A Prediction Thread for 2025-2028

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By Vegas
17 Feb 2025 11:28 am in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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jerra b
18 Feb 2025 9:12 am
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Vegas » Today, 12:13 am » wrote: Traditionally, midterms are usually won by the party who is not in charge. So I guess it could happen.

all those firings by trump and musk will add fuel to the cause
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18 Feb 2025 9:22 am
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Skans » Today, 8:15 am » wrote: It could happen.  But, it doesn't have to happen.  What Trump and the Republicans must do is start working now to ensure massive turnout for the Republicans. They will need to treat this with the seriousness of the general election.
My thought is that most of the corruption that DOGE will expose will come from the dims. If America is that stupid to elect more dims after knowing that, then we are dumber than I thought. 
Retarded Horse's view on women.

JohnEdgarSlowHorses » Today, 7:28 pm » wrote: ↑Today, 7:28 pm
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18 Feb 2025 11:10 am
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Vegas » Today, 10:22 am » wrote: My thought is that most of the corruption that DOGE will expose will come from the dims. If America is that stupid to elect more dims after knowing that, then we are dumber than I thought.
Dumber, no.  Corrupt, yes.  Most federal employees are Democrats.  Many of them are blacks and "minorities". These people already vote Democrat down-ballot. They do this because they know that their cush, lazy, ****, do-nothing so-called "jobs" are in jeopardy if a real fiscal republican gets in office and has the gumption to go after this theft and fraud.  And, right now, in the entire history of our country, that's exactly what we have - THANK THE LORD!

So, its a given that nearly all of these federal employees vote Democrat.  The federal government employs just over 3 million people. The U.S.Postal Service employees 600,000 employees, and this number IS NOT included in the 3 million.  Nor does it include active duty military personnel, independent agencies and government corporations, or Congressional employees. Another 19.6 million people work for state and local governments.  

So, about 23,000,000 are government employees - and that number is not all inclusive. THAT is what we are up against.
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31st Arrival
18 Feb 2025 12:33 pm
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jerra b » Today, 10:12 am » wrote: all those firings by trump and musk will add fuel to the cause
The effects of your cause is chaos in a natural balancing universe of outcomes arrived so far changing incoming details never same total sum results achieved now.

Past ends here and the future only developing forward now as a whole universe evolving where only things stationary are event horizons to cycles inhabiting space self evidently function now.

Living uniquely alive is self evident until reasonable doubt becomes rule of law and context defines people by character role playing cradle to grave.
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18 Feb 2025 12:39 pm
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31stArrival » 5 minutes ago » wrote: The effects of your cause is chaos in a natural balancing universe of outcomes arrived so far changing incoming details never same total sum results achieved now.

Past ends here and the future only developing forward now as a whole universe evolving where only things stationary are event horizons to cycles inhabiting space self evidently function now.

Living uniquely alive is self evident until reasonable doubt becomes rule of law and context defines people by character role playing cradle to grave. This behavior is all that history has recorded since dawn of civilization by this species, for this species, to keep people guessing what tomorrow can become midnight to noon every dawn to dusk part of each rotation so far.

Put this deranged babbling bitch out of her misery!
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18 Feb 2025 12:54 pm
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Skans » Today, 12:10 pm » wrote: Dumber, no.  Corrupt, yes.  Most federal employees are Democrats.  Many of them are blacks and "minorities". These people already vote Democrat down-ballot. They do this because they know that their cush, lazy, ****, do-nothing so-called "jobs" are in jeopardy if a real fiscal republican gets in office and has the gumption to go after this theft and fraud.  And, right now, in the entire history of our country, that's exactly what we have - THANK THE LORD!

So, its a given that nearly all of these federal employees vote Democrat.  The federal government employs just over 3 million people. The U.S.Postal Service employees 600,000 employees, and this number IS NOT included in the 3 million.  Nor does it include active duty military personnel, independent agencies and government corporations, or Congressional employees. Another 19.6 million people work for state and local governments.  

