Found it....Bassem YoussefMrkelly » Today, 12:37 pm » wrote: ↑ what a ****show ... 0tcdjAC4YL
The [[[JWO]]] used their mass media empire to create the WIGGERS by glorifying Chimp Gangsta Rap Cultcha.....TwoIfByTea » 51 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ It dont even have 2 be a big city.
Kenosha , Racine Wisconsin formerly Factory Towns are pretty Crack Ghetto nowadays too.
Northside of Milwaukee forget it it thats a Ten Miles Crack Dope ghetto from East/West Expressway all the way to the County Line..
Then ya got young White People act like they all black and blast rap music live like a buncha "N-Words" too.
Heck some of them white kids talk more "Brotha" than a Real Brotha .
Then ya got all these white woman screing brthoas got like 5/6 kids all diferent dads too
the guy is awesome
*GHETTOBLASTER » Today, 3:23 pm » wrote: ↑ The [[[JWO]]] used their mass media empire to create the WIGGERS by glorifying Chimp Gangsta Rap Cultcha.....
The [[[JWO]]] created the HIPPIES, HIPSTERS, WOMENS LIB [a biggie], SJWS, expanded all forms of WHITE MALE *** and every other society debasing social trend that you see in force today.
Its a Garbage kinda culture.TwoIfByTea » 5 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ Take you back in the day Silk The Shocker.
When Cracked Cocaine & Gunfire Ruled the Streets.
Problem out politcal system we actually gave these kinda power a seat at the Table.TwoIfByTea » 8 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ Its a Garbage kinda culture.
Somebody needs actually go down there & Tell them people the Truth too..
Who did you vote for?Sumela » Today, 2:01 pm » wrote: ↑ Just now...Trump changes the plan for the 5th time....
""we have decided to give Palis "flu blankets", liquor, and put them US Indian reservations.
We will then build them casinos to cover our crimes and guilt"
TwoIfByTea » Today, 4:35 pm » wrote: ↑ Take you back in the day Silk The Shocker.
When Cracked Cocaine & Gunfire Ruled the Streets.
Im not exactly what Rap Music and Gangsta Culture has to do with "Jewish" people.
There were tens of thousands of jews living peacefully in the region,not being bothered by this mythical "hate" you are tarding about.TwoIfByTea » Today, 12:26 pm » wrote: ↑ Let me ask ya this too ..
So we just give Palestians the Land.
Theres still the "Hatred" in their hearts.
Do ya understand to Muslim People ya Kill the "Infadel" ya convert or "Die"
I dont see that all I see is the wars all the shootings and bombings on Tv.Cannonpointer » 8 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ There were tens of thousands of jews living peacefully in the region,not being bothered by this mythical "hate" you are tarding about.
The hate was brought by the ashkenazi invasion - not by the jews who lived in that land for centuries, side by side with their palestinan neighbors.
You are spewing narrative, and it has the intellectual integrity of a cartoon.
They push it duh - and they make it a crime if we don't go along, and pretend it is "culturally enriching us."TwoIfByTea » 50 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ Im not exactly what Rap Music and Gangsta Culture has to do with "Jewish" people.
Please do "Enlighten" me Im listening okay
I bought some beer earlier was just pepsi.
Right. You don't know **** about it except what your media masters want you to "know."TwoIfByTea » 12 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ I dont see that all I see is the wars all the shootings and bombings on Tv.
Yes. We supported them, and called them, "moderate rebels." Just for the record, "moderate" and "rebel" are two words that exist in opposition. Only an absolute idiot would believe there are "moderate rebels." The very act of rebellion is immoderate.
No.TwoIfByTea » 12 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ Even Isreal wants Russia back run their military bases in Syria
No, al qaieda, armed and trained and funded by the US, pushed them out. Along with a ragtag assortment of kurds and whey and turks and caicos.TwoIfByTea » 12 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ But for ages we supported thw Civil War take out "ASSAD".
Now Assad is "Gone" Al-Queda moved in
That middle name is damned impressive...almost scary.TwoIfByTea » 4 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ I bought some beer earlier was just pepsi.
Squirted Beer thru my nose reading that one.
I guess in my Religion we gotta stand by the Jews they are "Gods" people okay.Cannonpointer » 6 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ They push it duh - and they make it a crime if we don't go along, and pretend it is "culturally enriching us."
Meanwhile, they live in their own purely jewish ethnic enclaves, while suing us if we try that ****.
Jesus said His people are called by His name.TwoIfByTea » 46 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ I guess in my Religion we gotta stand by the Jews they are "Gods" people okay.
But that doesnt mean we cant call the Black Folks out the "Garbage Culture" it is.
Really some of the Brothas and Ministers try 2 Fix That but they get called "Uncle Tom" by their own people
I voted for Robert F. Kennedy Jr.