FagginYAHU's "Wife": A Pig-Faced Tranny - U G L Y

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Today 10:52 am
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Its well known that Pissrael is the world capital of LGBTQ-***.

But ****....Netty's Tranny Wife is uglier than Macron's Tranny wife. Tranny wives are common in the West. :LOL:  

She looks like Satan **** a Pig - and a Jew Tranny popped out. :LOL:   Even fatter than Pomp McFateous.

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Deezer Shoove
Today 4:35 pm
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Sumela » Today, 10:52 am » wrote: Its well known that Pissrael is the world capital of LGBTQ-***.

But ****....Netty's Tranny Wife is uglier than Macron's Tranny wife. Tranny wives are common in the West. Image  

She looks like Satan **** a Pig - and a Jew Tranny popped out. Image   Even fatter than Pomp McFateous.


Usually, I'd reply: "You'd **** her."

In this case, I can't bring myself to say that... Something looks wrong here.
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
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Today 4:48 pm
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DeezerShoove » 17 minutes ago » wrote: Usually, I'd reply: "You'd **** her."

In this case, I can't bring myself to say that... Something looks wrong here.
'something' looks absolutely terrible.
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