So, about 23,000,000 are government employees - and that number is not all inclusive. THAT is what we are up against.
I would LOVE to see the Postal Service get the kind of federal employee cuts that USAID is undergoing.
And I can't be the only one who is sick and tired of going to the post office and waiting on a line of a dozen people while only one worker is taking customers, and 8 or 9 other workers (usually minorities with an attitude) are walking around with their thumb up their ***!  With the kind of losses the post office reports every damn year, I guarantee that Musk can fire 25% of them or more without any appreciable negative impact on their service!
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18 Feb 2025 1:04 pm
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Some new predictions (next 4 years):
  • Justin Bieber will come out as a homosexual
  • Taylor swift will get divorced and then marry Kanye West - they will have a baby 3 months later. 
  • There will be a fired-federal worker riot in Washington DC - of course, looting and burning things is a given.
  • Baron Trump will graduate from NYU and go to work for one of his father's companies.
  • They will catch the thieves who stole gold from Fort Knox - - - after the audit.
  • We will find out that one of the provisions of the Local Cluster Civilizations Treaty, provides that Aliens are no longer permitted to abduct and/or experiment on humans.
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31st Arrival
18 Feb 2025 1:05 pm
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murdock » 30 minutes ago » wrote: Put this deranged babbling bitch out of her misery!
I read panic in your mantra.
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18 Feb 2025 1:07 pm
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Zeets2 » 14 minutes ago » wrote: I would LOVE to see the Postal Service get the kind of federal employee cuts that USAID is undergoing.
And I can't be the only one who is sick and tired of going to the post office and waiting on a line of a dozen people while only one worker is taking customers, and 8 or 9 other workers (usually minorities with an attitude) are walking around with their thumb up their ***!  With the kind of losses the post office reports every damn year, I guarantee that Musk can fire 25% of them or more without any appreciable negative impact on their service!
I just saw the same thing in another government building a few days ago. 
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18 Feb 2025 1:11 pm
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Skans » 6 minutes ago » wrote: I just saw the same thing in another government building a few days ago.
And I haven't yet seen a change in that attitude among ANY federal workers!
It's almost as if they're taking a stand by working even slower, just to prove that every worker shouldn't be fired!

I believe they'll be getting a serious wakeup call in the near future.
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18 Feb 2025 1:23 pm
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Skans » 16 minutes ago » wrote: I just saw the same thing in another government building a few days ago.
And THIS is the kind of **** that needs to be stopped immediately!:
US Colleges Cash In As Illegal Immigrants Receive Tuition BenefitsImage
 More than 408,000 illegal immigrants are enrolled in US colleges and universities, with many receiving in-state tuition and financial aid benefits that are denied to out-of-state American students. Despite laws prohibiting such policies, 25 states offer in-state tuition rates to illegal immigrants, and 20 provide additional financial assistance. 
Pull the funds from every one of these illegals and watch how fast college tuitions come down when their gravy train ends!
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18 Feb 2025 1:35 pm
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Zeets2 » 28 minutes ago » wrote: And I haven't yet seen a change in that attitude among ANY federal workers!
It's almost as if they're taking a stand by working even slower, just to prove that every worker shouldn't be fired!

I believe they'll be getting a serious wakeup call in the near future.
Every time I enter a government building, I do my own audit and assessment and I come up with the same thing you and everyone else here says.  They make too much money and they do too little work (if any).
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18 Feb 2025 2:31 pm
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31stArrival » Today, 2:05 pm » wrote: I read panic in your mantra.

You don't read **** you babbling **** spewing asswipe!
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18 Feb 2025 3:06 pm
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Skans » Today, 2:35 pm » wrote: Every time I enter a government building, I do my own audit and assessment and I come up with the same thing you and everyone else here says.  They make too much money and they do too little work (if any).
Just imagine what Musk will do when he gets to those departments with his ax!
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18 Feb 2025 3:43 pm
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Zeets2 » Yesterday, 1:55 pm » wrote: I disagree with the belief that gas prices will rise.  I'm confident that with the removal of Biden's regulations, fees, and restrictions on the oil industry, we will become energy independent again and prices will drop to $2 a gallon.  Additionally, the completion of the Keystone XL pipeline will add almost a million barrels per day that will be shipped overseas, lowering the gas prices for the world.  This is how Trump will be lowering inflation and interest rates, which will come quickly once gas and diesel prices decline in this country.
What will bring down prices is the removal of obstacles from drilling known reserves.

The keystone XL is off the table. It's a dead project. The lawsuits, the permit games on both sides of the border, and biden's cancellation of their border crossing permission caused the company that owned the pipeline to dig up the pipe that had been laid and use it in a pipeline crossing western canada to ports on the west coast. America's current commitment to drilling its own oil diminishes the profit potential of the project, which was originally intended to send Albertan crude to nebraska to be refined for the american market. It doesn't appear that the american market is going to even need that crude, with Trump in office.

