Yes it does material. One is suckin off the govt tit31stArrival » 09 Jan 2025, 6:33 am » wrote: ↑ Does it matter which level one is working for global economics, feds, state, county, city, township it they all collect taxes from each lifetime living one way or another?
Chain of command and the majority of people paying for the reality they chose to die for to escape the captivity of evolving in their own skin life is limited to eternally separated points of displacement each rotation living womb to tomb.
What is government governing outcomes of each incoming great great grandchild added forward per rotation of the planet population never stays its original form on arrival?
BuckNaked » 08 Jan 2025, 12:45 pm » wrote: ↑ Where did the 20 million votes go that Biden got in 2020?
There are a couple scenarios regarding the "missing 20 million voters"... and ALL of them are BAD for Democrats ! :*Beekeeper » 09 Jan 2025, 7:37 am » wrote: ↑ So what you are saying is that over 20 MILLION stayed home from 4 years ago??
Imagine that!!
Factually missing isn't actually cast. I gave a reasonable way that took place within the software operating in the lines of communication ad central reporting center. The software gave Biden 104.75% of his votes and Trump received 95% ballots he received. That is a swing of actual votes between them of 10%.ConservativeWave » 09 Jan 2025, 8:45 am » wrote: ↑ There are a couple scenarios regarding the "missing 20 million voters"... and ALL of them are BAD for Democrats ! :
1) 20 million missing votes were the byproduct of massive Democrat Voter fraud?
2) 20 million missing votes were because that many people were APPALLED by what the Biden administration did during those 4 years?
NEITHER is "Good" or "Positive" for Liberal Democrats... and DON'T expect America to just "flip back" to Liberalism, Radicalism, and STUPID Governance... the LIGHT has come on for America... and the longer the Democrat Party doesn't come to their senses, and ACCEPT and EMBRACE MAGA policies... the LONGER they will be OUT of POWER and KICKED to the curb of history... x10... and judging by their reactions recently? THEY are in for a RUDE AWAKENING !!
SO... TELL ME... why the above, marked in RED... from your comment is NOT part of item #1 (of my original post)?... i.e. ...and Democrat Party Voter fraud? VOTING Software is tested and re-tested BEFORE it is implemented... AND, it doesn't just just MIRACULOUSLY count millions of illegal votes, unless someone changes the software to ILLEGALLY DO IT (i.e. Voter Fraud) !! Since Joe Biden and the Democrat Party were the party in power during the preceding 4 years... I DON'T think Donald Trump had ANYTHING to do with it !!31stArrival » 09 Jan 2025, 9:41 am » wrote: ↑ Factually missing isn't actually cast. I gave a reasonable way that took place within the software operating in the lines of communication ad central reporting center. The software gave Biden 104.75% of his votes and Trump received 95% ballots he received. That is a swing of actual votes between them of 10%.
That didn't occur in 2024 but was continued in the midterms of 2022. Not hard to coverup self evident evolving when ancestries are educated to believe life isn't self evident time left adapting in the moment here 24/7 last 7,000 of recorded history of humans staging global results 24/7 instead of being honest how genetics eternally separates every great great grandchild ever lived birth to becoming 1 of 16 great great grandparents in 4 more generations added after birth.
Every generation gap is trained to follow social consensus with the results of ridicule, shunning, exile, execution if anyone doesn't. Dictators last a generation gap as democracies work ancestral lineages about 6-12 generation gaps until relabeled a New World Order.
America is on its 12th generation this decade last added generation of great great grandchildren born daily living as eternally separated in plain sight as all previous generation gaps have been.
The actual Original Sin of mankind is ignoring how they exist genetically eternally separated each day alive.
I don't know the actual percentages used, just the principle of how it would work when tried. My brain navigates space living eternally separated adapting to a perpetual balancing environment nobody else believes exists in plain sight, even you won't accept living eternally separated between heartbeats daily.ConservativeWave » 09 Jan 2025, 10:03 am » wrote: ↑ SO... TELL ME... why the above, marked in RED... from your comment is NOT part of item #1 (of my original post)?... i.e. ...and Democrat Party Voter fraud? VOTING Software is tested and re-tested BEFORE it is implemented... AND, it doesn't just just MIRACULOUSLY count millions of illegal votes, unless someone changes the software to ILLEGALLY DO IT (i.e. Voter Fraud) !! Since Joe Biden and the Democrat Party were the party in power during the preceding 4 years... I DON'T think Donald Trump had ANYTHING to do with it !!
