Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
1,248 posts
Don't let your kid take any mice to school. Harry will become Sally and Vice Versa...
You still haven't heard that the ancient COBOL data has some errors in it? Joe Rogan brought the tidbit of info to me. He talked to someone who works at the IRS. I there are 70 million dead people getting SS can we at least arrest whoever is buying the beer with the cash? A mere 63 million checks go out a month so there is some context in the MAGAmethics. Musk can't smell errata if it hits him in the face?
What's a rat phuck is Elon claimed he saved us 8 Billion dollars and came back with a Pee Wee Herman "I'm Sorry" and removed three zeros from the claim.
There were rumors the current claim of 55 billion may actually only be 2 Billion.