I Think He Meant "Moronotonically"...

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Yesterday 7:09 pm
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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I have some numbers here: If only people who had voted in 2022 had voted, Harris would have won the popular vote and also the Electoral College fairly easily. But if everyone had voted, Trump would have won the popular vote by nearly five points. And generally what you see now is that every measure of socioeconomic status and political engagement is just monotonically related to your chance of liking Trump.

 What is monotonically?
 Oh, yeah. Sorry.

 This is why Democrats can’t win. [Laughs.]

 That’s exactly right. I’m the problem.It’s basically that the lower your political engagement, education level or socioeconomic status, the less engaged you are in politics, the more Trumpy you are. And that just wasn’t true four years ago.

https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/18/opin ... -shor.html

Steve told ya....

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Yesterday 8:16 pm
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MErrKKKA is funny...hehehe
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Yesterday 8:45 pm
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Blackvegetable » Today, 7:09 pm » wrote: I have some numbers here: If only people who had voted in 2022 had voted, Harris would have won the popular vote and also the Electoral College fairly easily. But if everyone had voted, Trump would have won the popular vote by nearly five points. And generally what you see now is that every measure of socioeconomic status and political engagement is just monotonically related to your chance of liking Trump.

 What is monotonically?
 Oh, yeah. Sorry.

 This is why Democrats can’t win. [Laughs.]

 That’s exactly right. I’m the problem.It’s basically that the lower your political engagement, education level or socioeconomic status, the less engaged you are in politics, the more Trumpy you are. And that just wasn’t true four years ago.

https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/18/opin ... -shor.html

Steve told ya....

Another liberal Op-Ed in a liberal rag.

I'm shocked...SHOCKED I TELL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Yesterday 8:49 pm
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ConsRule » 8 minutes ago » wrote: Another liberal Op-Ed in a liberal rag.

I'm shocked...SHOCKED I TELL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You and BV are the opposite sides of the same coin.  You ****.
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Today 12:17 am
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19,744 posts
Blackvegetable » Yesterday, 7:09 pm » wrote: I have some numbers here: If only people who had voted in 2022 had voted, Harris would have won the popular vote and also the Electoral College fairly easily. But if everyone had voted, Trump would have won the popular vote by nearly five points. And generally what you see now is that every measure of socioeconomic status and political engagement is just monotonically related to your chance of liking Trump.

 What is monotonically?
 Oh, yeah. Sorry.

 This is why Democrats can’t win. [Laughs.]

 That’s exactly right. I’m the problem.It’s basically that the lower your political engagement, education level or socioeconomic status, the less engaged you are in politics, the more Trumpy you are. And that just wasn’t true four years ago.

https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/18/opin ... -shor.html

Steve told ya....

NYSlime's opinions are worth less than the hole I leave in a snowbank after taking a good piss... 
Image JuCo 5 percenter... “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime” LAVRENTIY BERIA "Try to get past your passionate ignorance and learn to accept what actually happened." brown's unheeded words of wisdom :rofl:
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Today 12:55 am
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Blackvegetable » Yesterday, 7:09 pm » wrote: I have some numbers here: If only people who had voted in 2022 had voted, Harris would have won the popular vote and also the Electoral College fairly easily. But if everyone had voted, Trump would have won the popular vote by nearly five points. And generally what you see now is that every measure of socioeconomic status and political engagement is just monotonically related to your chance of liking Trump.

 What is monotonically?
 Oh, yeah. Sorry.

 This is why Democrats can’t win. [Laughs.]

 That’s exactly right. I’m the problem.It’s basically that the lower your political engagement, education level or socioeconomic status, the less engaged you are in politics, the more Trumpy you are. And that just wasn’t true four years ago.

https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/18/opin ... -shor.html

Steve told ya....

You're so **** stupid and poorly educated you think ****** have contributed just as much as Caucasians have to the advancement of  mankind....... Image  
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