What was the Original "Lost Cause" That Created Original Sin

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31st Arrival
Today 6:01 am
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This is what separates inclusively human and socially divided typecast people living today.

Original Sin leaving ancestral final conflicts going on between each sibling rivalry to every nation seeking to inherit the earth tomorrow.

It is going on everywhere and very few want to make it stop because those keeping it going rigged the system against any honest sole alive that doesn't comply with the multitudes of social consensus realities working at the same time.
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Today 7:45 am
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31stArrival » Today, 6:01 am » wrote: This is what separates inclusively human and socially divided typecast people living today.

Original Sin leaving ancestral final conflicts going on between each sibling rivalry to every nation seeking to inherit the earth tomorrow.

It is going on everywhere and very few want to make it stop because those keeping it going rigged the system against any honest sole alive that doesn't comply with the multitudes of social consensus realities working at the same time.
Original sin is a fallacy invented by the Catholic Church to propogate future congregations. Look at a new born and try to explain any sin you see.
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31st Arrival
Today 9:49 am
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RebelGator » Today, 7:45 am » wrote: Original sin is a fallacy invented by the Catholic Church to propogate future congregations. Look at a new born and try to explain any sin you see.
The only fallacy attached is the faith in God. Humans ignoring why they exist naturally alive by genetic additions daily never same reproductions added twice is what every generation gap since inception are parents, aunts uncles having next generation of siblings and cousins make up the 8.2 billion inhabiting space today.

Called relative time occupying space now.
Today 9:54 am
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RebelGator » Today, 7:45 am » wrote: Original sin is a fallacy invented by the Catholic Church to propogate future congregations. Look at a new born and try to explain any sin you see.
Agreed! The Unholy Roman Catholic Church is the work of SATAN! :ninja:  
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31st Arrival
Today 10:08 am
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Beakman » 17 minutes ago » wrote: Agreed! The Unholy Roman Catholic Church is the work of SATAN! :ninja:  

dr strangelove, you destroyed your own reality from within your own reality.
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