What Will Not Be Discussed on The Five....

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Yesterday 7:53 am
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Blackvegetable » 33 minutes ago » wrote: Besides, POTUS is powerless in the face of Congress with respect to fiscal policy...

It's just a theoretical position.
You need to breakout that OED you brag about having so you can look up the word "theoretical".
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Yesterday 7:58 am
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ConsRule » 8 minutes ago » wrote: You need to breakout that OED you brag about having so you can look up the word "theoretical".
Articulate your beef...
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Yesterday 8:19 am
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^^Hey TDS Dickhead...

Tell how you posted the Russia Russia Russia hoax as if it was real for years.....why won't you talk about it now?....it was all you could talk about then...what happened?
Yesterday 9:19 am
Giant Slayer
12,394 posts
Blackvegetable » Yesterday, 7:08 am » wrote: I am proud of my cowardice. 
82.7% was yesterday's numbers. Definitely an improvement, but you still have work to do. 

I already trashed this thread of yours, so I will need to wait until your next one. 
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Yesterday 10:16 am
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*Vegas » Today, 9:19 am » wrote: 82.7% was yesterday's numbers. Definitely an improvement, but you still have work to do. 

I already trashed this thread of yours, so I will need to wait until your next one.
Prove it wasn't 11.5%
Yesterday 10:19 am
Giant Slayer
12,395 posts
Blackvegetable » 2 minutes ago » wrote: Prove it wasn't 11.5%

Still hasn't learned his lesson^^^. This is why you are in this position to begin with. You can't stop hiding behind questions/demands.

It's  second nature to you. You literally can't help it. 

Nonetheless, that isn't my problem. Figure it out. 
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Yesterday 10:19 am
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Blackvegetable » Yesterday, 7:08 am » wrote: Trump calls for undoing part of his own tax law, vowing to 'get SALT back'

WASHINGTON — Donald Trump called for rolling back part of his signature tax law Tuesday, suggesting he would seek to reinstate the state and local tax deduction, commonly known as SALT, that he controversially capped in the 2017 legislation.

 In a Truth Social post ahead of his trip to New York’s Long Island, the former president wrote that he would “get SALT back” and “lower your Taxes” if he returns to the White House in January.

https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-e ... rcna171513

Ran in 2016 on overturning Roe, and sticking it to the Coastal Elites by eliminating their state and local tax deductions.


RIP Tito
Did I nail another one?
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Yesterday 10:20 am
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*Vegas » 5 minutes ago » wrote: Still hasn't learned his lesson^^^. This is why you are in this position to begin with. You can't stop hiding behind questions/demands.

It's  second nature to you. You literally can't help it. 

Nonetheless, that isn't my problem. Figure it out.
I remain skeptical of your implication that Obama was POTUS in 2008.
Yesterday 10:24 am
Giant Slayer
12,396 posts
Blackvegetable » 8 minutes ago » wrote: I remain skeptical of your implication that Obama was POTUS in 2008.

Deflects with a lie.  :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:  

Don't forget to stalk. 
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Yesterday 11:41 am
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*Vegas » Today, 10:24 am » wrote: Deflects with a lie.  Image   Image   Image  

Don't forget to stalk.
I anticipate the future, you don't even recall the recent past.

I dare you to ask me why.
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Yesterday 11:41 am
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Blackvegetable » 5 minutes ago » wrote: I anticipate the future, you don't even recall the recent past.

I dare you to ask me why.

Yesterday 11:59 am
Giant Slayer
12,397 posts
Blackvegetable » 20 minutes ago » wrote: I anticipate the future, you don't even recall the recent past.

I dare you to ask me why.

Projection again. Dementia is your issue. You can barely recall 5 minutes ago, which explains why you are so **** redundant. 

I dare you to ask my why. 

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Yesterday 2:32 pm
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*Vegas » Today, 11:59 am » wrote: Projection again. Dementia is your issue. You can barely recall 5 minutes ago, which explains why you are so **** redundant. 

I dare you to ask my why. 

Who was POTUS in 2008?
Yesterday 2:35 pm
Giant Slayer
12,409 posts
Blackvegetable » 6 minutes ago » wrote: Who was POTUS in 2008?

And there is the redundant lie.  :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:  

What is survivorship bias? 

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Yesterday 2:41 pm
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*Vegas » 8 minutes ago » wrote: And there is the redundant lie.  Image   Image   Image  

What is survivorship bias?
I've already posted 2 definitions...

Don't you remember?
Yesterday 2:42 pm
Giant Slayer
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Blackvegetable » 3 minutes ago » wrote: I've already posted 2 definitions...

Don't you remember?

I had to help you. 


Ask me why. 
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Yesterday 3:07 pm
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*Vegas » 27 minutes ago » wrote: I had to help you. 


Ask me why.

You're a moron.

Ask me.
Yesterday 3:34 pm
Giant Slayer
12,413 posts
Blackvegetable » 27 minutes ago » wrote: Impossible.

You're a moron.

Ask me.

Entirely possible. 

You lost to one then...how many **** times. More evidence that you have the memory of a toad.

Ask me why. 

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Yesterday 4:17 pm
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*Vegas » 46 minutes ago » wrote: Entirely possible. 

You lost to one then...how many **** times. More evidence that you have the memory of a toad.

Ask me why. 

I remember the many incredibly stupid things you've posted.
Yesterday 4:48 pm
Giant Slayer
12,414 posts
Blackvegetable » 33 minutes ago » wrote: I remember the many incredibly stupid things you've posted.

In your level 0 opinion. You don't have the intellectual capacity to understand level 2+. 

You still can't refute my media comment. 
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