Trump's efforts to revive the conversation about the keystone xl were mostly for optics. The company that owned the keystone - the line that the xl was designed to hook to - no longer owns it. So it looks like warren buffet will continue to transport the bakken crude out of montana and north dakota and wyoming by the most dangerous method: railway cars. There have already been\

Since July 2013, at least 10 major accidents involving oil trains have occurred in North America, resulting in 47 fatalities, causing the evacuation of thousands of people, spilling millions of gallons of oil into waterways, and causing billions of dollars in property damage and environmental destruction.And that is just on THIS side of the border. Dozens have died in Canada as well - from the BNSF alone (buffet's railroad). Over 300 oil spills PER YEAR occur in Canada from train derailments or leaking railroad cars. 

Democ rats do not care about the environment. They care about power and money. 
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

You cannot betray me - only yourself, to me.

Who cuts off your dick is not your friend

An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.

Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.

Only religions declare heresy; only lies require protection.

If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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18 Feb 2025 3:47 pm
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*GHETTOBLASTER » Yesterday, 3:48 pm » wrote: How was Trump's first term sabotaged...?

The deliberately engineered and released Pandemic.

The pandemic wasn't personal to the Trump administration. It was a quickly cobbled together scheme to back up the failed ebola pandemic plan. 

The deep state had originally intended a pandemic during the obama years. But the government of Sierra Leon released the cure for ebola on the front page of its paper of record. That **** up the game. 
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

You cannot betray me - only yourself, to me.

Who cuts off your dick is not your friend

An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.

Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.

Only religions declare heresy; only lies require protection.

If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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18 Feb 2025 3:49 pm
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jerrab » Today, 10:12 am » wrote: all those firings by trump and musk will add fuel to the cause
They'll bring out the republican base better than they'll bring out the democ rat base. Winning is FAR more stimulative and encouraging that being losers. People prefer to vote FOR something than to vote against something. 

The democ rats will very likely have a **** turnout, and the repukes will very likely have a MASSIVE turnout. 

I predict an historical turnaround in the predictable loss of seats by the governing party. 

There ya go, Vegas. Now I'm on record with a prediction, too. 
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

You cannot betray me - only yourself, to me.

Who cuts off your dick is not your friend

An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.

Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.

Only religions declare heresy; only lies require protection.

If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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18 Feb 2025 3:52 pm
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98% Macho Man
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Skans » Today, 12:10 pm » wrote: Dumber, no.  Corrupt, yes.  Most federal employees are Democrats.  Many of them are blacks and "minorities". These people already vote Democrat down-ballot. They do this because they know that their cush, lazy, ****, do-nothing so-called "jobs" are in jeopardy if a real fiscal republican gets in office and has the gumption to go after this theft and fraud.  And, right now, in the entire history of our country, that's exactly what we have - THANK THE LORD!

So, its a given that nearly all of these federal employees vote Democrat.  The federal government employs just over 3 million people. The U.S.Postal Service employees 600,000 employees, and this number IS NOT included in the 3 million.  Nor does it include active duty military personnel, independent agencies and government corporations, or Congressional employees. Another 19.6 million people work for state and local governments.  

So, about 23,000,000 are government employees - and that number is not all inclusive. THAT is what we are up against.
Didn't help the *** in 2024. Trump didn't just win the electoral college. He got the popular vote. 

There are more humans in America than perverts. 2024 proved it. 
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

You cannot betray me - only yourself, to me.

Who cuts off your dick is not your friend

An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.

Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.

Only religions declare heresy; only lies require protection.

If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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18 Feb 2025 3:54 pm
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jerrab » Today, 10:12 am » wrote: all those firings by trump and musk will add fuel to the cause

You mean the cause of media fed idiots?
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18 Feb 2025 3:59 pm
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98% Macho Man
98% Macho Man
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Skans » Today, 2:35 pm » wrote: Every time I enter a government building, I do my own audit and assessment and I come up with the same thing you and everyone else here says.  They make too much money and they do too little work (if any).
Every time I enter a government building, I ask everyone I see to make the asshole who took me in there loosen the cuffs. 
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

You cannot betray me - only yourself, to me.

Who cuts off your dick is not your friend

An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.

Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.

Only religions declare heresy; only lies require protection.

If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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