Zelenskyy and Ukraine may be the problem.

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By PhiloBeddo
28 Feb 2025 12:25 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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2 Mar 2025 1:16 pm
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Sumela » 28 Feb 2025, 1:29 pm » wrote: WASH DC loves using corrupt leaders/countries


Been playing this game for decades.
Smelly sue has gotten to be such a butthurt little know nothing bitch it's hilarious!
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jerra b
2 Mar 2025 1:24 pm
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Buffalo » 43 minutes ago » wrote: How did Trump do that?  By not giving him more US taxpayer dollars so he and his wife can go on more shopping sprees and he and his corrupt Ukrainian buddies can buy more chalets in Switzerland?

https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/uk ... lanie-joly
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2 Mar 2025 1:36 pm
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Then let Europe and Canada come to Ukraine's rescue...LOL!!!  They wouldn't last 10 minutes!!!   The US and NATO should not have gone back on the 1999 agreement to not advance and arm any more nations to the east closer to the Russian border.

Learn a little from history before spouting off!!!
TRANSCRIPT: Jeffrey Sachs on the Geopolitics of Peace in the European Parliament – The Singju Post
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2 Mar 2025 1:38 pm
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jerrab » 28 Feb 2025, 3:20 pm » wrote: maybe I am crazy but I wonder if putin would rather trump tried to get a peace deal instead of threatening ww3
Are you trying to prove that you didn't read the transcript or see the video of the conversation between Trump and Zelensky, or are you just that big of a **** liar that you don't even recognize when you do it?

Trump told Zelensky that UKRAINE was inviting WWIII if they were to continue down the path of escalating their war!  And Trump basically told him that we ain't about to do that!  The days of having idiots like Biden hand him hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars with no responsibility to show where that money is going IS OVER!  Either they negotiate a peace deal now where we get their mineral rights in exchange for helping them rebuild their war-torn country, or we wash our hands of you and go with your hat in hand begging the rest of Europe to keep funding it!

Thankfully, Putin isn't as ignorant as you are and can easily recognize that Ukraine can't continue the war WITHOUT the billions that he was getting from the US! He can sit back now and watch knowing that Ukraine can either accept a peace deal now or accept it later after Russia takes over even more Ukraine's territory. And there is NO WAY that any of that land will EVER be given back if Ukraine wants peace in the future.  This entire boondoggle is BIDEN'S FAULT!  Had he told Zelensky we weren't about to help him, he would have been forced to negotiate a peace deal giving Russia some territory but saved tens of thousands of soldiers lives and wouldn't have needed to spend trillions to rebuild their country after over 3 years of a raging war!

And libs like you KNOW that this was all Biden's fault, you just refuse to admit it, the same way you choose to ignore the fact that they agreed to make Zelensky a multimillionaire in exchange for kicking back tens of millions of that US funding to Hunter, Joe Biden and his entire crime family by depositing it in his 20+ secret off shore bank accounts!  

That kind of theft and corruption is perfectly fine for you when Democrats do it!
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2 Mar 2025 1:40 pm
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jerrab » Today, 12:46 pm » wrote: you are a trumperican.

celebrating that trump threw away a chance for peace in ukraine.    Image   Image
Exactly how did Trump do THAT, you fool?
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2 Mar 2025 7:47 pm
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Jantje_Smit » Today, 5:11 am » wrote: Right, it was Zelensky that got off script, he doesn't realize that times have changed, he should forget about begging for money and get with the program..

Ya know, I've had time to think, reflect, check with sources I trust, and I have changed my perspective on what happened at the white house.

I think Zelenski got played out of pocket. I think they set him up, so that they can walk away and not be called putin puppets. They knew he was an emotional shorty - and they worked him until he blew a head gasket. 

Trump was in on the overthrow of Russia - which is what the proxy war was INTENDED to produce - up to his orange neck. First to arm Ukraine. First to impose meaningful sanctions. And first to fold up shop in a hurry when the bet went south. That is a strength that Trump has shown himself to possess over and over and over again: the intelligence to walk away from a bad bet - to not throw good money after bad. 

