1.4 million bogus mail-in ballots in PA...

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By ROG62
Yesterday 8:32 am in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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Today 10:28 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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*Vegas » 29 minutes ago » wrote: Image   Image   A true soldier of the democratic party. ^^^ How about you think about what is best for America instead of thinking about what is best for the democratic party?

I am.  I always have.  And I know down to the bottom of my soul that it ISN'T an orange clown who tried to overthrow our government in 2021 and now has told us he wants to be our dictator if we're stupid enough to vote for him again.  We're not going back.

Undoubtedly, 2020 was an anomalous election, but it wasn't fraudulent.  Democrats had a better GOTV strategy and maximized mail-in voting during a deadly pandemic.  You all were just **** lazy.  And when you couldn't win at the ballot box, and you couldn't win in the courtroom, you sent a lynch mob to hang the Vice President and attempted to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power.  If I had been in charge of security at the Capitol on January 6th, machine gun emplacements would have mowed down insurrectionists the minute they first breached the security barriers and kept firing until the survivors fled for their lives.
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Today 10:31 am
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maineman » 2 minutes ago » wrote: I am.  I always have.  And I know down to the bottom of my soul that it ISN'T an orange clown who tried to overthrow our government in 2021 and now has told us he wants to be our dictator if we're stupid enough to vote for him again.  We're not going back.

Undoubtedly, 2020 was an anomalous election, but it wasn't fraudulent.  Democrats had a better GOTV strategy and maximized mail-in voting during a deadly pandemic.  You all were just **** lazy.  And when you couldn't win at the ballot box, and you couldn't win in the courtroom, you sent a lynch mob to hang the Vice President and attempted to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power.  If I had been in charge of security at the Capitol on January 6th, machine gun emplacements would have mowed down insurrectionists the minute they first breached the security barriers and kept firing until the survivors fled for their lives.
You're full of ****, as usual.
Today 10:36 am
Giant Slayer
12,579 posts
maineman » 8 minutes ago » wrote: I am.  I always have.  And I know down to the bottom of my soul that it ISN'T an orange clown who tried to overthrow our government in 2021 and now has told us he wants to be our dictator if we're stupid enough to vote for him again.  We're not going back.

You guys are so obsessed with Jan 6. You use that as an excuse to blame Trump for everything. CNN/MSM brings it up incessantly. They were a bunch of idiots. They didn't represent half the country.  Trump posted tweets calling for peace. He offered Pelosi help, she said no. Twitter deleted it, of course. But you all don't want to talk about that, do you? You prefer to continue to blame Trump for Jan 6, when he didn't do a damn thing. He tried to stop it. 

But your media would never allow you to believe that. Ever. So you continue with the same lie, over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and....
Undoubtedly, 2020 was an anomalous election, but it wasn't fraudulent.  Democrats had a better GOTV strategy and maximized mail-in voting during a deadly pandemic.  You all were just **** lazy.  And when you couldn't win at the ballot box, and you couldn't win in the courtroom, you sent a lynch mob to hang the Vice President and attempted to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power.  If I had been in charge of security at the Capitol on January 6th, machine gun emplacements would have mowed down insurrectionists the minute they first breached the security barriers and kept firing until the survivors fled for their lives.
Lie. No point in even addressing lies. Try again. 
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31st Arrival
Today 10:39 am
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Blackvegetable » Today, 6:26 am » wrote: If it's "real", it's measurable, Rog..

You're a moron.

That's real.

what changes between really happening and reality governing tomorrow today midnight to noon and today punishing anyone not complying with how tomorrow arrives noon to midnight always debating what separates yesterday and today 24 hours a day and every day called Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday coming up next for 6 more days than being alive now?

Evolving in plain sight directing social evolution of each ancestor alive any power of suggesting living isn't self evident time adapting as displaced since conceived existing eternally separated now here so far.

character is a person performing as anything other than their ancestral time alive. Characteristics are behavior within social circumstances of outcomes decided by previous 4 generation gaps each great great grandchild is nurtured to obey cradle to grave or else.

Eternally separated as biologically positioned in space living series parallel timing of adapting here now doing the same thing over and over for hundreds of generation gaps is both insanity and Eternal Hell's projected eternal reward for not obeying humanity cradle to grave.

People of typecast social order, get your biological brain in gear. Woke isn't awakened.
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Today 10:59 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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No numbers...

