*Beekeeper » Today, 7:41 am » wrote: ↑
Wonder WHY this **** *** posts more CRAP from DOOMberg that never means anything??
And next week, when the market RISES, as profit taking is correcting the market today, will DOOMberg have to say?? MORE FEAR PORN as always when a REPUBLICAN is in office!!
And DIKSUKM wonders WHY his *** is so red and blistered.
I know! I know!
It's because they fear that they're heads will explode once Trump has as much success with the economy as he has had with exposing waste and corruption, closing the border to illegals, ending stupid woke policies, firing useless corrupt bureaucrats, affirming that there are only 2 genders, stopping the thievery of Zelensky by refusing to keep funding Biden's losing war, stopping transgender surgeries on kids, granting taxpayers the huge tax cuts realized by ending the hundreds of billions in waste that they've already exposed, and cancelling all the LGBTQ **** that Biden subjected us to for the past 4 years!
And Trump has done ALL that in just 6 weeks in office!
In the coming months, they also know that prices will drop as new young chicks begin to start laying eggs that will replace the 100 million+ chickens that Biden stupidly killed off and oil companies start to reflect the new reality of drilling off shore, in the Gulf of America (LOVE that new name), in Alaska and on federal lands that were all killed by idiot Biden!
It's inevitable, and even dumb liberals like Eggplant know it!
Chances are, once those economic improvements all hit, he'll disappear from the forum just like so many other liberal pussies like Mainedunce and others did!
Of course, it may not be as enjoyable here once we no longer see the stupidity emanating from him that we now laugh about, but that's a small price to pay!