Racism North & South

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Two If By Tea
Yesterday 1:54 pm
Yesterday 1:54 pm
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Come to the "Midwest" most segragated cities are Chicago, Milwaukee, & St Louis  .

we aint or never Jim Crow like the Old South.

We made a "Deal" with them keep that garbage your side of town wont bother ya neither..

When Black People venture out their "Territory" cops put on the sirens find dope too..

Or that angry Black Woman couldnt keep her mouth shut booked on "Disordely Conduct" a Misdemeanor a $250 dollars Fine
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Two If By Tea
Yesterday 1:59 pm
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Now there alotta good "Black" People out there I have met afew of em too..

But blasting Rap Music ya hair in braids aint gonna get my "Respect' neither .

Unlike you if I pull a gun I know lawyers and "District Attorneys" too
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Yesterday 2:01 pm
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Give them as much fentanyl as those 950 CFM, dual feed, double pumper, ram air induction nostrils can snort, 'nsheeet...!!
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Two If By Tea
Yesterday 2:03 pm
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*GHETTOBLASTER » 6 minutes ago » wrote: Give them as much fentanyl as those 950 CFM, dual feed, double pumper, ram air induction nostrils can snort, 'nsheeet...!!

My Dad used to say if I known be this much trouble hed pick all the cotton himself
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Two If By Tea
Yesterday 2:14 pm
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What pisses me off more is "White" People act like "N-Words"

Blasting Rap Music and trip over their own baggy pants running from the cops.

Do they "Realize" in the Crack Ghetto ya aint a 'Real Brotha" neither
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Two If By Tea
Yesterday 2:23 pm
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Look I dont be "Racist" like that okay..

But "Black People" live on an entirely Differret Planet than I do okay.

Just laying it out there too
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