Who's running, JuCo?
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Today 11:02 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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ROG62 » Today, 9:25 am » wrote: Tell ya what, bitch, how about you post the "numbers" you're requesting to refute...or do what you do best and...
**** off, brown...now run...
Just do it, Snail Trail.

You have no idea where to start, do you...
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Today 11:10 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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*Vegas » 35 minutes ago » wrote: You guys are so obsessed with Jan 6. You use that as an excuse to blame Trump for everything. CNN/MSM brings it up incessantly. They were a bunch of idiots. They didn't represent half the country.  Trump posted tweets calling for peace. He offered Pelosi help, she said no. Twitter deleted it, of course. But you all don't want to talk about that, do you? You prefer to continue to blame Trump for Jan 6, when he didn't do a damn thing. He tried to stop it. 

But your media would never allow you to believe that. Ever. So you continue with the same lie, over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and....

Lie. No point in even addressing lies. Try again.
On January 2, Trump announced plans to speak at the "March to Save America" rally on January 6. On January 4, Steve Bannon described himself being part of "the bloodless coup".  Bloodless coups and peaceful are not synonymous 

The day before Trump tweeted:  "Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!"  Wild and peaceful are not synonymous.  He spoke about.  

At the Elipse that day,  Representative Mo Brooks was a featured speaker at the rally and spoke around 9 a.m., where he said, "Today is the day American patriots start taking down names and kicking ***". And later, "Are you willing to do what it takes to fight for America? Louder! Will you fight for America?"  "Kicking ***  and Peaceful are not synonymous.

Rudy Giuliani repeated conspiracy theories that voting machines used in the election were "crooked" and at 10:50 called for "trial by combat".  Combat and peaceful are not synonymous.

One of Trump's lines from his speech:  'Something's wrong here. Something's really wrong. It can't have happened.' And we fight. We fight like Hell and if you don't fight like Hell, you're not going to have a country anymore." Fighting like Hell and peaceful are not synonymous.

The mob left the Elipse chanting "Hang Mike Pence."  Hanging and peaceful are not synonymous.
Evewn though he told them, he would go with them, he chickened out, went back to the White House,  sat and watched it unfold for hours before doing anything. 

And of course twitter deleted it... and the dog ate all of Rudy's binders full of evidence, and the guys who did the audit in Maricopa County burned all those fake ballots that were xeroxed on rice paper from China... and Ruby Freeman really DID stuff the ballot boxes and the courts that ruled that Rudy had to pay her $148M - that's just fake news... amirite?
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Today 11:13 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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*Vegas » 40 minutes ago » wrote:
Lie. No point in even addressing lies. Try again.
My statement about GOTV is absolutely accurate.  We busted our asses to get our base to mail in their ballots and we were successful.  You lazy **** drove around in your **** pickup trucks waving Trump flags and forgot to vote! :rofl:  
Today 11:17 am
Giant Slayer
12,584 posts
maineman » 11 minutes ago » wrote: On January 2, Trump announced plans to speak at the "March to Save America" rally on January 6. On January 4, Steve Bannon described himself being part of "the bloodless coup".  Bloodless coups and peaceful are not synonymous 

The day before Trump tweeted:  "Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!"  Wild and peaceful are not synonymous.  He spoke about.  

At the Elipse that day,  Representative Mo Brooks was a featured speaker at the rally and spoke around 9 a.m., where he said, "Today is the day American patriots start taking down names and kicking ***". And later, "Are you willing to do what it takes to fight for America? Louder! Will you fight for America?"  "Kicking ***  and Peaceful are not synonymous.

Rudy Giuliani repeated conspiracy theories that voting machines used in the election were "crooked" and at 10:50 called for "trial by combat".  Combat and peaceful are not synonymous.

One of Trump's lines from his speech:  'Something's wrong here. Something's really wrong. It can't have happened.' And we fight. We fight like Hell and if you don't fight like Hell, you're not going to have a country anymore." Fighting like Hell and peaceful are not synonymous.

The mob left the Elipse chanting "Hang Mike Pence."  Hanging and peaceful are not synonymous.
Evewn though he told them, he would go with them, he chickened out, went back to the White House,  sat and watched it unfold for hours before doing anything. 

And of course twitter deleted it... and the dog ate all of Rudy's binders full of evidence, and the guys who did the audit in Maricopa County burned all those fake ballots that were xeroxed on rice paper from China... and Ruby Freeman really DID stuff the ballot boxes and the courts that ruled that Rudy had to pay her $148M - that's just fake news... amirite?