Against every assumption the west held as a truism, Russia stood. Sanctioned, it found new trading partners in currencies the west could not seize. Robbed, it dug deep and the people tightened their belts and stood behind their leader. Attacked with the weapons of 30 nations, Russia unleashed its industrial might and met and exceeded the strength of all those weapons. And it wore the American proxy to a nub. Everyone knows the deal is a bust - it's just Trump who refuses to spend a lot of time and energy and resources trying to save face. Instead, he expertly offloads the blame on Zelenski and the costs on Europe, and sneaks out the back with a bag of cash, leaving the liabilities for the cleanup crew (which rhymes with EU).
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2 Mar 2025 9:08 pm
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Cannonpointer » Today, 8:47 pm » wrote: Ya know, I've had time to think, reflect, check with sources I trust, and I have changed my perspective on what happened at the white house.

I think Zelenski got played out of pocket. I think they set him up, so that they can walk away and not be called putin puppets. They knew he was an emotional shorty - and they worked him until he blew a head gasket. 

Trump was in on the overthrow of Russia - which is what the proxy war was INTENDED to produce - up to his orange neck. First to arm Ukraine. First to impose meaningful sanctions. And first to fold up shop in a hurry when the bet went south. That is a strength that Trump has shown himself to possess over and over and over again: the intelligence to walk away from a bad bet - to not throw good money after bad. 

Against every assumption the west held as a truism, Russia stood. Sanctioned, it found new trading partners in currencies the west could not seize. Robbed, it dug deep and the people tightened their belts and stood behind their leader. Attacked with the weapons of 30 nations, Russia unleashed its industrial might and met and exceeded the strength of all those weapons. And it wore the American proxy to a nub. Everyone knows the deal is a bust - it's just Trump who refuses to spend a lot of time and energy and resources trying to save face. Instead, he expertly offloads the blame on Zelenski and the costs on Europe, and sneaks out the back with a bag of cash, leaving the liabilities for the cleanup crew (which rhymes with EU).
Do they ever NOT set up a puppet for failure?
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3 Mar 2025 9:17 am
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PhiloBeddo » 28 Feb 2025, 1:25 pm » wrote: Zelenskyy has little man's disease. He has no gratitude for the USA's support. He better watch it, Trump might just support Russia and take all the rare earth minerals and **** Ukraine. They are a completely corrupt country.
I honestly don't know if this is Zelenskyy or people who have influence and control over him. Do you really get the feeling that this guy is running Ukraine all by himself?  I don't.  Either Zelenskyy is completely in charge......or he's not.  If he is completely in charge, then he truly can't get his head around what's best for his country right now. 

On the other hand, If Zelenskyy is powerless to get his country to stop fighting Russia without Russia abandoning all territorial gains and Ukraine receiving western-backed security deal, what else can he do?

There is only one other thing Zelenskyy can do if he is powerless to accept Trump's terms in moving toward peace.  He can privately explain this to Trump's team, tell them that he is opening up his country to elections, and ask for western support to ensure fair elections (to the extent possible).  In other words, bow out and allow another leader to take over.

He can't just resign. If he did that, Putin would install his own government. He would have to hold elections and accept the result of those elections.  They are more than 1-year overdue due to marshal law.

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3 Mar 2025 9:39 am
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My nephew has a friend that is a medic in Kiev. He says the city is untouched by the war and it is basically business as usual. The consensus seems to be they want the war to continue as well as the flow of US tax dollars. Why is this not ever discussed?

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7 Mar 2025 5:50 am
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Cannonpointer » 02 Mar 2025, 8:47 pm » wrote: Ya know, I've had time to think, reflect, check with sources I trust, and I have changed my perspective on what happened at the white house.

