Storm is coming

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Today 10:29 am
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DeezerShoove » Today, 7:36 am » wrote:

If the truth were common knowledge about a lot of things,
we wouldn't be "at war" with each other all the **** time.
Human nature isn't likely to change soon, 3000 years and going strong.
Today 1:47 pm
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dildo_swaggins » Today, 6:17 am » wrote: Beer check
Food check
Water check
Weed check
Time to ride it out

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Today 2:11 pm
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Trump will redraw the path of the storm 

:clap:   :clap:   :clap:   :clap:  
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Today 2:13 pm
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Mrkelly » Today, 10:10 am » wrote: Get a sharpie

Draw your town off of the map
Trump did that  :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:  
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Deezer Shoove
Today 4:31 pm
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RebelGator » Today, 10:29 am » wrote: Human nature isn't likely to change soon, 3000 years and going strong.

I am in full agreement.

In fact, the progressives' stance very often comes right back to:
"It just doesn't have to be this way."

I have been in many "discussions" with liberal/prog friends that end up right there.
Human nature is their biggest enemy.
"It just doesn't have to be this way" is in direct conflict with IT IS THIS WAY.
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
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Today 4:37 pm
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FJB » Today, 10:06 am » wrote: Yep and it is coming for you bitchboy

I hope it doesn't hit me in the dick it would break your wifes jaw.
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Today 4:40 pm
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Mrkelly » Today, 10:10 am » wrote: Get a sharpie

Draw your town off of the map

let me wake up your mother first.

Ok done
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Today 4:44 pm
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dildo_swaggins » 7 minutes ago » wrote: let me wake up your mother first.

Ok done
Necrophilia is a strange illness
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