31stArrival » Today, 8:16 am » wrote: ↑
your stupid statements are an actual representation of your nutured brain following suggestions life isn't self evident since birth while you self evidently evolve living eternally separated in plain sight.
You rather die in character than admit your ancestry has been fooled for hundreds of generation gaps.
Social pride before the implosion of your traditional family's beliefs intellect was always greater than personal brain adapting to the moment here.
Look what humanity accomplished in 7,000 years believing now isn't eternity to previous undetermined years this species existed before dawn of civlization educated ancestors to beleive people only exist cradle to grave 7 days a week, not concieved to decomposed so far.
The phrase "Better to rule in hell than serve in heaven" originates from John Milton's epic poem, "Paradise Lost," where the character Satan says this line, expressing his preference for power and rebellion even if it means residing in hell rather than submitting to God in heaven.
17th century Poet. Same time Nostradaumas was writing prophecies about end of the world. As epic as Orwells 1984 released in 1948 with the emergence of Red China and USSR taking over the asian continent east to west north and south. covering 3 of 5 ancestral lineages of this species on the planet. Yellow, brown, white. Black and red were south and west.
Poltical wings and spiritual convictions life isn't self evident daily. mayans cover the American continents(red) destroyed their society before Europeans ever got here as Aztecs and others remained in nomaic tribes following the migrating food supply between temperate zones between two civiliations of hunter gathers and cultivists staying in one location hunter gathers would loot and pillage moving with the migrting herds . Africa covered Blacks.