ConservativeWave » 09 Jan 2025, 8:45 am » wrote: ↑ There are a couple scenarios regarding the "missing 20 million voters"... and ALL of them are BAD for Democrats ! :
1) 20 million missing votes were the byproduct of massive Democrat Voter fraud?
2) 20 million missing votes were because that many people were APPALLED by what the Biden administration did during those 4 years?
NEITHER is "Good" or "Positive" for Liberal Democrats... and DON'T expect America to just "flip back" to Liberalism, Radicalism, and STUPID Governance... the LIGHT has come on for America... and the longer the Democrat Party doesn't come to their senses, and ACCEPT and EMBRACE MAGA policies... the LONGER they will be OUT of POWER and KICKED to the curb of history... x10... and judging by their reactions recently? THEY are in for a RUDE AWAKENING !!
You haven't corrected what individual brains choose to mind cradle to grave every combination of last 5 generation gaps living here yet, now. Intellectual methods of divide and conquer are still working full steam ahead.*Beekeeper » 09 Jan 2025, 10:36 am » wrote: ↑ Funny how when REPUBLICANS get their **** together to STOP the massive fraud, the massive fraud of 20 million votes goes buh-bye!!
AND the DEMOCRATS KNOW that there was nothing to squawk about since NONE OF THEIR FRAUD WAS ABLE TO BE USED!!
Hell, they didn't even raise a peep about the Electoral count on Monday and even stop and APPLAUDED THEMSELVES for the "Peaceful transfer of power" to the MAN THEY CALLED HITLER!!!
You really can't make this **** up as it writes itself.
BK... YOU'RE talking sense...*Beekeeper » 09 Jan 2025, 10:36 am » wrote: ↑ Funny how when REPUBLICANS get their **** together to STOP the massive fraud, the massive fraud of 20 million votes goes buh-bye!!
AND the DEMOCRATS KNOW that there was nothing to squawk about since NONE OF THEIR FRAUD WAS ABLE TO BE USED!!
Hell, they didn't even raise a peep about the Electoral count on Monday and even stop and APPLAUDED THEMSELVES for the "Peaceful transfer of power" to the MAN THEY CALLED HITLER!!!
You really can't make this **** up as it writes itself.
Squatchman » 09 Jan 2025, 1:36 pm » wrote: ↑ Wait until he leaks his report.
Maggots heads will explode.
The American people have ALREADY got the MEMO... and THEY HAVE VOTED !!Squatchman » 09 Jan 2025, 1:36 pm » wrote: ↑ Wait until he leaks his report.
Maggots heads will explode.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!ConservativeWave » 09 Jan 2025, 10:00 pm » wrote: ↑ The American people have ALREADY got the MEMO... and THEY HAVE VOTED !!
IN ADDITION... Jack Smith is a CORRUPT IDIOT... the courts have ruled that he was improperly appointed, and so, HE is a BOGUS... and THAT, makes his REPORT Bogus !!
From NOW until eternity... any report that is referenced from the desk of "Jack Smith", and pertains to Donald Trump... WILLl be BULL $HIT... because it's NOT WORTH the paper it's written on !!
I evolve in my own skin for my own time inhabiting space daily here honestly in my own brain living in series parallel position adapting as displaced equally here.ConservativeWave » 09 Jan 2025, 12:02 pm » wrote: ↑ BK... YOU'RE talking sense...
...while 31A? is OFF in la-la land... somewhere !!
I'm hoping that we are on the precipice of a NEW AWAKENING... BUT, the FIRST steps will be to:
1) Clean up CORRUPT Washington politics,
2) VOTE OUT all the corrupt politicians,
3) CONTROL the Rich & CORRUPT elite class,
4) Pass better LAWS to prevent quid-pro-quo BS from fueling the corruption,
5) Hold abusers of "We the People" to the HARSHEST standards available... (THEY should have a HIGHER standard.. NOT a lower one) !!
6) Incorporate it into EVERY level of the government... politicians, military, appointees, bureaucracy, and salaried employees !
I think Donald Trump, and his cabinet appointees have a similar objective... AND THAT is the first step toward CLEANING OUT the CESSPOOL !!
Squatchman » 10 Jan 2025, 8:59 am » wrote: ↑ Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
. Your frustration is showing.
Americans will believe the report.
And you know it.
Look at you your social we mentality keep searching for something to believe in so you don't ever have to understand your natural position being alive today. » 10 Jan 2025, 9:46 am » wrote: ↑ Look at you your social we mentality keep searching for something to believe in so you don't ever have to understand your natural position being alive today.
In all the wrong places outside your own time living eternally separated by the moment here. it is how genetics worked since inception of this or any species native to this atmosphere extinct or still reproducing.