You just told me if you had your way, you would nuke Gaza.Fuelman » 06 Feb 2025, 3:13 pm » wrote: ↑
Now tell us why you hate the Jews, without any conspiracy theories.
Educated people don't use the term "semite" as it is a word made up by European scholars in the 1700's. The term "semitic" is used only when referring to linguistics. ( A grouping of languages)Cannonpointer » 07 Feb 2025, 7:32 pm » wrote: ↑ Yes yes - genocide.
And you will tisk at "anti-semites."
By the way - those people are semites, you poor, deluded sheep.
apathy to any franchise of humanity doesn't take sides of humanity corrupting every ancestor in each ancestral lineage and generation gap alive today isn't hate, it is a choice of no participating in groups denying their own body's biological sovereignty inhabitinng space eternally separated since concieved..Fuelman » 08 Feb 2025, 8:16 am » wrote: ↑ Educated people don't use the term "semite" as it is a word made up by European scholars in the 1700's. The term "semitic" is used only when referring to linguistics. ( A grouping of languages)
Anti-semitic only means one thing, JEW HATER!
Know **** before saying ****! :wave:
golfboy » 07 Feb 2025, 7:24 pm » wrote: ↑ Where do you get all this ****?
The British controlled ALL that land and the U.N. was the group who came up with the land division.
golfboy » 07 Feb 2025, 7:16 pm » wrote: ↑ Dude, you're unhinged.
We didn't "get ourselves involved over there in 1948".
If you are going to run a cheap fallacy ad dictionarium, at LEAST do a hasty google first, anti-semite.Fuelman » 08 Feb 2025, 8:16 am » wrote: ↑ Educated people don't use the term "semite" as it is a word made up by European scholars in the 1700's. The term "semitic" is used only when referring to linguistics. ( A grouping of languages)
Anti-semitic only means one thing, JEW HATER!
Know **** before saying ****!
Those on israel's cock believe themselves entitled to their own facts.Vegas » 08 Feb 2025, 11:20 am » wrote: ↑ What are you talking about? America was very much in support of the partitioning agreement. We were very involved in it's outcome. We gave Israel private funding to help their **** military in the Arab-Israeli war in 1948.
Cannonpointer » 08 Feb 2025, 3:41 pm » wrote: ↑ Those on israel's cock believe themselves entitled to their own facts.
You favor ethnic cleansing and genocide against the semitic people of Gaza.
Cannonpointer » 09 Feb 2025, 8:01 am » wrote: ↑ You favor ethnic cleansing and genocide against the semitic people of Gaza.
There are three ****-fingers pointing right back at you, nazi scum.
beekeepers have a hive mental state of mind and colonize around ideas now isn't eternity. They don't navigate as a sole displacement representing the ancestry that arrived to add their fertilize cell to live uniquely alive daily here as an ever changing form from its original fertilized cell carrying same chromosomes in every fiber of their body cradle to grave.Cannonpointer » 09 Feb 2025, 8:01 am » wrote: ↑ You favor ethnic cleansing and genocide against the semitic people of Gaza.
There are three ****-fingers pointing right back at you, nazi scum.
So long as you pretend that women and toddlers and perfectly innocent men who had Hamas THRUST UPON THEM by Netanyahu, you seem almost reasonable in your support of genocide, nazi.*Beekeeper » 09 Feb 2025, 8:03 am » wrote: ↑ Whatever it takes to rid the nation of Israel from the NAZI LOVING TERRORISTS who's only mission in life is to destroy and murder JEWS in another global genocide!!
Cannonpointer » 09 Feb 2025, 8:07 am » wrote: ↑ So long as you pretend that women and toddlers and perfectly innocent men whop had Hamas THRUST UPON THEM by Netanyahu, you seem almost reasonable in your support of genocide, nazi.
Like the original nazis, you have your excuses for mass murder all lines up.
But we are STILL left with the question why you believe that AMERICAN treasure - which our Constitution intends for AMERICAN consumption, to build AMERICA'S future - should be used for unConstitutional means. If the **** have a genocide to accomplish, there is nothing in our Constitution which envisions OUR tax dollars paying for it.
