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Johnny You
7 Mar 2025 12:58 pm
7 Mar 2025 12:58 pm
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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Vegas » 4 minutes ago » wrote:  A challenge for BV. @Cannonpointer  though we both know he will not accept, but just in case the planets happen to be aligned to induce an anomaly, would you mind modding?
The stakes.
If I lose, then I am permanently banned. If he loses then he is banned for a month. 

What a deal!
Ladies and gentlemen, longtime forum warriors, and admirers of Olympic-level debate dodging,

We are gathered here today to honor a true forum legend. A man who has spent years perfecting the fine art of copy-pasting, cherry-picking, dodging direct challenges, and calling people stupid as his only counterargument. Yes, I am, of course, talking about @Blackvegetable  , the grandmaster of quoting without comprehension.
 In his honor, I am issuing a simple challenge that he will, without question, refuse to accept.Below is my full statement on job creation:

 Now, here’s the challenge for Veghead
  1. Debunk it in your own words. No copy-pasting, no link dumps. Just an actual, reasoned response.
  2. No cherry-picking. Address the entire statement, not just one sentence out of context.
  3. No insults as a replacement for an argument. If “so stupid” is your best response, you’ve already lost.
  4. Explain why my analysis is wrong. If net job numbers are an accurate reflection of job creation, prove it. If AI job growth doesn't overshadow manufacturing losses, explain why.
This should be easy if my statement is as wrong as he claims. So, what will it be? Will the Copy-Paste King finally step up and offer an actual argument, or will he do what we all expect—dodge, cherry-pick, and post another quote with an insult?We all know the answer, but hey, let’s give him a chance to prove us wrong.

Elon will give you 8 billion dollars if you can find his penis and take the chainsaw back from the Cabinet.

Or Maybe he said million?
Updated 3 minutes ago
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