PhiloBeddo » Today, 11:14 am » wrote: ↑
Teaching worthless leftist indoctrinated ****. Creating generations of anti-American assholes. Colleges should not be funded by one dime of taxpayer money. It should be illegal for any foreign student to protest. Any non citizen should be deported for any crime or protesting.
My guess is that by the 1980s many of the elite schools had begun to purge their faculty of Conservatives.
In 1980 I went to a JC in North Sand Diego County [Palomar JC].
The professors of the worthless "Humanities" courses I was forced to take were all Libtards.
"**** Courses" like Gerontology and Anasazi Mythology were taught by shabby looking Libtard Hippies.
Courses like Anatomy, Biology, Math, Anthropology and even Astronomy, Political Science and Philosophy were all taught by suit wearing Conservatives.
Political Science was taught by an ex State Rep [Republican][ who had a firm grasp about what was in store for the great State of California [Mexifornia] in the years to come.