilization corrupted every great great grandchild added to population daily.
Saving humanity makes life an Eternal Hell in plain sight of people wishing life exceeded time alive now since personally conceived living as specifically eternally separated today.