Paths of least resistance to a social we say so, and your frame of mind lacking a personal brain navigating honestly here as you save your nurtured after birth intellectual soul's historical mantra.
Buffalo » 02 Feb 2025, 7:52 am » wrote: ↑ The last time Trump was in office, Democrats exploited the lame pretext of a career criminal dying of a fentanyl overdose while in police custody to launch hundreds of race riots around the country, resulting in $billions in damage. This time, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), one of the two most powerful Democrats in the country along with Chuck Schumer, has this to say about the agenda Trump was decisively elected to enact:
Given the context of recent history, few would assume that fighting in the streets refers to waiving placards with Democrat slogans scribbled on them.
31stArrival » 02 Feb 2025, 4:52 pm » wrote: ↑ Paths of least resistance to a social we say so, and your frame of mind lacking a personal brain navigating honestly here as you save your nurtured after birth intellectual soul's historical mantra.
31stArrival » 02 Feb 2025, 4:52 pm » wrote: ↑ Paths of least resistance to a social we say so, and your frame of mind lacking a personal brain navigating honestly here as you save your nurtured after birth intellectual soul's historical mantra.
Every social reality does, every day. yet I am here explaining how this species is creating its own self extinciton event arriving sooner than later as 7,000 years of power of sugestion corrupting every great great grandchile last 350 generations gaps lived so far including the one 101 generation gaps ago when Jesus was nailed to a cross doing what I am now.
Choke on a horses asshole you **** spewing ***.31stArrival » 02 Feb 2025, 5:24 pm » wrote: ↑ Every social reality does, every day. yet I am here explaining how this species is creating its own self extinciton event arriving sooner than later as 7,000 years of power of sugestion corrupting every great great grandchile last 350 generations gaps lived so far including the one 101 generationgaps ago when Jesus was nailed to a cross doing what I am now.
Being honest about how I am me since a fertilized cell equally inhabiting space each rotation since that conception event..
Your use of vocaulary shows you won't discuss your actual time alive. That is on you not everyone else practicing the same methodolgy you are using currently.