Any Venn diagram depicting that you can share?JohnnyYou » Today, 1:12 am » wrote: ↑ Numbers don't lie.. People do.
There is a definite change in the slope perceptible on the all time graph.
Hey Pothead ..
as my bookie told me yesterday, "trees don't grow to the sky"...keep spreading your FEARPORN, it's what you librulz do best...JohnnyYou » Today, 1:12 am » wrote: ↑ Numbers don't lie.. People do.
There is a definite change in the slope perceptible on the all time graph.
whatever fits their narrative...
You assholes will bitch about anything.....JohnnyYou » Today, 1:12 am » wrote: ↑ Numbers don't lie.. People do.
There is a definite change in the slope perceptible on the all time graph.
RebelGator » 6 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ You assholes will bitch about anything.....
Trump's gonna make stocks affordable for's GLORIOUS!
Are they firing anyone over it, Hole?
It's only fallen 9% in 3 weeks..*Beekeeper » Today, 6:43 am » wrote: ↑ The markets have been needing a CORRECTION for a very long time now. It MUST happen occasionally because when it gets out of balance, that's when CRASHES HAPPEN and a 1-2% correction is FAR from what you or Lawrence are claiming.
Since PROFITS ARE UP and not declining, GDP is stable and actually growing, and unemployment is still WELL within full employment nationwide, your FEAR PORN is duly noted as the **** IT IS!!
Now please, run along and take your *** KICKING like the MORON you are.
You're showing your ignorance as usual.
Political views[edit]In a 2005 interview, O'Donnell called himself a "practical European socialist."[3] O'Donnell also declared himself a "socialist" on the November 6, 2010, Morning Joe show, stating: "I am not a progressive. I am not a liberal who is so afraid of the word that I had to change my name to 'progressive'. Liberals amuse me. I am a socialist. I live to the extreme left, the extreme left of you mere liberals."[37] On the August 1, 2011, episode of The Last Word, O'Donnell further explained: "I have been calling myself a socialist ever since I first read the definition of socialism in the first economics class I took in college".[38]
Do you have any credentials, Hole?HarperLee » 7 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ You're showing your ignorance as usual.
The stock market goes up and down all the time.
I remember "experts" saying ti would crash as soon as Trump took office in 2017
Lying traitor *** bastard.Blackvegetable » 5 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ Do you have any credentials, Hole?
Other than diplomas from **** parochial schools?
Hey BVBlackvegetable » 5 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ Do you have any credentials, Hole?
Other than diplomas from **** parochial schools?