You're on dope. Northern Ireland has a greater chance of rejoining the irish republic. The Germans renounced all claims. On top of that, Germany today is a colonized weakling that cannot fight its way out of a wet paper bag. They have POTENTIAL - they're Germany, FFS. They've done comebacks. One was rather famous.Skans » Yesterday, 10:51 am » wrote: ↑ You've been watching gay porn again; can't tell the real thing from a fake anymore.
Anyway, get your people out of illegal, Russian Colonial tyranny of Königsberg. The Krauts and the Pols are taking it. It's a New Europe, baby, and Königsberg must be reunited with its lawful owners.
Your mind is in the same league of capability as Murdock's social mentality. Must have been the social nurturing you received since birth.
Because you are stupid, you ask rhetorical questions of others.
Skans » Yesterday, 12:57 pm » wrote: ↑ Every word that comes from your keyboard is some new homosexual reference. Well, at least you're only into old men, not little boys like BV is. Now we know why you fled to America - you can't fantasize about men-on-men sex acts in Muzzy countries or Russia.
Good stuff - thanks, man!EDC4ALL! » Yesterday, 3:20 pm » wrote: ↑ Vlad the Bad. ... astructure
The Syrian and Russian armed forces’ repeated attacks on civilian infrastructure in Idlib in northwest Syria were apparent war crimes and may amount to crimes against humanity, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Dozens of unlawful air and ground strikes on hospitals, schools, and markets from April 2019 to March 2020 killed hundreds of civilians. ... tern-syria
Approximately 45 Civilians Killed, Including 13 Children, and 51 Vital Civilian Facilities Targeted From October 5-12, 2023 ... -un-reportRussia committed war crimes in Syria, finds UN report ... ing-aleppo
Russia/Syria: War Crimes in Month of Bombing Aleppo
The Violations Documentation Center, a Syrian civil monitoring organization, documented that the bombing campaign killed more than 440 civilians, including more than 90 children. Airstrikes often appeared to be recklessly indiscriminate, deliberately targeted at least one medical facility, and included the use of indiscriminate weapons such as cluster munitions and incendiary weapons.
Since gay men started swilling propaganda.31stArrival » Today, 7:13 am » wrote: ↑ Since when do soldiers were jewelry in dress uniforms ready for combat beyond dog tag for identification of body when blown to bits.
You're right. I'm going to have to severely discipline the one wearing the bracelet. First, I'm going to make her read 5 of your posts. Then......well, you won't be involved with "then".31stArrival » Today, 7:13 am » wrote: ↑ Since when do soldiers were jewelry in dress uniforms ready for combat beyond dog tag for identification of body when blown to bits.
The day you become honest about evolving in plain sight is the day you stop corrupting your own self imposed corruption serving humanity's artificial tomorrows 7 days a week every rotation forward from here now.Skans » 21 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ You're right. I'm going to have to severely discipline the one wearing the bracelet. First, I'm going to make her read 5 of your posts. Then......well, you won't be involved with "then".
If you were a woman, you'd be a real boner-killer.31stArrival » 7 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ The day you become honest about evolving in plain sight is the day you stop corrupting your own self imposed corruption serving humanity's artificial tomorrows 7 days a week every rotation forward from here now.
I am not changing anything how evolving has always been self evident to any ancestor living within their own means of adapting since displaced a fertilize cell equally inhabiting space so far.
Your ideology doesn't save the species from itself daily. That is why humanity fails in every attempt to pretend now isn't eternity since dawn of civilization.
Wow, that was so superficial. Typical nurtured mind casting reasonable doubt forward. Not an ounce of brain capacity to navigate evolving in plain sight showing.
What an astute observation - I am a superficial kind of guy. You just realizing this???31stArrival » Today, 10:29 am » wrote: ↑ Wow, that was so superficial. Typical nurtured mind casting reasonable doubt forward. Not an ounce of brain capacity to navigate evolving in plain sight showing.
Known it after the first post of yours I ever read. Typical typecast personality of a nurtured since birth social mentality defending your self anointed stereo typical behavior of "we are better than you." mantra..Skans » Today, 12:30 pm » wrote: ↑ What an astute observation - I am a superficial kind of guy. You just realizing this???