*GHETTO BLASTER » 09 Feb 2025, 7:31 pm » wrote: ↑
The people who are responsible for each and every one of these irresponsible / ridiculous expenditures deserve to have their faces and full names posted on bill boards and in full page newspaper ads all across the USA.
Shame them all into fleeing the USA with their tails between their legs.
Better than prison time. The only thing is those that did, hid the money in other people's names. Kind of like the Biden's have done for 50 years. Same can be said for the Clinton's, Bush family, Al Gore, so many that kept secret self evident evolving.
Weaponized rule of law has taken place for thousands of years. Nothing can change what has led into current events, so one must change how current events are managed to correct tomorrow midnight to noon every day, 7 days a week, 52 times a year as a species.
Haven't met anyone yet ready to try besides myself.