I think Zelenski got played out of pocket. I think they set him up, so that they can walk away and not be called putin puppets. They knew he was an emotional shorty - and they worked him until he blew a head gasket. 

Trump was in on the overthrow of Russia - which is what the proxy war was INTENDED to produce - up to his orange neck. First to arm Ukraine. First to impose meaningful sanctions. And first to fold up shop in a hurry when the bet went south. That is a strength that Trump has shown himself to possess over and over and over again: the intelligence to walk away from a bad bet - to not throw good money after bad. 

Against every assumption the west held as a truism, Russia stood. Sanctioned, it found new trading partners in currencies the west could not seize. Robbed, it dug deep and the people tightened their belts and stood behind their leader. Attacked with the weapons of 30 nations, Russia unleashed its industrial might and met and exceeded the strength of all those weapons. And it wore the American proxy to a nub. Everyone knows the deal is a bust - it's just Trump who refuses to spend a lot of time and energy and resources trying to save face. Instead, he expertly offloads the blame on Zelenski and the costs on Europe, and sneaks out the back with a bag of cash, leaving the liabilities for the cleanup crew (which rhymes with EU).
I'm not sure if it was a setup, it took some time and effort to organize that meeting and everyone was convinced Zelensky was going to sign a deal that would make Trump look good, the MSM sure thought so.. on the other hand, it is Trump, I could see him pull a stand like that, and as he said, it makes for some great television..


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Buck Naked
7 Mar 2025 5:54 am
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jerra b
7 Mar 2025 10:29 am
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Jantje_Smit » Today, 6:50 am » wrote: I'm not sure if it was a setup, it took some time and effort to organize that meeting and everyone was convinced Zelensky was going to sign a deal that would make Trump look good, the MSM sure thought so.. on the other hand, it is Trump, I could see him pull a stand like that, and as he said, it makes for some great television..


zelinsky complained there was no guarantee russia would not attack again if he signed it and then vance and trump started screaming about ww3.
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jerra b
7 Mar 2025 10:42 am
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Jantje_Smit » Today, 6:50 am » wrote: I'm not sure if it was a setup, it took some time and effort to organize that meeting and everyone was convinced Zelensky was going to sign a deal that would make Trump look good, the MSM sure thought so.. on the other hand, it is Trump, I could see him pull a stand like that, and as he said, it makes for some great television..



-----------------------The two countries were expected to sign a critical minerals deal as part of efforts to end Ukraine’s war with Russia, but after Zelenskyy insisted that the deal include security guarantees from the U.S., Trump showed open disdain for the Ukrainian president.---------------------
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jerra b
7 Mar 2025 10:54 am
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---------------------Ukraine needs a security guarantee after Trump-Zelenskyy fight, Joly says
'If we don't have a good deal for Ukraine, if we're not supporting Ukraine, there's a real risk that President Putin will go back to Russia, re-arm and re-invade'----------------------------------
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jerra b
7 Mar 2025 10:57 am
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Zeets2 » 02 Mar 2025, 2:40 pm » wrote: Exactly how did Trump do THAT, you fool?
by not having a peace treaty that  guaranteed russia would not attack again.

----------------------Ukraine needs a security guarantee after Trump-Zelenskyy fight, Joly says'If we don't have a good deal for Ukraine, if we're not supporting Ukraine, there's a real risk that President Putin will go back to Russia, re-arm and re-invade'----------------
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jerra b
7 Mar 2025 11:06 am
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Zeets2 » 02 Mar 2025, 2:38 pm » wrote: Are you trying to prove that you didn't read the transcript or see the video of the conversation between Trump and Zelensky, or are you just that big of a **** liar that you don't even recognize when you do it?

Trump told Zelensky that UKRAINE was inviting WWIII if they were to continue down the path of escalating their war!  And Trump basically told him that we ain't about to do that!  The days of having idiots like Biden hand him hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars with no responsibility to show where that money is going IS OVER!  Either they negotiate a peace deal now where we get their mineral rights in exchange for helping them rebuild their war-torn country, or we wash our hands of you and go with your hat in hand begging the rest of Europe to keep funding it!

