start to turn to my left before I felt anythine.
It is not concrivahle to me that I could hare been hit by the first bullet,
and then I felt the bln\r from something which was obviously a bullet, which
I assumed was a bullet, and I never heard the second shot, didn’t hear it.
I didn’t hear but two shots. I think I heard the first shot and the third shot.
Mr. SPECTER. Do you hare any idea as to why you did not hear the second
Governor COSX~I.I.Y. \T’ell, first. again I assume the bullet was traveling
faster than the sound. I n-as hit by the bullet prior to the time the sound
renrhed me. and I was in either a stat-o of shnc.1; or the impact was such that
the sound didn’t even register on me. lnit I n-as never conscious of hearing the
second shot at all.
Obfiously, at least the majnr nound that I took in the shoulder through the
chest couldn’t have been anTthing bnt thr sewnd shot. ObrionslF, it couldn’t
have Iwen tlic, third. lwc;mw \vlirn tlitb third shot \vns fired I was in a reclining
ljositinn, and heard it, saw it and the effcc3ts of it, rather-1 didn’t see it,
I saw the effects of it-so it obviously could not hare been the third, and couldn’t
have been the first, in my judgment.
Mr. SPECTER. What was the nature of the exit wound on the front side of
your chest, Governor?
Governor COSSAIJ.~. I would say, if the Committee would be interested,
I would just as soon you look at it. Is there any objection to any of you
Iooking at it?
Governor COSSALT.Y. You can tell Fourself.
I would say, to describe it for the recaord, however, that it, the bullet. went
in my- back jllst below the right shoulder blade, at just about the point that
the right arm joins the shoulder, right in that groove, and esited about 2 inches
toward the center of the body Porn the right nipple of my chest. I can identify
these for you.
The bullet went in here-see if I properly describe that-about the juncture
of the right arm and the shoulder.
Nr. SPECTER. Let the record show that the Governor has removed his shirt
and we can view the wnund on the back which he is pointing toward.
Governor COSSALLY. The other two are tubes that mere inserted in my back
by the doctors.
Jlr. SPECTER. Dr. Sham is present and he can. perhaps, describe Fith identifi