As always, you guys take small excerpts of what he said in one context, then place it another context of your own making. You guys have done that since he announced his candidacy in 2015. Over and over again. This is what you guys have done. "very fine people on both sides" (speaking on Charlottesville),  "bloodbath" , they are "rapists and murders" ...etc....I could go on and on. You cherry pick his words out of sentences, then replace your own spin on them. It's nothing new. 

Still pathetic, but not new. 
Today 11:18 am
Giant Slayer
12,584 posts
maineman » 9 minutes ago » wrote: My statement about GOTV is absolutely accurate.  We busted our asses to get our base to mail in their ballots and we were successful.  You lazy **** drove around in your **** pickup trucks waving Trump flags and forgot to vote! Image

More lies. 100% opinion and assertion. Not one piece of evidence. 

But you go on and listen to your media.  :rofl:  
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31st Arrival
Today 11:24 am
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*Vegas » 9 minutes ago » wrote: More lies. 100% opinion and assertion. Not one piece of evidence. 

But you go on and listen to your media.  :rofl:  
media creates medium minds obeying power of suggestion governing all 5 generation gaps living forward as eternally separated by their own individual beating hearts now.

Academia and arts train great great grandchildren to mind social narratives cradle to grave as an ongoing system of creating reasonable doubt into each great great grandchild born each rotation of the planet so far.

If you are going to resist power of suggestion life isn't self evident know how many sides are suggesting life isn't self evident.
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Today 11:25 am
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31st Arrival
Today 11:26 am
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PhiloBeddo » 2 minutes ago » wrote: STOP CHEATING.
Quit denying why you are uniquely alive daily.
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31st Arrival
Today 11:27 am
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31st Arrival » 1 minute ago » wrote: Quit denying why you are uniquely alive daily.
Humanity governs tomorrow midnight to noon today noon to midnight. Relative time theory doesn't have a yesterday and today being same rotation now.
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Today 12:14 pm
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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*Vegas » 59 minutes ago » wrote: More lies. 100% opinion and assertion. Not one piece of evidence. 

But you go on and listen to your media.  Image

I personally participated in the GOTV effort.  I know what I did.  YOU have ZERO evidence to back up your silly assertion that the Biden victory was fraudulent.  ZERO.
Today 12:16 pm
Giant Slayer
12,592 posts
maineman » 4 minutes ago » wrote: I personally participated in the GOTV effort.  I know what I did.  YOU have ZERO evidence to back up your silly assertion that the Biden victory was fraudulent.  ZERO.

You are asserting. Assertions are not evidence. 

And we already went over your fallacy. Absence of evidence does not negate the hypothesis. 

You must be taking lesson @Blackvegetable  . He doesn't remember conversations from an hour ago either. 
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Today 12:16 pm
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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*Vegas » Today, 11:17 am » wrote: As always, you guys take small excerpts of what he said in one context, then place it another context of your own making. You guys have done that since he announced his candidacy in 2015. Over and over again. This is what you guys have done. "very fine people on both sides" (speaking on Charlottesville),  "bloodbath" , they are "rapists and murders" ...etc....I could go on and on. You cherry pick his words out of sentences, then replace your own spin on them. It's nothing new. 

Still pathetic, but not new.

"bloodless coup" taken out of context?

"kicking ***" taken out of context?

"trial by combat" taken out of context?

:rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:  
Today 12:17 pm
Giant Slayer
12,592 posts
maineman » 1 minute ago » wrote: "bloodless coup" taken out of context?

"kicking ***" taken out of context?

"trial by combat" taken out of context?

Image   Image   Image   Image   Image


and yes. 

:rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:  
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31st Arrival
Today 12:20 pm
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maineman » 9 minutes ago » wrote: I personally participated in the GOTV effort.  I know what I did.  YOU have ZERO evidence to back up your silly assertion that the Biden victory was fraudulent.  ZERO.
Same as you don't have evidence it did. Balance achieved and both sides worship reasonable doubt equally ignoring how evolving works daily.
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Today 12:20 pm
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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*Vegas » 6 minutes ago » wrote: You are asserting. Assertions are not evidence. 

And we already went over your fallacy. Absence of evidence does not negate the hypothesis. 

You must be taking lesson @Blackvegetable  . He doesn't remember conversations from an hour ago either.

As I said before ... you are free to believe your totally unproven "hypothesis" all you want.  However, the fervency of your belief does not give it any more credibility.  Your continued belief in this totally unproven "hypothesis" does indeed harm our Republic and our Constitution.  For that, you will remain my sworn enemy. 
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