Thankfully, Putin isn't as ignorant as you are and can easily recognize that Ukraine can't continue the war WITHOUT the billions that he was getting from the US! He can sit back now and watch knowing that Ukraine can either accept a peace deal now or accept it later after Russia takes over even more Ukraine's territory. And there is NO WAY that any of that land will EVER be given back if Ukraine wants peace in the future.  This entire boondoggle is BIDEN'S FAULT!  Had he told Zelensky we weren't about to help him, he would have been forced to negotiate a peace deal giving Russia some territory but saved tens of thousands of soldiers lives and wouldn't have needed to spend trillions to rebuild their country after over 3 years of a raging war!

And libs like you KNOW that this was all Biden's fault, you just refuse to admit it, the same way you choose to ignore the fact that they agreed to make Zelensky a multimillionaire in exchange for kicking back tens of millions of that US funding to Hunter, Joe Biden and his entire crime family by depositing it in his 20+ secret off shore bank accounts!  

That kind of theft and corruption is perfectly fine for you when Democrats do it!
i have always blamed biden, dumb ****. I said at the very first russia had a right to not want ukraine join nato and have millsiles on the borde rand biden said ukraine had a right to join nato and then gave weapons to ukraine. I have complained about biden many times about transgender issues and israel treating the palatianians like ****  which is still going on today and of course his handling the war in israel.

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7 Mar 2025 11:45 am
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jerrab » 51 minutes ago » wrote: by not having a peace treaty that  guaranteed russia would not attack again.

----------------------Ukraine needs a security guarantee after Trump-Zelenskyy fight, Joly says'If we don't have a good deal for Ukraine, if we're not supporting Ukraine, there's a real risk that President Putin will go back to Russia, re-arm and re-invade'----------------
What's to stop Putin from doing that anyway?  I say let the damn brits, france and the rest of the EU defend Ukraine.  NATO/US should have kept its promise to not move one inch east closer to Russia's border.
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7 Mar 2025 11:53 am
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jerrab » 47 minutes ago » wrote: i have always blamed biden, dumb ****. I said at the very first russia had a right to not want ukraine join nato and have missiles on the border and biden said ukraine had a right to join nato and then gave weapons to ukraine. I have complained about biden many times about transgender issues and israel treating the palatianians like ****  which is still going on today and of course his handling the war in israel.
Isn't that funny?
You claim that you hated the way Biden failed you miserably on so many key issues, and then you go and vote for an idiot like Kamaltoe who publicly stated that she wouldn't have done anything differently than what Biden the demented idiot did LESS THAN A MONTH BEFORE THE ELECTION!

Or weren't you aware of such blatant stupidity?:
Harris Says 'Not a Thing Comes to Mind' That She'd Do Differently Than Biden
Newseek  Oct 08, 2024
Vice President Kamala Harris was asked by the co-hosts of The View on Tuesday whether she would have done anything differently than President Biden, responding "not a thing comes to mind," before coming back to the question and adding that she plans to appoint a Republican to her Cabinet if she is elected in November.
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7 Mar 2025 11:57 am
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jerrab » Today, 11:57 am » wrote: by not having a peace treaty that  guaranteed russia would not attack again.

----------------------Ukraine needs a security guarantee after Trump-Zelenskyy fight, Joly says'If we don't have a good deal for Ukraine, if we're not supporting Ukraine, there's a real risk that President Putin will go back to Russia, re-arm and re-invade'----------------
And what kind of an idiotic demand like that would ANY country agree to?
And what would be the value of that "guarantee" coming from ANY dictator, fool?

Sounds a lot like Michael Corleone asking the Turk to give him a guarantee that there wouldn't be any more attacks against the Godfather, which he knew would be completely worthless.

But a sap like you would demand that, huh?
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