Skans » 11 minutes ago » wrote: ↑
Total ****. Israel is in a form of a representative democracy. If you are going to say otherwise, then back up what you are saying.
LOL - Palestinians started a war with Israel. They got what they bargained for. They thought they could win. They thought taking hostages would thwart Israel's defense. They f-ed around and found out. Now they
(and you) are crying about loss of "innocent" life when a soverign nation beats them at a war they started.
I do - I call it exactly the way that I see it. Got no problem doing it either.
I have read quite a bit of history, from WWI up to WWII and through modern times. I know exactly who controlled (and legally owned) what land and how it got that way. I know where the so-called "Gazans" really came from and where the so-called "Palestinians" living in the west-bank territory also came from.
See, I don't just read "
their" history - whoever "
their" is supposed to be. I read all accounts of what really happened even prior to WWI. Its F-ing well documented. It is well documented how Britain got control over that entire region; why they got control and how that control was legitimate. When the Ottoman Empire was defeated, its territories were divided among the Allied Powers - i.e. Great Britain and France. As I've said many times, TO THE VICTORS GO THE SPOILS OF WAR. Britain and France were free to divide up the sparsely populated, formerly Ottoman-owned territories how they saw fit. The Muslims sided with the enemy and got their ****-sand-*** asses blown to bits. So, start with that. Perhaps you thought Germany and the Ottoman Empire should have won WWI. If so, then you are free to make that point.
Warmongers who start wars that they cannot win, deserve whatever bits and scraps the victors ALLOW them to have. As for me, I'm not nearly as kind as the Brits and the French. After WWI, I would have rounded up all Central Power supporters, including their families and have summarily exterminated anyone over the age of 12. Only fools allow their enemies to survive a war that their enemies started.