Which makes you a progressive, you stupid ****.
In 2006, Hamas won the 2006 Palestinian legislative elections and assumed administrative control of Gaza Strip and West Bank. In 2007, Hamas led a military victory over Fatah, the secular Palestinian nationalist party, which had dominated the Palestinian National Authority.
Excuses for killing innocent women and children.*Beekeeper » 09 Feb 2025, 8:28 am » wrote: ↑ Hate to tell you ASSSUCK, HAMAS was ELECTED by the Palestinians, not "thrust upon them" by ANYONE!!
History and FACTS seems to evade you CONSTANTLY!!
10/7 is your best excuse.
It's not a cheap fallacy, unless you don't understand. You give a perfect example of why the term "semite" is out dated. I'll try to explain this without being a total **** dick, I may fail!Cannonpointer » 08 Feb 2025, 3:38 pm » wrote: ↑ If you are going to run a cheap fallacy ad dictionarium, at LEAST do a hasty google first, anti-semite. ... e_vignette
a member of any of various ancient and modern peoples originating in southwestern Asia, including the Akkadians, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs.
Arabs are semites. You don't have to like it. You are anti-semite. I don't have to like it.
Back to the question: Without resorting to israeli propaganda, tell us why you are anti-semite. If you insist on niggling that you get to kick people out of their ethnic groups on your jew-slave whim, tell us why you are anti-arab. AGAIN, without running israeli propaganda.
Concerning the Arabs, I have been quite clear on my opposition to Islamist. Not the whole group of Arabs or those God loving practicing Muslims.Cannonpointer » 08 Feb 2025, 3:38 pm » wrote: ↑ If you are going to run a cheap fallacy ad dictionarium, at LEAST do a hasty google first, anti-semite. ... e_vignette
a member of any of various ancient and modern peoples originating in southwestern Asia, including the Akkadians, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs.
Arabs are semites. You don't have to like it. You are anti-semite. I don't have to like it.
Back to the question: Without resorting to israeli propaganda, tell us why you are anti-semite. If you insist on niggling that you get to kick people out of their ethnic groups on your jew-slave whim, tell us why you are anti-arab. AGAIN, without running israeli propaganda.
Islam is about every religion calling God Allah. Muslim is a congregation like the several factions of Christainity or judeo practices stemming from Old Testatment/Torah societies.Fuelman » 09 Feb 2025, 11:01 am » wrote: ↑ Concerning the Arabs, I have been quite clear on my opposition to Islamist. Not the whole group of Arabs or those God loving practicing Muslims.
I know you know the difference but prefer the sloppy broad brush approach. ... -islamists
Islamism is not a form of the Muslim faith or an expression of Muslim piety; it is, rather, a political ideology that strives to derive legitimacy from Islam. While Islam is the faith of 1.4 billion people, Islamism is not a form of the Muslim faith or an expression of Muslim piety. Rather, it is a political ideology that strives to derive legitimacy from Islam. Islam and Islamism are not synonymous, and there is even a tension between the two, exemplified by the case of this Nigerian Muslim father turning in his Islamist son to the authorities. So if Islam is a faith, then what is Islamism? It can be best described as an "anti-" ideology, in the sense that it defines itself only in opposition to things. That is, Islamism stands not for but against. For starters, Islamism is anti-Semitic in promoting the view that Jews are evil. Because Jews live in Israel, it is also anti-Israeli, and it is also anti-American due to its distorted view of Jews' role in the United States. "Jews are evil, they run America, therefore America is evil" -- this is the mantra of Islamist thinking.
You can call me whatever you want for my dislike of Islamist but it sure as **** ISN'T antisemitism.
I agree, and nowhere in that wide spectrum do Islamist fit in.31stArrival » 09 Feb 2025, 2:37 pm » wrote: ↑ Islam is about every religion calling God Allah. Muslim is a congregation like the several factions of Christainity or judeo practices stemming from Old Testatment/Torah societies.
then there are the mythologies/paganism of many gods and naturalism worshipping the concept of Mother Nature and Mother Earth not to leave out Eastern societies and Buddha.