I've watched it countless times..
Your argument is that Connelly didn't move quick enough after he was shot..??jerrab » 7 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ the warren commision said one bullet hit both connolly and kennedy, and connoly said kennedy was hit by another bullet after he was hit--
time line- kennedy was shot behind the sign.
seconds later connolly was shot
then kennedy from a bullet that came
from above and did not exit connolly.
You probably won't believe this...jerrab » 17 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ The brainchild of a former Warren Commission lawyer, Mr. Arlen Specter, now the senior Senator from Pennsylvania, the theory is the sine qua non of the Warren Commission’s case that with but three shots, including one that missed, Lee Harvey Oswald had single handedly altered the course of history. [https://history-
all 3 bullets hit someone.
oswald was not allowed a lawyer and then he gets shot.HarperLee » 21 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ You probably won't believe this...
At one time I thought it was a conspiracy....
I watched the movie JFK and was positive it was this massive conspiracy by numerous government agencies.
Then I did my own research
I discovered everything that happened that day could have happened.
If this conspiracy did exist how did Oswald survive 2 days and talk to detectives?
He would have been killed during his arrest.
"Case Closed" by Posner was the best book I ever read.
It debunked all the theories and scenarios
Can an X marine shoot from 88 yards away a moving target?
It's been done numerous times.
Can one bullet go into 2 different men?
Been done plenty of times in combat.
Oswald killed the president.
He did it alone after planning it for weeks.
He then killed a Dallas Police officer and hid in a theatre
during his get away.
If this 24 year old kid was the fall guy the assassins around him would make sure he was killed immediately after he left the school depository.
They'd never allow him to be taken into custody for a couple days
Just my .02
As I understand some of it. Lady Bird Johnson owned Rubber Plantations in Vietnam. We were building cars with tires at a full steam rate. Losing the rubber would put a pothole on the path to prosperity getting America rolling.DeezerShoove » 20 Mar 2025, 10:42 pm » wrote: ↑ I just happened to see this today.
Never watched this guy before.
10min. video.
https://rumble.com/v6qxjvy-higbie-on-jf ... nt-ca.html
He wanted a lawyer from NY
Works for me. If there is an alternative reality to the past we aren't ever going to know for sure.HarperLee » 31 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ You probably won't believe this...
At one time I thought it was a conspiracy....
I watched the movie JFK and was positive it was this massive conspiracy by numerous government agencies.
Then I did my own research
I discovered everything that happened that day could have happened.
If this conspiracy did exist how did Oswald survive 2 days and talk to detectives?
He would have been killed during his arrest.
"Case Closed" by Posner was the best book I ever read.
It debunked all the theories and scenarios
Can an X marine shoot from 88 yards away a moving target?
It's been done numerous times.
Can one bullet go into 2 different men?
Been done plenty of times in combat.
Oswald killed the president.
He did it alone after planning it for weeks.
He then killed a Dallas Police officer and hid in a theatre
during his get away.
If this 24 year old kid was the fall guy the assassins around him would make sure he was killed immediately after he left the school depository.
They'd never allow him to be taken into custody for a couple days
Just my .02
Oswald wanted a lawyer in NY named John Abt.
I've really dug into the assassination.JohnnyYou » 4 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ Works for me. If there is an alternative reality to the past we aren't ever going to know for sure.
I still think it is possible the secret service guys took a hole punch to Trump's ear in the huddle on the deck. And Corey Compadore was way off the line of fire by several degrees. Crooks is gone like a freight train and was dropped from sight within a week.
HarperLee » 8 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ Oswald wanted a lawyer in NY named John Abt.
He was allowed a lawyer.
You're wrong.
All people arrested are allowed a lawyer.
Oswald wanted John Abt in NY
-------------------------------------HarperLee » 5 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ Oswald wanted John Abt in NY
You're simply wrong
He was offered numerous lawyers but refused.
Wrongjerrab » 8 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ -------------------------------------
Lee Harvey Oswald, the accused assassin of President Kennedy, was denied legal representation during his detention and questioning, though he expressed a desire for a lawyer, and was not allowed to meet with an attorney before being shot and killed.
Like I said, your analysis will not meet rejection from me.HarperLee » 21 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ I've really dug into the assassination.
Everything that happened that day could have happened.
So the accused assassin of the president was told he could not have a lawyer?jerrab » 8 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ -------------------------------------
Lee Harvey Oswald, the accused assassin of President Kennedy, was denied legal representation during his detention and questioning, though he expressed a desire for a lawyer, and was not allowed to meet with an attorney before being shot and killed.
/////////////////////////////////////HarperLee » 15 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ Oswald wanted John Abt in NY
You're simply wrong
He was offered numerous lawyers but refused.
You appear to bring up everything in Stone's movie.
Most of it has been debunked
jerrab » 4 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ /////////////////////////////////////
Mr. LIEBELER. Did you ever discuss your father with Lee Oswald?
Mr. PAINE. On a phone call shortly after the assassination he called
and thought it was outrageous to be pinning Lee Oswald who was a
scapegoat, an ideal person to hang the blame on. ( 2 H 392 )
Lee Harvey Oswald claimed that the Dallas Police would not let him
have a lawyer. He repeatedly asked for "someone to come forward and
give me legal assistance". Nearly every single time he appeared before
reporters, he lamented about not having counsel on his behalf.//////////////////// more to come.....