Trust the government? JK...

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By Deezer Shoove
20 Mar 2025 10:42 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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Harper Lee
Yesterday 3:11 pm
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DeezerShoove » 7 minutes ago » wrote: What lie? He found a bullet.
Where's the lie? Please explain.
He found the bullet in the car and put it on the stretcher ..

If this pristine bullet makes no sense why would it even been there?
If this bullet makes no sense why was it in the car?

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Deezer Shoove
Yesterday 3:12 pm
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HarperLee » 13 minutes ago » wrote: Think ..
You are murdering a sitting president and there's numerous people and agencies involved.

Why leave behind a pristine bullet?

Numerous people and agencies had motive. You don't know that they were involved.
The bullet? You tell me. I see no reason except to confuse matters.
Please seat yourself.


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Deezer Shoove
Yesterday 3:14 pm
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HarperLee » 4 minutes ago » wrote: He found the bullet in the car and put it on the stretcher ..

If this pristine bullet makes no sense why would it even been there?
If this bullet makes no sense why was it in the car?

I don't know the details to which you refer. Did he lie about where he found it?
Please seat yourself.


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jerra b
Yesterday 3:17 pm
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start to turn to my left before I felt anythine.
It is not concrivahle to me that I could hare been hit by the first bullet,
and then I felt the bln\r from something which was obviously a bullet, which
I assumed was a bullet, and I never heard the second shot, didn’t hear it.
I didn’t hear but two shots. I think I heard the first shot and the third shot.
Mr. SPECTER. Do you hare any idea as to why you did not hear the second
Governor COSX~I.I.Y. \T’ell, first. again I assume the bullet was traveling
faster than the sound. I n-as hit by the bullet prior to the time the sound
renrhed me. and I was in either a stat-o of shnc.1; or the impact was such that
the sound didn’t even register on me. lnit I n-as never conscious of hearing the
second shot at all.
Obfiously, at least the majnr nound that I took in the shoulder through the
chest couldn’t have been anTthing bnt thr sewnd shot. ObrionslF, it couldn’t
have Iwen tlic, third. lwc;mw \vlirn tlitb third shot \vns fired I was in a reclining
ljositinn, and heard it, saw it and the effcc3ts of it, rather-1 didn’t see it,
I saw the effects of it-so it obviously could not hare been the third, and couldn’t
have been the first, in my judgment.
Mr. SPECTER. What was the nature of the exit wound on the front side of
your chest, Governor?
Governor COSSAIJ.~. I would say, if the Committee would be interested,
I would just as soon you look at it. Is there any objection to any of you
Iooking at it?
Governor COSSALT.Y. You can tell Fourself.
I would say, to describe it for the recaord, however, that it, the bullet. went
in my- back jllst below the right shoulder blade, at just about the point that
the right arm joins the shoulder, right in that groove, and esited about 2 inches
toward the center of the body Porn the right nipple of my chest. I can identify
these for you.
The bullet went in here-see if I properly describe that-about the juncture
of the right arm and the shoulder.
Nr. SPECTER. Let the record show that the Governor has removed his shirt
and we can view the wnund on the back which he is pointing toward.
Governor COSSALLY. The other two are tubes that mere inserted in my back
by the doctors.
Jlr. SPECTER. Dr. Sham is present and he can. perhaps, describe Fith identifi
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jerra b
Yesterday 3:23 pm
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HarperLee » 14 minutes ago » wrote: He found the bullet in the car and put it on the stretcher ..

If this pristine bullet makes no sense why would it even been there?
If this bullet makes no sense why was it in the car?

zapruder film in real time,

and the bullet supposedly struck connolly passed thru chest etc in fractions of second and enter kennedy.

 plus the shot that hit kennedy came from above
Harper Lee
Yesterday 3:26 pm
8,977 posts
DeezerShoove » 12 minutes ago » wrote: I don't know the details to which you refer. Did he lie about where he found it?
The agent found a bullet in the car.
And put it on the stretcher.

Harper Lee
Yesterday 3:46 pm
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Why would anyone trying to get away with murdering the president leave a bullet behind that would make it look like this massive conspiracy?

It's because the bullet was fired by Oswald and was in the car.
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jerra b
Yesterday 3:53 pm
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HarperLee » 45 minutes ago » wrote: He found the bullet in the car and put it on the stretcher ..

If this pristine bullet makes no sense why would it even been there?
If this bullet makes no sense why was it in the car? ... agical.htm
The Magic Bullet: Even More Magical Than We Knew?Gary Aguilar and Josiah ThompsonIntroductionAmong the myriad JFK assassination controversies, none more cleanly divides Warren Commission supporter from skeptic than the “Single Bullet Theory.” The brainchild of a former Warren Commission lawyer, Mr. Arlen Specter, now the senior Senator from Pennsylvania, the theory is the sine qua non of the Warren Commission’s case that with but three shots, including one that missed, Lee Harvey Oswald had single handedly altered the course of history. [Fig. 1]Mr. Specter’s hypothesis was not one that immediately leapt to mind from the original evidence and the circumstances of the shooting. It was, rather, born of necessity, if one sees as a necessity the keeping of Oswald standing alone in the dock. The theory had to contend with the considerable evidence there was suggesting that more than one shooter was involved.For example, because the two victims in Dealey Plaza, President Kennedy and Governor John Connally, had suffered so many wounds – eight in all, it had originally seemed as if more than two slugs from the supposed “sniper’s nest” would have been necessary to explain all the damage. In addition, a home movie taken by a bystander, Abraham Zapruder, showed that too little time had elapsed between the apparent shots that hit both men in the back for Oswald to have fired, reacquired his target, and fired again. The Single Bullet Theory neatly solved both problems. It posited that a single, nearly whole bullet that was later recovered had caused all seven of the non-fatal wounds sustained by both men.[1]ImageFigure 1. CE #399. Warren Commission Exhibit #399, said to have caused both of JFK’s non-fatal wounds and all five of the Governor Connally’s wounds, is shown in two views, above left. Arlen Specter theorized the bullet had followed a path much like the one shown at right. (National Archives photo)But the bullet that was recovered had one strikingly peculiar feature: it had survived all the damage it had apparently caused virtually unscathed itself. The shell’s near-pristine appearance, which prompted some to call it the “magic bullet,” left many skeptics wondering whether the bullet in evidence had really done what the Commission had said it had done. Additional skepticism was generated by the fact the bullet was not found in or around either victim. It was found instead on a stretcher at the hospital where the victims were treated.
Harper Lee
Yesterday 4:27 pm
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Tell us.  If there was this big conspiracy to kill Kennedy why leave a pristine bullet in the car and then claim it came from Oswald? If anything it makes the case MORE suspicious  Oswald fired 3 timesFact! Like the Warren Commission concluded 
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Deezer Shoove
Yesterday 4:38 pm
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HarperLee » Today, 3:26 pm » wrote: The agent found a bullet in the car.
And put it on the stretcher.

Again... What was the lie?
I'll guess: He said (for some reason) he found it on the stretcher?
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Harper Lee
Yesterday 4:55 pm
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DeezerShoove » 19 minutes ago » wrote: Again... What was the lie?
I'll guess: He said (for some reason) he found it on the stretcher?
There was no lie.
The agent found the bullet in the car and put it on the stretcher 

If this perfect bullet was planted then they should have realized that it would make no sense ..
Unless of course it wasn't planted 
It came from Oswald's gun 

If all these people planned the murder of the president and frame Oswald why in hell would they leave behind a pristine bullet and claim it went through Kennedy?

Because that's exactly what did happen

In over 60 years still nothing but conspiracies 

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Deezer Shoove
Yesterday 5:14 pm
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HarperLee » 22 minutes ago » wrote: There was no lie.
The agent found the bullet in the car and put it on the stretcher 

If this perfect bullet was planted then they should have realized that it would make no sense ..
Unless of course it wasn't planted 
It came from Oswald's gun 

If all these people planned the murder of the president and frame Oswald why in hell would they leave behind a pristine bullet and claim it went through Kennedy?

Because that's exactly what did happen

In over 60 years still nothing but conspiracies

You understand that a bullet becomes deformed upon impact with just about anything, right?
A human body wrapped in clothing WILL leave a mark on a soft material like lead traveling at speed.
So far you make no sense.
I'd love to see what it would take to stop a fired slug in a manner that leaves the bullet in perfect shape.
My stance is that a body won't. Anything's possible. Just ain't probable.
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jerra b
Yesterday 5:51 pm
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HarperLee » 58 minutes ago » wrote: There was no lie.
The agent found the bullet in the car and put it on the stretcher 

If this perfect bullet was planted then they should have realized that it would make no sense ..
Unless of course it wasn't planted 
It came from Oswald's gun 

If all these people planned the murder of the president and frame Oswald why in hell would they leave behind a pristine bullet and claim it went through Kennedy?

Because that's exactly what did happen

In over 60 years still nothing but conspiracies

 when there is a commission that is nothing but a cover up conspiracy theories are just what happen. there is no way one bullet hit both connolly and kennedy and the last frame proves it.

a little inconvenience called the zapruder film made it a little bit harder to say it was one shooter, also the angle does not look like it came from the book store.
Harper Lee
Yesterday 6:18 pm
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jerrab » 27 minutes ago » wrote:  when there is a commission that is nothing but a cover up conspiracy theories are just what happen. there is no way one bullet hit both connolly and kennedy and the last frame proves it.

a little inconvenience called the zapruder film made it a little bit harder to say it was one shooter, also the angle does not look like it came from the book store.
I disagree
It's very possible both men were hit by the same bullet.

This scenario has happened many times before in combat.

Why would a pristine bullet show up?

Connelly said there was 3 shots
And Warren agreed
And Oswald shot 3 times.

But they decided to confuse everyone and drop a pristine bullet in the mix?
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jerra b
Today 2:01 am
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HarperLee » Yesterday, 6:18 pm » wrote: I disagree
It's very possible both men were hit by the same bullet.

This scenario has happened many times before in combat.

Why would a pristine bullet show up?

Connelly said there was 3 shots
And Warren agreed
And Oswald shot 3 times.

But they decided to confuse everyone and drop a pristine bullet in the mix?

The House Select Committee on AssassinationsThe HSCA Final Report in 1979 did agree with the Warren Report's conclusion in 1964 that two bullets caused all of President Kennedy's and Governor Connally's injuries, and that both bullets were fired by Oswald from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository.------------------------  in other words, the third shot did not hit anyone according to the wc.
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